
As I quietly examined the manual, Ryu Sein looked at me cautiously and spoke.

“Please don’t misunderstand. I have no ulterior motive to siphon off your contribution points or expand my influence by giving you this manual.”

“Huh? Ah, I didn’t think that way.”

“Then I’m relieved. This manual represents the essence of my ability. So far, I’ve only given it secretly to my family at the Kendo dojo. You’re the first outsider I’ve given it to.”

“Ah, is it okay for me to accept something so valuable?”

“Of course! Please take it! Although you probably don’t need it since you’re already ranked first…”


“No, that’s not the case. I’ll make good use of it.”

Hearing my sincere words, Ryu Sein smiled bashfully.

“I’d be really happy if it could help you. This manual is the most valuable among the things I can offer.”

She grinned, the corners of her eyes softly curling.

Suddenly, I became curious, looking into her clear blue eyes.

The transformation seemed to have been successful, but besides the change in eye color, what else had changed?


Normally, asking for information about someone’s abilities would be rude, but right now, I am her benefactor. I felt that Ryu Sein would readily answer any questions I had.

“Ryu Sein, may I ask you something that I’m curious about?”

“If I can answer it, feel free to ask.”

“What exactly are the effects of the transformation?”

“Um… since it’s my first experience, it’s still a bit vague. But what’s clear is that my energy channels have greatly expanded, and my magical energy has increased. Though the increased magic power might be due to the elixir, you gave me.”

“Is it good that your energy channels have expanded?”

“Originally, my energy channels were narrow, so it took longer for me to use sword energy compared to others at the Kendo dojo. As you saw in the rift, using strong energy takes a lot of time. But now, I feel like I can unleash it instantly. It’s become very convenient to use.”

The thought of being able to unleash strong energy on the fly…

The strong energy that I had seen Ryu Sein use took a long time to manifest but was so powerful that it nearly killed the mermaid monster in one strike.

To think that she could now use such a powerful attack without any preparation was surely a significant threat.

If she had a rematch with the mermaid monster right now, she would probably kill it instantly.

I was genuinely amazed.

“That’s incredible.”

“Aww, come on. Compared to you, Mr. Doha, I’m just a drop in the bucket. Even though I was getting a big head about being ranked third, today I really learned that I have a long way to go.”

“Hahaha. I’m not as strong as you think. I couldn’t even pierce through the black scales of the mermaid monster, so I had to catch it off guard.”

“Don’t underestimate yourself. Just looking at our contribution point dependency, it seems like you have a lot of power you haven’t even shown yet.”


Serena and Ciel became humans through my ability. Mr. Ryu Jinyong and Mr. Seo Inho were able to use the Sein Sword Technique through Ryu Sein’s ability. To anyone else, these relationships would look quite curious.

Serena and Ciel were completely dependent on me.

But when I only responded with a non-committal smile, Ryu Sein tactfully changed the subject.

“Ah, by the way, is the spiritual beast that gave me the elixir something you’re raising? Where is it?”

“…Spiritual beast?”

“Yes. The thing that entered my throat was large, warm, soft, yet firm. I even felt its heartbeat.”


Large, warm, soft, yet firm.

The heartbeat, the spiritual beast that gave Ryu Sein the elixir.


I had a pretty good idea what kind of misunderstanding she had.

The “spiritual beast” she was talking about was, in fact, my penis.


At that moment, Mr. Ryu Jinyong, who had been quietly listening to our conversation, interjected.

“What’s this about a spiritual beast entering Sein’s throat?”

“Yes. That spiritual beast gave me an elixir full of positive energy, which even cured my energy imbalances and allowed for a transformative change. Just having it in my throat made me feel at ease and in good spirits. It must be an incredibly benevolent spiritual beast.”

“Wow, you’re even keeping such a precious spiritual beast! Truly deserving of the Rank 1, our benefactor!”

Mr. Ryu Jinyong gave me a thumbs-up.


A cold sweat started to form on my back.

I apologize, but what entered your daughter’s throat was not a spiritual beast but rather my ‘pepper’…

Then again, considering my ‘pepper’ caused a unique mutation in the world, calling it a spiritual beast might not be entirely wrong…

But it was not a separate being; it was a part of me…

Noticing my awkwardness, Ryu Sein seemed to interpret it as my inability to respond.

She waved her hands and said,

“I don’t necessarily need to see it. I just wanted to express my gratitude to that spiritual beast as well…”

“Ah… In that case, I’ll convey your thanks on your behalf.”

Pepper, Sein said she was thankful to you.

At my words, Ryu Sein smiled brightly.

“Thank you. As expected, considering such a kind spiritual beast follows you, it speaks volumes about your noble character, Mr. Doha. I’ve heard that spiritual beasts don’t follow just anyone.”

“…I see.”

Looking at her smiling face, I felt my conscience gnawing at me.


Eventually, the first Class-B rift that appeared at the Haneul Nuclear Power Plant was successfully sealed with zero casualties despite its overwhelming difficulty.

Over 100 Class-D ability users who had gathered at the plant all waited for the rift to be sealed. Once we succeeded, they returned to their own respective regions.

Among the rankers who had sealed the Class-B rift, some left right away, while others planned to rest for a night before leaving. The werewolf Bae Seongjun was the first to disappear without a word.

Then, Commander Seon Jongyoon posted on the community forum just like when he first requested help.

News that the rankers had successfully sealed the Class-B rift.

Naturally, people’s reactions were explosive.


└ Damn, they did it lololololol


So, does that mean no power outage? Do I not have to commit suicide?

└ No, go ahead.

└ Nah, forget it.

└ Ah, shit.

Soooo relieeeeeeved~

Thank you so much, Rankers ㅠㅠ

Kim Doha is a god!

└ Kim Doha Punch! Kim Doha Punch!

Bought an expensive portable generator just in case. F*ck.

└ Lolololol, idiot.

└ Go away.

└ Lolololololololololol

Yum, electricity ㅋ

I was worried since even a powerful ability user like me wasn’t there. Thankfully, it went well.

└ Lol, you cute little thing.

Starting with Commander Seon Jongyoon’s post, stories from the ability users who gathered at the Haneul Nuclear Power Plant started pouring in.

With over 100 ability users having gathered, even if each told a story just once, that would be 100 stories. And the community became chaotic as even imposters started posting.

However, people started cross-verifying, and gradually, the events that took place on the scene were organized.

[There were over 100 ability users of Class D or higher gathered in that meeting room at the time.]

To be honest, I was really intimidated by the other ability users, so I was putting on a stern face, lol.

You too? lolololol

I also regretted coming to the nuclear plant because the atmosphere in the meeting room was intense lol.

└ Me too lolololololol

[But, of course, the sealing of the rift had to be successful.]

Kim Doha arranged a party solely with rankers who had experience in sealing Class-C rifts.

If they had failed, wouldn’t it have been a disaster? If that was the case, they should’ve brought other rankers, too.

Woah, is this for real?

└ The remaining 90-plus Class D or higher ability users were scrapped.

└ Crazy lol. Kim Doha really had balls. What would’ve happened if they failed?

└ Don’t know, lol. Guess he was confident.

When Kim Doha said that, some big guy tried to act tough, but got beaten up by Kim Doha’s girlfriend lolol.

└ What? Kim Doha’s girlfriend was there too?

└ Yes, she’s a blonde foreigner with green eyes. Super beautiful to the point of being speechless.

└ Is she an ability user?

└ Yes.

└ Wow…

[Rankers involved in sealing the Class-B rift list]

Rank 1: Kim Doha

Special note: He has an extremely beautiful blonde girlfriend.

Rank 3: Sein Swordsman

Special note: Brought two older men wearing the same Kendo uniform. Tried to take a photo but was threatened with a sword, so couldn’t take it.

Rank 9: Jang Sa-un

Special note: Middle-aged man.

Rank 21: An Jiwoo

Special note: He looks like a good student.

Rank 36: Hyun Seohee

Special note: Has healing abilities.

Rank 97: Bae Seongjun

Special note: Seems like a delinquent.

By the way, Sein Swordsman is female.

Everyone guessed from the name, but she really was female and seemed to be in her early 20s.


Sein Swordsman is a woman in her early 20s?

└ Yes, everyone was surprised.

Fewer rankers had gathered than I thought.

└It’s because we have to gather near the power plant in just four days.

└In my opinion, most didn’t come because Kim Doha said he would be there. The fissure is going to be sealed anyway.

└That makes sense.

In the midst of all this, a post about Kim Doha’s girlfriend, Serena, suddenly went up, quickly drawing people’s attention. The title was…

[I heard it. Kim Doha’s blonde girlfriend calls him ‘Master’…]

I thought I had misheard, but it was true…

She calls him “Master” every time she mentions him…

At first, I thought, “This isn’t a maid cafe, why ‘Master’? This is hilarious.” But the more I thought about it, the more I became jealous…

The truly laughable one was me in the mirror.

└Is this some kind of joke?

└Sadly, no…

└Damn it, say it’s a joke before I hang myself.


└I heard it, too. She really calls him “Master.”

└I’m gonna kill myself. Seriously.

Crazy, LOL.

So, Kim Doha has that kind of taste?

As expected, the number one ranker is different.

A true man… for real.

Sigh… some people live the dream, while others eat ramen alone.

└Become the number one ranker then, LOL.

The topic of the community swiftly shifted to Kim Doha’s girlfriend and her peculiar nickname for him.

[Warning Kim Doha. Don’t cross the line.]

Even in this kind of world, having a blonde goddess girlfriend who calls you ‘Master’ is unacceptable. Stop making her call you that.

Otherwise, my boiling rage will bring you to justice. Specifically, I’ll use dozens of my alternate accounts to downvote all posts related to Kim Doha.

└ LOL.

This guy is insane, LOL.

I agree.

└ Me too.

So, so scary.

This is not ordinary, Doha.

**[Guys, from now on, when addressing Doha, use the title ‘Master.’]

It’s the title Doha particularly likes. Remember this.


How did the image of the number one ranker come to this? LOL.

Master, LOL.

As expected of Doha, unlike other men, he’s really hot.

Kim Doha found out about this mess much later.
