TL: Moonlit

The flood of zombies receded, and amidst the rain curtain, only a dilapidated military vehicle remained parked not far away.

Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen both had injuries, but their self-healing abilities were strong, and their wounds would quickly heal.

Wen Qingling was trying to reason with the young boy, but the boy stubbornly refused to listen. He always tried to provoke Wen Qingling, which infuriated him. Wen Qingling lost his patience, releasing his grip and throwing the stubborn brat to the ground.

Xiao Hen attempted to persuade the boy, but the boy continued to shout and throw mud at Xiao Hen, covering him from head to toe.

Xiao Hen: “…”

Wen Qingling was truly angry. He slapped the boy and said, “If you continue to be so willful and stubborn, refusing to listen to reason, then you don’t need to continue living. I can create you, and I can destroy you.”


An uncontrolled walking weapon of mass destruction was no different from having one or not.

The boy paused, glaring fiercely at Wen Qingling, showing no sign of submission, but he stopped causing trouble.

Wen Qingling knew what he was thinking. Wasn’t he waiting for that “potential king” to come and save him, seeking revenge? Who was Wen Qingling afraid of?

Xiao Hen walked towards the severely damaged military vehicle. He stood in the rain, covered in blood, and looked at the old Xiao and old Xue inside the car.

Xiao Jiang had never been so emotional before. He looked at his son in the pouring rain, his eyes turning red, and his lips trembling.

They had been here all along, witnessing everything. What else didn’t they know? Xiao Hen and Wen Qingling were not human like them.


Xiao Jiang wanted to get off the vehicle, but Xiao Hen blocked the door, not allowing him to get out.

Xiao Hen asked him, “Are you going to the side of the humans or coming with me to the Civilization City?”

The Civilization City stipulated that relatives and friends of civilized zombies and new humans were eligible to apply for residence outside the city. If the old Xiao and old Xue were willing, they would definitely have a place there.

Too many words were stuck in his throat, and Xiao Jiang couldn’t speak.

Old Xue let out a long sigh. “There’s Mo Jiang over there with the survivors. We don’t need to worry anymore.”

If there were too many leaders and they couldn’t unite, it would be better to separate and develop on their own.

Besides, they didn’t know how many survivors were left. All they knew was that many people died last night, countless people, all of them citizens of Huaxia.

Xiao Hen said, “If you’re not comfortable with Civilization City, you can also go to Lan City. The city walls there have already been built, and you can go anytime.”

As long as there was a city, there was no need to worry about survivors seeking refuge.

Lei Yuxiao couldn’t hold back anymore and trembled as he said, “Colonel Xiao, can… can you please plead with Wen Qingling? Save my father, he can’t hold on much longer…”

It was fortunate that Lei Jiang was a supernatural being; otherwise, with so many broken bones and internal injuries, he wouldn’t have lasted until now.

A green light orb flew into the car through the window. The light orb dispersed, completely enveloping Lei Jiang.

Wen Qingling walked over, holding a black vine in his hand, with the vine tied around a young boy who looked exactly like Wen Qingling himself. The boy was struggling in defiance, trying to break free from the accursed vine.

Wen Qingling said, “You’ll owe me something in return. When I figure out what it is, I’ll come looking for you.”

Lei Yuxiao was extremely grateful and thanked Wen Qingling repeatedly.

Wen Qingling suddenly remembered something and asked, “Let me ask, with the same surname Lei, do you know Grandpa Lei Hong?”

Lei Jiang sat up abruptly as soon as he heard this, then leaned back in pain, “My… my grandfather’s name is Lei Hong. We are both from Ling City. After he retired, he went back to Ling City to live out his days. Unfortunately, Grandpa couldn’t escape the zombie virus…”

Wen Qingling turned around while holding the young boy, “Then it’s correct. your Grandpa is now in the Civilization City.”

He was the oldest person in the city and had even mingled with the crowd. He had learned the gun technique from Xiao Hen and lived a pretty content life.

Xiao Hen followed behind Wen Qingling, giving the old Xiao and old Xue some time to consider.

Lei Jiang was extremely shocked and asked the old Xue with difficulty, “In Civilization City, are… they all humans?”

Old Xue also struggled to answer, “Indeed, they are… all humans.”

Lei Jiang’s gaze went blank, “But my father, he has already turned into a zombie…”

All four people, including the driver, were horrified and terrified.Lei Jiang rushed towards the car door, wanting to chase after them and clarify, “Wen Qingling! Is Grandpa a zombie or a human?! What about him…”

Xiao Hen held onto Wen Qingling and carried the young boy, disappearing from the spot.

Lei Jiang couldn’t wait any longer and urged the driver, “Hurry, hurry, go to Civilization City!”

The heavy rain continued for three days before finally stopping.

Wen Qingling left the young boy in the care of his biological parents, as he had no patience to deal with the troublesome child.

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng were startled when they saw the appearance of the young boy. Suddenly, such a big grandson appeared, and he hadn’t been properly raised since childhood, becoming completely unruly. The two elders had complex feelings about it.

The other two little ones were well-behaved. They had already learned to speak clearly and often played with the young boy. But every time, the young boy would drive them away, not allowing anyone to get close. He refused to eat the food at home and would run to the breeding area when he was hungry, biting several mutated sheep that were about to give birth. It broke the hearts of the management personnel, who organized manpower every day to catch the thief.

One night, he was finally caught in the act, trying to escape. When he pounced on a staff member, he bit through the person’s major artery in the neck, spraying blood everywhere.

Everyone was shocked. In the Civilization City, it was forbidden to eat humans, let alone eat one’s own kind. It was a taboo!

Everyone rushed forward and caught the slender young boy. When the desperate young boy opened his mouth to release toxic mist, he was slapped to the ground. Wen Qingling was extremely angry, and vines appeared in his hand, giving the young boy a severe beating.

“What do you think you’re doing? Releasing toxic mist? Do you want to release toxic mist?!” Xiao Hen arrived and held Wen Qingling’s trembling hand, “Stop hitting him, it won’t do any good.”

Wen Qingling said, “If he’s so unresponsive to advise, it’s better to just kill him!”

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng couldn’t control him either. They clearly had food at home, but he refused to eat anything. He would only steal mutated livestock when he was hungry and would only eat them raw and alive. He lived like a savage, and they couldn’t correct his behavior no matter what!

Xiao Hen glanced at the fiercely determined young boy and calmly said, “Killing him won’t solve anything. It’s better to go to Yunjing City and kill the ‘Potential King.’ He’s sure to listen to us.”

Indeed, this statement immediately stirred the young boy’s emotions. He jumped up and was about to fight Xiao Hen, but Xiao Hen grabbed his thin wrist and used spatial movement to take him away from the scene.

Wen Qingling treated the injured people and explained the situation and the identity of the young boy.

Since the child was brought back by the Lord of the City, it was natural for him to steal a few mutated livestock for food. The staff understood and after advising Wen Qingling, they all went back to rest.

Xiao Hen took the young boy to the city wall, where the boy continued to resist and fight against Xiao Hen.

Xiao Hen’s voice turned cold as he said, “If you keep causing trouble like this, you won’t live long enough to see the ‘Potential King’ arrive.”

“Roar!!!” The young boy growled at him.

Xiao Hen grabbed the boy with one hand and said, “What do you want to do? Why not tell me and see if I can help you.”

The boy didn’t listen. He believed they were all liars, all culprits who hurt Feng Cheng. They were all bad people and deserved to die!

Xiao Hen said, “Do you want to see him? Do you want to go back?”

The boy stopped and looked distrustfully at Xiao Hen.

Xiao Hen let go of him and said, “Stop causing trouble. Let’s talk quietly, okay?”

The boy didn’t say anything, but he looked at Xiao Hen warily.

Xiao Hen said, “Do you want to be with him? Is that why you’re causing such a commotion? If that’s the case, let me tell you, you’re going about it the wrong way. Your so-called father… the Lord of the City who gave you life, he doesn’t fall for this. If you keep causing trouble, you’re only endangering your own life.”

The boy hung his head and after a long time, he said, “I want… I want to see him. I want… to go back.”

Seeing his dejected appearance, Xiao Hen let out a long sigh. “He treats you well?”

The boy nodded. “Good, very good.”

Xiao Hen asked, “How is he good to you?”

The boy thought for a moment and said, “He feeds me, clothes me, lets me play, he… he likes me…”

He was free in Yunjing City, able to do whatever he wanted. Feng Cheng never restrained him and as long as he was happy, everything was fine.

Xiao Hen said, “Do you want to be with him, be together with him forever?”

The boy nodded in confusion. “Together, together.”

Xiao Hen sighed again. “Behave yourself a little. Stop causing trouble. I’ll talk to your father and try to persuade him to let you go back, okay?”

The boy looked up at him, as if trying to determine if what he said was true or false. “No, not allowed, not allowed. Hit, Feng Cheng.”

Xiao Hen heard the name for the first time. “His name is Feng Cheng?”The boy nodded, his crimson eyes still fixed on Xiao Hen.

Xiao Hen said, “As long as you behave, we’ll try not to hurt him.”

The condition for not hurting him was that Feng Cheng should also be sensible. If he came rushing over for revenge, it wouldn’t be possible to avoid a fight.

Xiao Hen sent the boy back to Jiang Lan’s place and then returned to the Lord’s Mansion. He told Wen Qingling about the incident, and Wen Qingling almost went straight to Yunjing City to beat Feng Cheng up. How dare that wild man take away his precious Kui!

Xiao Hen finally managed to calm him down and observed the boy’s behavior. If he behaved well and showed that he wasn’t inherently bad, that he was just refusing to listen to reason and intentionally causing trouble with Wen Qingling, then they should indeed have a good talk with Feng Cheng.

Wen Qingling temporarily suppressed his anger.

Ever since the Lord’s Mansion and the Commander’s Mansion were built, they were staffed with people responsible for various tasks. There were dedicated personnel in charge of food and beverages. Normally, they would dine at the Lord’s Mansion or the Commander’s Mansion. However, the next day, they intentionally went to Jiang Lan’s place for a meal to observe Tong’s behavior.

It was rare for the young boy to sit at the table and eat quietly, appearing very obedient and completely devoid of the wildness and irrationality he displayed the day before.

In truth, the boy understood everything. He was deliberately causing trouble for Wen Qingling.

Seeing him being so well-behaved, Wen Qingling felt a sense of frustration. His mood was similar to that of having one’s prized cabbage stolen by a pig—it created a low-pressure atmosphere throughout the entire meal.

After finishing their meal, they left. Xiao Hen was afraid that Wen Qingling wouldn’t be able to control his volatile temper and would explode again, so it was better to separate the two for the time being.

Ever since Wen Qingling became the “True King” and Xiao Hen became the “Sub King,” the two of them were inseparable, and Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng had already tacitly accepted their relationship. With their status and position, Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng didn’t know whether they should hold a wedding for them or not. If they did, should they invite the vast number of zombie brethren to attend as well?

Jiang Lan hadn’t figured out a solution yet when Xiao Hen’s father and uncles arrived at Civilization City.

They had been delayed on the road and it took them quite some time to find Civilization City. Fortunately, the journey was relatively safe because most of the zombies had gathered in Civilization City and Yunjing City. The number of zombies in other areas had decreased, making it convenient for travelers.

Wen Qingling had someone take Lei Jiang and Lei Yuxiao to meet their grandfather, Lei Hong. Meanwhile, he accompanied Xiao Hen to meet Xiao Jiang and Old Xue.

It was their first time setting foot in Civilization City. The city’s planning and atmosphere were very comfortable. Each person had their own tasks, bustling about, talking, and laughing. Life was fulfilling, without as much idle time for forming gangs and scheming against each other. If they had that time, they might as well use it to till more land, and grow more crops—these were all essential for life.

Seeing it with their own eyes, they truly understood the gap between Central City and Civilization City. Civilization City had already achieved self-sufficiency. Any surplus food would be exchanged with the other three bases.

The circulating currency in Civilization City was beast crystals and energy crystals. The use of zombie crystal nuclei was prohibited, and hunting zombies was not allowed.

Xiao Jiang and Old Xue were surprised when they heard about this system, but they didn’t inquire further. After all, it was someone else’s system, and they were outsiders who shouldn’t question it.

As they passed through the outer city, they saw a tractor stuck in the mud, unable to climb up. The driver jumped into the mud, lifted the tractor, and pushed it onto the paved road.

Xiao Jiang: “…”

Old Xue: “…”

Were the people of Civilization City all so strong? This wasn’t a case of a person operating a tractor—it was a case of a tractor operating a person!

In the central city, they saw a guy who didn’t take the usual route and wanted to go to the second floor. Instead of using the stairs, he directly jumped from the street to the second-floor balcony and then casually walked inside.

Xiao Jiang: “…”

Old Xue: “…”

They began to suspect that there might be something wrong with their eyes.

Later, they saw a person carrying a mutated cow passing by and witnessed children jumping two meters high while playing around. They were all numb to it. This was something that normal people couldn’t do, not even regular zombies. It would require at least an evolved zombie to possess such jumping ability and strength.

But these were clearly humans. Where did they get such abilities?

Both Xiao Jiang and Old Xue had serious expressions on their faces.

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng hosted a banquet to entertain Xiao Jiang and Old Xue. During the meal, they talked about the two children, and Xiao Jiang and Old Xue were surprised. They never expected that Xiao Hen and Wen Qingling had such a relationship.

Even if two straightforward old-school men racked their brains, they couldn’t have imagined that the two of them would be together.

Jiang Lan made it clear that the two children now had a “symbiotic” relationship. They would rise and fall together, inseparable.

After the initial surprise, Xiao Jiang quickly accepted the reality. He had already accepted the fact that his son was a zombie, so what else couldn’t he accept?

When asked about holding a wedding, Xiao Jiang only said that they would follow the children’s wishes.

The children’s opinion was that there was no need for a wedding. It would be meaningless to hold a grand wedding in a post-apocalyptic world full of dead people. It would feel as awkward as holding a funeral. Moreover, they were no longer human and didn’t have to adhere to human customs.

After staying in Civilization City for two days, Xiao Jiang was about to head to Lan City. It was the result of their discussion.

Xiao Hen had Ji Rong send them to Lan City by helicopter. Before boarding the plane, Xiao Jiang asked a question, “Are these people in Civilization City really human?”

Having spent two days in Civilization City, he had seen too many unexpected and unreasonable things. Since Wen Qingling and Xiao Hen didn’t avoid showing them, it seemed they weren’t afraid of being seen.

Xiao Hen replied, “Zombies are just infected humans. As long as the zombie virus is removed, they are still human.”

Until the plane took off, Xiao Jiang couldn’t snap out of it. His eyes gradually turned red.

In the three years of the apocalypse, he had never felt regret. But at this moment, he felt immense regret, regretting his past decisions.
