If someone asks about the path of the continent,

‘This world is divided into before and after the appearance of the players!’

There are historians who say this, showing how much influence the players had on this world.

One of the major changes they brought was the education system. Before the players appeared, the continent was a strict feudal society based on status!

The children of peasants remained miserable peasants until they died, while the nobles enjoyed a privileged status that allowed them to live in luxury until they died.

But it seemed that Emperor Scharnos, who built a huge empire with a single sword, had a different idea.

“Prepare a place of opportunity for nurturing talents from all over the empire!”


Following the emperor’s order, various educational institutions were established for talented commoners in each region, including the empire and the holy kingdom, which was practically an eternal ally of the empire.

Two hundred years later.

Now, the continent was a place where talented people could rise to success regardless of their status, more than ever before.

Among them, the most prestigious and oldest educational institution was Savior Academy!

It was said to be founded by one of the three players [The Great Saint] Dimia herself. The saint, who was more interested in this education system than Emperor Scharnos, had a famous saying.

[If someone asks about the path of the continent, tell them to look up at Karst!]


Karst was one of the branches of the huge mountain range that stretched behind the capital of the holy kingdom.

This traditional academy was located right under this mountain range.

There were countless graduates of Savior Academy who made their names known in the continent, and there were also many famous politicians and scholars who were active in their fields.

“Indeed…… This is where Marius learned?”

In front of the main gate where the saint’s saying was engraved on a large rock, Eurius muttered as if he was amazed.

[Savior Academy Political Science Department 155th Class Valedictorian Marius.]

Marius, who had been working as the emperor’s right-hand man for almost thirty years, was also a valedictorian graduate of this traditional academy.

The diploma of Savior Academy and the high grades were symbols of verified talents! There was no doubt that this was the place to find talents who could foresee the future of the continent.

“Welcome! Your Highness, the First Prince! I will take you to the dean’s office.”

Eurius, who rode a prepared carriage and crossed the city, observed the surrounding cityscape with curiosity.

The capital of the holy kingdom, Dimia, was divided into two parts: the western region where the main mountains of the three major sects were located and the right side of the city where Savior Academy was located.

In other words, the academy itself was as big as a medium-sized city.

It took tens of minutes to ride a carriage from the front gate to the central main building where the dean’s office was located.

“His Highness Eurius, the First Prince of Scharnos Empire has arrived.”

“I greet His Highness Eurius, the First Prince of Sharnos Empire. I am Dipetra, an old man who is in charge of being the dean.”

The old man who bowed politely was Dipetra, who was in charge of being the dean of this huge academy.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard from Marius since I was young that you are a very outstanding person. Haha.”

On the other hand, Dipetra cautiously observed Eurius.

‘He’s much less arrogant than I expected?’

That was Dipetra’s first evaluation of Eurius.

“Oh, right!”

Eurius took out a letter from his pocket.

“This is a letter of recommendation that Marius asked me to give to you. Please be generous with me even if I’m lacking since we know each other.”

“Marius sent such a letter. Hehe.”The dean tore open the letter and read its contents.

[To my dear friend Dipetra]

The beginning of the letter was surprisingly normal. But as he continued to read it down, his face frowned.

[I warn you again not to test Eurius with any nonsense. It will be useless, right? And if anything happens to His Majesty, I’ll come right away to grab your neck, so take good care of him.]


‘This damn old bastard!?’

The dean barely suppressed his urge to crumple up and throw away this letter on the spot, cursing him in his mind.

Why did the dean become wary as soon as he saw Eurius and why did Marius send such a letter?

The truth behind Eurius’s academy study abroad was this!

[Wallace, how much trouble must His highness go through to please that fox-like actor…]

Marius, who had left for the north a few years ago for a construction project, was worried sick every day.

It wasn’t the heavy workload that bothered him! The only thing he cared about was Eurius’s education situation.

“They say the First Prince only swings his sword all day long.”

“Compared to him, the Second Prince Leonhardt is truly outstanding.”


No matter how far away he was, he always received information about the princes’ status because of his position.

Of course, Marius trusted Eurius completely.

“He must be pretending to be an incompetent prince by swinging his sword all the time, but the rumors are spreading like this…”

An emperor should have both literary and martial skills as a basic requirement.

Marius wanted to give Eurius some academic achievements by any means.

But he was away in the far north. There was nothing he could do to help.

However, if a smart person thinks hard enough, there is always a solution.

Marius slapped his knee.

‘That’s it, studying abroad at a prestigious academy.’

He knew that Eurius was actually a genius in academics as well. If he could get a perfect score on the test he took at the age of fifteen, it wouldn’t be hard to achieve something in a short-term study abroad program.

Of course, the higher the academic reputation, the better!

He wrote a letter to the emperor asking for permission and at the same time to his alma mater, Savier Academy.

His friend of several decades happened to be the dean there.

[To my friend Depet, whom I haven’t heard from in a long time. How have you been? (skipping) I have a sincere request for you in this letter. It’s about…]

Of course, since Marius was asking for a favor, even if it was a letter to a close friend, he wrote it politely at first.

But Depet shook his head.

[To my renowned friend Marius. I read your letter, but (skipping) that’s difficult according to the academy’s rules. I’m really sorry.]

It was only natural that Depet refused Marius’s request. Savier Academy was a sacred place that all scholars on the continent revered.

No matter how much he was the empire’s prince, or even if it was a short-term study abroad program, it would be seen as a privilege if he let him complete the curriculum with his connections alone.That also included his pride as an educator.

‘I can’t let an incompetent student into my school, no matter how much he is a prince!’

If he had heard that the First Prince had outstanding academic achievements somewhere, it would have been a different story. But when he gathered information, wasn’t this just a typical spoiled royal?

And more than anything, Dipetra knew Marius very well.

‘He’s good at administration, but not at education. I can’t trust blindly the student he recommended.’

That’s right! Just as he couldn’t correct Eurius in his previous life, Marius was actually very knowledgeable and politically savvy, but he didn’t have the typical sense of understanding a child’s mind. He was a genius type with great abilities but too much righteousness.

‘And he’s too righteous for his own good!’

He probably got fed up with the First Prince he served and ended up asking him for help. Friendship was friendship, but reality was reality.

But Marius sent him another letter.

[This is something that His Majesty has approved! And I guarantee you that the First Prince is someone who can achieve good grades at Xavier Academy!]

‘No, I’m telling you I can’t believe that!’

Dipetra and Marius exchanged letters several times like this, and the argument escalated because of the dean’s reply.

[No, I have loyalty to you too. But isn’t this First Prince someone who has no interest in anything but swords? And didn’t you say he used to be a troublemaker? I hate to say this but…]

Marius felt his blood boil as soon as he read that letter.

‘How dare this old man who has never met His highness Eurius say this and that?’

[Hey! You damn old man. Do you think I’m just asking you to let His highness study abroad out of kindness? You’re saying now…]

It’s natural that no matter how old they get, they revert to their youthful tone in front of their friends of decades.

In the end, two old men who were famous scholars on the continent had a fiery debate for months with letters, and the end was like this.

[Alright, then why don’t you bring that First Prince you’re bragging about in front of me. But I can’t give you any support. If what you say is true, you can do that, right?]

In the end, the dean agreed to Eurius’s short-term study abroad program, but with a condition.

[I can’t guarantee that he will complete his education. Don’t come to me and grab my collar later, or pressure me with His Majesty’s name!]

The Holy Kingdom was an inviolable sanctuary on the continent. And he was the dean of the hall of knowledge, the academy.

He couldn’t compromise on this.

But on the other hand, he had some doubts.

‘Marius, that guy, he’s really smart, but why is he doing this?’

Marius was so stubborn that he became curious about what kind of person the First Prince was.

But after the prince arrived in the Holy Kingdom two months ago, he was really disappointed.

‘The First Prince is staying at the mansion of Duke Dios and only receiving sword training from him.’

That was fine. He liked swords so much that he might be immersed in the lessons of one of the strongest people on the continent, Duke Dios!

‘He hasn’t left the mansion since he entered the country.’

The problem was this.

He came to study abroad at the most prestigious academic place on the continent, no, a very noble person, but he didn’t even visit the academy for two months, let alone go outside.

‘This is just a forced trip!’

Naturally, the dean had to believe the external evaluation of Eurius as it was.

‘Hmm? Why does the dean look unhappy? What’s wrong?’

Eurius, who had reached a high level of martial arts, quickly noticed that the dean’s face was not very good.

And he didn’t seem to welcome him warmly as Marius had boaste


‘Sigh, he’s still my friend’s disciple. I should at least give him some support.’

The dean sighed inwardly and folded the letter. He started to talk about the main point of how to safely send Eurius to study abroad.
