Wargen (2)

“W-what the!”

Astonishment painted Wargen’s face.


There was an explosion. Wargen reached out his fist, concentrating all his strength, but he couldn’t stop the loss. Kim Bongpal’s attack broke about half of Wargen’s large fist. Considering Wargen’s vitality and regenerative power, it would remain that way for less than a second. However, it was a time worthy of being considered minutes in a battle between Transcendents.

Clank! Clank!

Their blows continued to ring out. Wargen, expecting Kim Bongpal’s follow-ups, fired a storm of Trail Force in front of him. However, he knew that such a thing couldn’t stop his foe, and it was just a move to buy some time.


Therefore, Wargen moved back, trying to make up for the loss just now, and he used a huge amount of power to put a self-defense force in front of him.

It wasn’t a simple self-defense force that any peak-Master could do, but one that contained the principle of space that Wargen had learned through years of training. However, even this couldn’t completely block the incoming strikes.


Taking a deep breath, Wargen prepared for the shock. However.




It didn’t come. More precisely, the opponent was looking at his self-defense force without attacking.

“I learned something similar from Tearing Mind, but…doesn’t this look better?”

Then he muttered like that.



A moment later, he exuded the same self-defense force that Wargen just showed. The corner of his opponent’s mouth was twitching.


Wargen also chuckled. Both of them were laughing this time, but it was a little different from before. Wargen couldn’t remain unaware of what his opponent was doing now. He invested considerable time into learning several techniques, and his opponent absorbed every single one.

Was this even possible? A battle between Transcendents, and techniques of the Transcendents, to be copied so easily?


However, Wargen put such a question off until later. A normal warrior would have shivered at the sight of such an opponent and cursed at them. However, Wargen was different. The corners of his lips were also twitching, just like Kim Bongpal.

“Try this too!”

Saying so, Wargen went through an immature kick-and-run motion and stepped forward again, his fist already regenerated. At the same time, a storm of Trail Force divided into dozens of branches ahead of him, hiding a stealthy attack. Some of them hid their traces, and some of them were intangible.

Wargen was the pinnacle of werewolves, but he was strong, not just because he was simply a werewolf. He was also a warrior that transcended existence by honing his martial arts.

He was generous in revealing the essence of all that training now in his attacks. What if the other person absorbed them and made them his own? In the first place, were there even things you could build up alone in martial arts?


Wargen’s attack rushed at Kim Bongpal’s gap. However, the gaps visible when the attack launched were immediately filled as soon as the attack hit. How fast he was growing was amazing indeed.

Now Wargen had to take back what he said earlier. One step below himself? He could beat him at any time? Now, it was about Kim Bongpal, not Wargen.


Suddenly, both Kim Bongpal and Wargen were pushing each other with their power, but it was Kim Bongpal who unilaterally benefited from their battle. He saw the attacks, blocked them, then reinterpreted them to reproduce his own. However, Wargen didn’t hesitate to keep showing off.

Bang! Bang!

Once, twice, a dozen times. The space around them was devastated as they traded blows. Dust rose, and debris from the Trail Force swept the area. It had been long since Tearing Wind Sword, Warg, and the other werewolves fled.

But eventually, the energy storm subsided.

“Hahaha!”A roaring laugh erupted from Wargen, then too subsided.


Wargen let out a dry cough, tasting the blood in his mouth. He looked fine at first glance. However, as the dust gradually settled, Wargen’s abdomen had a hole the size of two fists. The flesh wriggled as if it would regenerate immediately, but it was a fatal wound.



No one spoke.

Wargen, the strongest warrior in Purple Clouds besides the Leader of Evil Alliance, was like that now. Who could have imagined?

The impact was extraordinary for the werewolves, who knew Wargen’s strength better than anyone else. Of course, that was the same for Tearing Wind Sword and Warg, who knew Kim Bongpal’s strength.


Anyway, it was Kim Bongpal who broke the silence. He was also covered in wounds.

“Hey, how long does it take to regenerate?”

Kim Bongpal asked, pointing to Wargen’s abdomen.

“Huh. How long, you ask? Humph!

Wargen smiled, concentrating mana in his abdomen and flexing. New flesh began to refill the wound, and after a few seconds, it had returned to normal.

“…Fuck. I’m a little jealous of that.”

“Hahaha! Is that so? So why don’t you become a werewolf?”

“No, that’s a bit…I don’t want to smell like a dog.”

Kim Bongpal shook his head at Wargen’s offer and swung his sword once. Then, the blade shattered. Throwing away the remaining handle, he took another out from the subspace.

“Would you like to play another round if you’re all right?”

“Of course!”

Wargen accepted the offer without hesitation.

* * *

They fought until battle was impossible, then recovered. The process was repeated three more times. The fight between Kim Bongpal and Wargen, which was somewhat equal at first, grew a wider gap as the battle went on. The time for either side to become unable to fight also gradually decreased. In fact, of the two, Wargen was the only one that continued to be unable to fight.

Anyway, the battle between the two was over, and from the end, or closer to the middle, Wargen had started treating Kim Bongpal like a friend. He didn’t bother to stop it, either. He actually really liked Wargen.

Not only how Wargen showered him with favor, but in many ways.

“Celestial Demon? You would like me to compare you with the Celestial Demon?”

“Yeah, I heard you fought her a few years ago.”

Wargen went silent for a moment when Kim Bongpal asked. It was a difficult question to answer. Of course, the advantage was clear if he compared Kim Bongpal now with the Celestial Demon he saw a few years ago. If she intended to kill Kim Bongpal, it wouldn’t be long before she got the desired result.

Kim Bongpal was now stronger than Wargen, but the impression that Celestial Demon left in him a few years ago was that strong. In front of her, he was little more than a puppy.

It was hard to imagine that the Celestial Demon would be defeated.

“It’s a defeat for now. However….”

Saying so, Wargen frowned. It was because of the growth Kim Bongpal showed in several battles that he felt it was difficult to answer. Enlightenment, realization…Kim Bongpal showed a sudden growth that such things could not define. Hence.

“…I don’t know in a few decades. Haah, and I don’t know. Aren’t you better than me now? Isn’t there no way we can gauge victory or defeat from the perspective of someone below?”

Wargen decided to give an ambiguous answer. He said Kim Bongpal would be defeated now, but it wouldn’t be possible to guarantee that superiority in a few decades. Of course, Wargen didn’t know how long it’d been since he became a warrior.

Others were years or decades. If he had known this fact, Wargen would have said a much shorter time than a few decades.

“Really? Well, is she that strong?”

“Hehehe! Strong? The Celestial Demon isn’t a person who can be judged as strong. She is the top from Moorim in this era.”

Her title wasn’t one anyone could claim. However, Wargen was convinced that the Celestial Demon was number one in Moorim. In his common sense, he couldn’t dare to imagine that there would be a warrior stronger than the Celestial Demon.“But how did you and my son get to know each other?”

“Him? I was drinking, and he picked a fight with me.”

“Haha. Picked a fight with you…?”

At Kim Bongpal’s words, Wargen looked at Warg. Warg flinched.

“Hahaha! As expected from my son! Recognizing such a strong man and picking a fight! Ah, of course, as he should!”

Wargen smiled and slapped Warg’s back a few times.


Warg looked embarrassed. It wasn’t because he recognized a strong fighter and picked a battle, but because he heard the name of his first love…

Kim Bongpal didn’t say anything because he wasn’t particularly interested, and Tearing Wind Sword didn’t say anything because of the desperate gaze Warg sent him in secret. Anyway, Kim Bongpal quietly listened to Wargen and stood. Now that he had had the duel with Wargen as he wanted, he would visit Maya and the Shadowless Squad again.

“Are you leaving?”

“Yeah. See you again.”

Kim Bongpal waved as he answered. But then, Wargen grabbed him as he was about to leave.

“Do you want to fight again?”

“Hehehe! Not this time!”

Fighting Kim Bongpal was pleasant for Wargen, but more than this was difficult. Like most Inhuman races, the werewolf’s regenerative power wasn’t infinite, especially when the power of the full moon was weak like today.

Therefore, Wargen took something from his subspace bag instead of throwing a punch.

“I saw earlier that the sword you are using is incapable of handling you. Use this instead.”

What Wargen handed him was a sword. Warg’s eyes went wide when he noticed what it was. From that reaction, Kim Bongpal could see it was quite valuable. The decoration was simple rather than glamorous, but the energy it evoked was not.

He felt unfamiliar energy from the sword, some Supernatural Force. It matched the energy he felt from supernatural beings such as Maya and Young-no, but it was leaving this sword instead of a being? Plus, it was similar to Wargen’s energy.

Looking closely, it was closer to Warg’s than Wargen’s.

“It’s a sword used by one of my Wolf Demon ancestors. It was sharpened with his father’s fangs, so the blade will never break.”

Still, the fact that his sword kept breaking was a problem Kim Bongpal was worried about. There were still a few cheap swords from Earth left, but it would be troublesome if they broke like this in every battle. However, he didn’t expect that Wargen would solve such a problem.


Kim Bongpal thought as Wargen handed him the sword as if telling him to take it quickly. The obedient Warg and Wargen, who taught him. In addition, the sword was used by Wargen’s Wolf Demon ancestors. These guys…

They were good guys!

* * *


“Oh, my. Did you wake up?”

Young-no handed Maya a glass of water as she rubbed her eyes.


“Ah, sister!”

Maya, still half-asleep, was surprised to see Young-no in front of her.

“H-How about the Monstrous Immortal?”

The first thing that came to mind was the Monstrous Immortal and Kim Bongpal. Kim Bongpal was being pushed back, and she drank his blood…


Now that she was with Young-no, her sacrificial attempt must have succeeded. However, in return, she lost most of the achievements she built up since she was deprived of her blood…


Maya looked at herself with a puzzled expression. She stroked her sides back and forth with her little hands. But still, no change was obvious.

She did drink Kim Bongpal’s blood. However, the price that should have followed did not come. Or maybe…

“Huh. Was it a dream?”

Maya tilted her head and blinked.
