Chapter 2 - Pingcheng No.1 High school Psychology Club

June 9, 2016, summer.

The weather was sunny and the sky cloudless.

However, Fang Yuan, who was asleep on the bed, suddenly felt cold.

“I feel like I forgot something….”

After opening his eyes, Fang Yuan looked at the ceiling and rubbed his head.

That's right!


Today was the day of the college entrance examination, and also it was the last day of the college entrance examination.

He reached out to his mobile phone to see the time, and Fang Yuan was suddenly surprised,

“The alarm didn't ring?…”

After flusteredly putting down the mobile phone, Fang Yuan's heart clattered, Darn! Just yesterday, he made an appointment with his senior sister who was going through the college entrance examination that he would cheer for her today… As a result,… he woke up late?

He went to bed early last night, so it was reasonable to say that even if the alarm didn’t ring, he shouldn’t be sleeping till noon.




Just then, a message box popped up.

Senior sister: The morning battle exam went very smoothly, the opponent’s Pikachu was too weak.

“Haha, it seems that the result is good.”Just as Fang Yuan was going to reply with congratulations and apologize at the same time, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Battle exam?


You didn’t go to the college entrance examination? You were actually playing Pokemon!

“I must be still sleeping.”

At this time… a bunch of information boxes popped up again, it was from Penguin news.

The title of the first news was very outrageous. Fang Yuan glanced at it and felt even more uneasy.

“Four Professional trainers explored the secret realms of the great valley in western Liaoning region and encountered fierce Aerodactyl pokemon of ancient times, only one person survived! ”

Fang Yuan frowned and opened the comment section.

Talk to you in the future: Aerodactyl? Dragon? Again a new species of dragon pokemon is discovered?

Big chrysanthemums are important: It seems that the area of western Liaoning is going to be lively. Whoever subdues the Aerodactyl will definitely become famous, but even four professional trainers are not its opponent, this Aerodactyl's strength is certainly not ordinary.

Mountain pears are big: What? a new species of pokemon appeared again? Strongly protest! We must resolutely resist adding new pokemon information to textbooks!

At this moment, Fang Yuan felt a headache. Psyduck gets a headache, it awakens psychic powers, but when he got a headache, he awakened a lot of memories.

A few minutes later, the agonizing Fang Yuan suddenly showed a complicated expression.

He figured out what was going on.

“No wonder, I am still Fang Yuan…”

“But the history of the world…”

Whether it was the Pikachu that the Senior sister mentioned or the Aerodactyl reported on penguin news, they really exist.

One hundred years ago, countless special spaces called "Secret Realms" suddenly appeared all over the world. The expedition team of various countries discovered that each secret realm is a new world independent of the earth and various ‘Magical creatures’ live there. These Magical creatures hold terrible abilities that surpass the power of cold and hot weapons.Many years later, the secret realm “Viridian Forest” merged with the earth for the first time, and for the first time Magic creatures descended to the earth. Among them, there were many aggressive magical creatures, but also there were many who were close to human beings.

As more secret realms merged with the earth’s space, the first war between humans and magical creatures broke out, which is known as the War of Magical creatures in history. This war made human science and technology develop rapidly, and at the same time learning more about these magical creatures.

When the first War of Magical Creatures ended, an organization called the Pokemon Alliance was established, its members were all the countries of the world. The Pokemon Alliance got the status of leading the world, and in that year, the Magical creatures were officially called ‘Pokemon’ by humans.

Soon after, the modern Pokeball used to conquer pokemon was invented by Dr.Ron at Celadon University. At the same time, in order to guard against the danger of the secret realm, but also to prevent someone from having the opportunity to privately enjoy the great benefits that the secret realm may bring, various countries established trainers associations and the trainer profession for the first time appeared on the world stage.

In the 21st century, countries all over the world hoped to be able to cultivate more trainers, the reason is countries' supreme state secret. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of educational institutions and the sound development of aspiring trainers, China has reformed some universities and colleges, redefining the concept of key universities, implemented 16-year-old trainer law, increased the proportion of pokemon related disciplines, and included pokemon battle into the college entrance examination system.

“It’s really a pokemon…”

Fang Yuan slapped his cheek.

When he woke up, the world changed drastically. The creatures of the ‘Pokemon’ series merged with the real world. Was there anything more absurd than this?

Fang Yuan quickly ran to the bathroom and washed his face with a handful of cold water. Then, he once again sorted out his current situation, but his heart was still beating fast.

Thankfully, he was still a high school student of Pingcheng No.1 High school. His parents have not changed, his home address has not changed, and his interpersonal relationship has not changed. The difference was that Pingcheng No. 1 High School in this world was one of the key high schools, the kind that focuses on cultivating trainers. Therefore, unlike ordinary high schools, Pingcheng No1 High school mainly teaches knowledge about pokemon during the three years of high school, and in the summer of the second year of high school, every high school student will have their own pokemon and register as a trainer.

The difference between ordinary high school and key high school lies not only in the difference of subjects but also in the tuition fee.

Key high schools, which aim at cultivating trainers, invest a lot of resources in their students. The tuition fee for the third year of high school alone was 200,000 yuan, this was after not including the cost of registering as trainers. Therefore the economy has become a threshold for most people to become trainers.

Fang Yuan will also be registering as a trainer in this summer vacation to prepare for the upcoming college entrance examination.

Thunder, fire, water, wind, in the beginning, humans called them ‘Magical creatures’, these pokemon hold strong powers. As a trainer, humans subdued pokemon, trained pokemon, fought with pokemon, and cultivated pokemon. An excellent trainer can maximize the potential power of the pokemon.

The extraordinary power of the pokemon could take the place of trainers to accomplish many things that couldn’t be accomplished by human power.

This new profession has already become the mainstream of the world, and all walks of life were closely related to it.

In this world, because of the emergence of the secret realm, the Pokemon series did not appear, and the number of pokemon species explored by humans was only 702.

It was far from the more than 800 kinds of pokemon that he remembered.

Characteristics, moves, tactics, attributes, and treasures were also all in the exploratory stage. It was obvious that in less than a hundred years humans haven't fully understood the pokemon and none of the systematic works have recorded them comprehensively.

With a wry smile, Fang Yuan picked up his mobile phone again, said "Congratulations" to his senior sister, and apologized for getting up late.

She should really be congratulated. If the students from key high schools successfully enter university and work harder in the next four years, they will have great hope to become professional trainers. Unlike ordinary trainers who can be registered if they have money, the professional trainer was both a profession and class. With the professional trainer license, 95% of public facilities in various countries can be used for free and the treatment was first class, this was also the dream of ‘Fang Yuan’.

Chapter 2 - Pingcheng No.1 High school Psychology Club
