The purpose of this outing was threefold.

. To confirm the extent of my and Serena's combat abilities.

. To find something that could serve as a weapon against zombies. (For now, all we had was a frying pan.)

. To get food at the convenience store on the first floor.

Serena and I were now standing in front of the front door, each holding a frying pan.

Serena had a calm expression, clearly unafraid of fighting with zombies.

“Serena. I will be giving orders from now on, so listen carefully to what I say.”



At the mention of ‘orders’, Serena responded sharply.

Serena’s traits, [Obedience] and [Devotion] which I had confirmed yesterday, were attributes that enhanced her abilities when following my orders and taking action for me.

To make good use of these, I thought it would be better to issue orders to Serena in advance.

“The orders I give now have priority over any other orders I may give in the future. It’s like a constitution if you will. Understand?”

“Yes, I understand.”


“Good. First, protect yourself and me so that we don’t get hurt. Especially, getting infected with the zombie virus is absolutely forbidden.”

“Yes. I will protect my master with my life.”

“No, no, of course, my life is important, but you should also take care of yourself, Serena. You are mine, so don’t get hurt recklessly.”

“Yes, master. Since I belong to you, I won’t get hurt without permission.”

I declared her as my property, but Serena nodded without any resentment as if it were a given.

I was pleased. I wanted to push Serena down and ravish her right now, but I held back. Now was not the time.

“Alright, secondly. It would be fortunate if we only had to fight zombies from now on, but there could be situations where we have to fight humans. Unless our lives are in danger, don’t kill them recklessly.”

“Yes, master. But if we do not kill them, how should we subdue them? Can I break their arms and legs or poke their eyes out?”

Serena spoke these gruesome words with a calm expression.

I was glad I told her this in advance.

If I had not given this order, she would have indiscriminately killed anyone who posed even a slight threat.

“No, if possible, subdue them without injury. Of course, this only applies when it’s possible. If you or I could get hurt, you can kill them. And you can also kill them in cases where I judge it’s permissible.”

“I understand. I will keep the second command within the limits of prioritizing the first command.”

“Good. That’s the end of the orders. Ah, and if there are other people outside, you must not call me ‘master’. Also, don’t use honorific language. It will look strange.”

Serena frowned as if she was troubled.

“Then what should I do?”

“Hmm… Let’s set up a setting in advance. So…….”

Name: Kim Rena

Age: 20 years old

Characteristics: She's of British mixed ancestry but was born and raised in Korea. She doesn't speak English.

Special Note: Kim Doha's girlfriend.

“Ye-e-e-e-e-es! I’m your girl, girl, girl, girl, girl…!!”



Like a rabbit kicked in the butt, Serena hopped in the air. Wasn’t she making a bit too much of a fuss?

“What, don’t you want to be my girlfriend?”

“No. Absolutely not. Please make me your girlfriend! I beg you!”

“That’s what I’m saying. Serena, in front of others, you are Kim Doha’s girlfriend, Kim Rena. Call me ‘Doha’. And you can’t use honorific language.”

“Yes! I will keep it in mind! I will strive to ensure there is no embarrassment as your girlfriend! I will always put in the bone-grinding effort to maintain my qualifications as a girlfriend! So you don’t regret…!!”

Serena spoke rapidly. Her face was blushing, and her lips curled up so much they wouldn’t come down. Anyone could see that she was noticeably delighted now.

Ugh… I couldn’t stand it anymore.

Let’s do it once and move on.

“Serena. We’re going to start practicing now. We need to practice in advance so we won’t be flustered if we suddenly meet people outside.”

“Yes! What should I do?”

“What do you think is the biggest role of a girlfriend? Try to guess.”

“Um… Please give me a moment to think, master…!”

“Wait. Didn’t I say we’re starting practice? When you call me, it’s not ‘master’, but ‘Doha’, and no honorifics. Speak informally.”“Ah, ah…! Do, do, do, Doha…”

Serena shyly bowed her head and called my name.

Just by hearing my name, my member responded with a 120% erection. It was hard to resist. But I exerted all my strength to remain calm and continued with my role.

“Hmm, what’s up? Rena. Have you thought about the role of a girlfriend?”

“The role of a girlfriend is……………… I’m sorry. I don’t know…….”

Serena seemed frustrated that she couldn’t guess the correct answer, and her eyes welled up with tears.

“Aww, don’t cry. I’ll teach you step by step.”

“Sob, thank you. Do, Doha…”

“Listen well. The role of a girlfriend is to satisfy the boyfriend’s sexual desires. In short, you use your sexy body to make me cum.”

“Eh? That’s all it takes……?”

“Yes. There are other roles too, but that’s the most important.”

“Wow… Great. I’ll do my best as a girlfriend!”

“That’s the spirit. Then let’s try it out.”

“Got it!”

Serena answered enthusiastically and then bent down to pull off my pants and underwear at once.

As a result, my member, which had been curled up tightly in my boxers while erect, sprung out like a spring and hit Serena’s cheek.



“Rena, are you okay?”

“Ah… I’m sorry.”

“Huh? What for?”

“The role of a girlfriend is to satisfy the boyfriend’s sexual desires, and I didn’t even realize Doha was this erect… I’m disqualified as a girlfriend. Sob…”

Serena’s eyes welled up again. With my member so close to her nose, she was making it so hard it was painful.

“Hey, it’s okay. You didn’t know, so it can happen. You just need to do well from now on.”

“Sob, really? I’m not disqualified yet?”

“I won’t disqualify you. Stop crying, and hurry up and satisfy my desires.”


Serena stood up and held my member while standing on her toes. Led by her gentle touch, the tip of my member kissed the entrance of her vagina.

Her vagina was already damp. She seemed to want to insert it right away.

However, having already felt Serena’s hot breath on my member, I wanted to start with fellatio.


“Huh? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, not that. There’s more than just sex to make me cum.”

“Eh? Then what should I do?”

“First, take it out of your vagina.”


Serena reluctantly pulled out my member.

Even as she spoke, she subtly rubbed the inside of her vagina with my member. The tip was already moist with her love juice.

“Such a lewd vagina. Why is there so much love juice even though we haven’t done anything yet?”

“When I think about having sex with Doha, it becomes like this right away… Is this wrong?”

“No. It’s very good. First, kneel down and adjust your eye level to my member.”

“Yes. Like this?”


Serena’s breath as she spoke ‘like this?’ touched the damp tip. It made my whole body shiver.

“That’s right. Now gently hold my penis. Politely, with both hands.”

“Ah… It’s warm. I like Doha’s firm and impressive penis—♡”


What a fearsome girl!

If you taught her one thing, she would learn ten…

Serena’s unexpected confession caused a droplet of pre-cum to emerge.

“Go, good. While gently stroking my penis, give it a short kiss with your mouth. A peck, like this.”

“Thank you, Doha’s firm penis. You make me feel good! I look forward to our future, peck.♡”

Serena’s cherry-red lips touched the tip of my penis. The pre-ejaculate at the tip smeared on Serena’s lips, and when her lips parted, it stretched out long like a thread.It was a thread of love connecting me and Serena’s lips.

“Hmm, something came out from the member. Slurp.”


Suddenly, Serena sucked my member into her mouth as if she was sipping a straw. The pre-ejaculate pooled in my member was sucked into Serena’s mouth.

It was a sensation that sent shivers up my spine.

“Re, Rena, you’re doing very well! Do you have a talent for this?”

“Eh, yes? For what? I haven’t done anything yet?”

She was accomplishing things even without realizing it. Was she a succubus?

“Try sucking my member like you did earlier. Imagine you’re kissing me and then do it affectionately.”

Serena immediately began sucking without replying.

“Slurp… Suck… Peck… Suck, suck!”

“Good, good, you’re doing well. What you need to be careful of is not to let your teeth touch. You have to be considerate to ensure that only the soft and springy sensation of the member is felt.”

She nodded her head and passionately sucked my member.

“Peck… Peck… Slurp! Suck… Slurp♡”

Ah, it was good.

A platinum blonde beauty sucking my member with all her passion and fervor.

I stood still, looking down at her as she was fervently performing fellatio.

This situation itself was no different from an aphrodisiac.

“Slurp… Slurp… Slurp! Suck, peck, peck.♡”

Her fellatio was filled with care and affection.

Just as a soybean paste soup made casually by dissolving soybean paste in tap water differed from a soybean paste soup carefully boiled after steeping anchovy broth,

Serena’s fellatio was full of love and care for her boyfriend, which was as rich as the broth.

I was moved by the fellatio, filled with her emotions. I gently patted Serena’s head as she was dedicatedly sucking my member.


Then, Serena opened her eyes wide, and while swallowing down on my member to its base, she locked eyes with me and gave me a smiling glance.


It was my limit now! For the final sprint, I grabbed Serena’s head and shook it roughly back and forth.

Even with the sudden start of forced deep-throating, Serena began to suck more actively, as if she had been waiting for this.

The hand stroked my member’s shaft, and my balls were now clutching my buttocks tightly.

“Uh, um, um… Hup, hup, um, um… Uh♡!”

“I’m gonna shoot, Rena! Don’t spill any and swallow it all!”

The semen I had held back to the limit shot out at once.

I grabbed Serena’s platinum hair and pulled it towards my groin, initiating a lengthy climax.

Even while Serena was buried in my pubic hair, swallowing the semen, she was still stroking my buttocks tightly with both hands.

For some reason, there was a feeling of something like maternal affection that warmed my heart.

“Um, hup, slurp, suck, peck———♡♡♡”

Gurgle, gurgle.

About 10 seconds passed? After the climax, which felt like an eternity, ended, I let go of Serena’s head.

Ah, I forgot. I should have also collected the semen in her mouth for a test and made her swallow it.

This time, without thinking, I ejaculated directly into her stomach, deeply buried as I was in her throat.

Thanks to that, her mouth was already full of saliva, and there was no trace of semen to be found.

“Hehe, did I do well? Am I qualified to be Doha’s girlfriend now?”

Serena, with a proud face, looked up at me with a strand of my pubic hair in her mouth.

I plucked the pubic hair from Serena’s lips and patted her head.

“You did very well. If you remember the fellatio you learned today, you’re a wonderful girlfriend, Rena.”

“Yes! I’ll never forget it! I can do it anytime, anywhere!”

Serena, who answered confidently, stroked my member while watching my reaction.

“Should we do it one more time now? …I want to practice.”

“No. We’ve done fellatio once now, so it’s time for sex. If you want to practice, wake me up with a fellatio every morning.”

“In the morning?”

“Yes. Exceptional girlfriends always wake their boyfriends by sucking their dicks and making them cum when they can’t wake up in the morning.”

“Really? I want to be an exceptional girlfriend too! From now on, Doha has to oversleep every morning! I’ll suck your member until you wake up, however many times it takes!”

“Good, good. That’s very excellent.”


“Shall we have sex now, then?”

“I want to!”

Serena immediately tried to undress, but her pants had soaked in love juice and wouldn’t come off easily, so she looked sad.
