The faces of the group from the Heavenly Dragon Clan turned pale as soon as they saw Kwonma Hongjin appear.

Jang Daeein asked again with a trembling voice.

“What do you want from us? I don’t think we have anything that the Magyo would want.”


Hongjin snorted and stretched out his hand.

Then he said with an arrogant expression.

“Hand over the divine artifact. Then I won’t bother with your lives, you worms.”



Jang Daeein sighed inwardly.

‘I didn’t know why such a terrifying master would block our escort mission, but now I see that the information leaked out!’

Among the goods they were transporting, there was one thing that they had to deliver to the Righteous Alliance at all costs.

Jang Daeein bit his lip and winked at Nogwang.

‘You are the best martial artist among us. Run away with it.’



Nogwang wanted to refuse, but he couldn’t dissuade his master who had served for decades when he saw his expression.

“A divine artifact? We are just transporting some goods at the request of the Righteous Alliance.”

“Kuhuhu… I knew you would say that.”

Hongjin sneered at Jang Daeein who was playing dumb.

“But it doesn’t matter! It’s very easy to kill you all and take the goods.”



At his words, the mercenaries and escorts drew their weapons in anger. But to Hongjin, they were laughable.

“You bastard!”

“You can’t touch our master!”

The first ones to rush in were the first-class escorts.

They wielded weapons that glowed blue with their infused energy. They were all skilled in their own ways.

But as Hongjin had boasted, they were not much help.



Hongjin broke the escorts’ swords with his bare fist as if they were nothing.

The first-class escorts were also able to infuse their weapons with energy to increase their power, but they were no match for Hongjin, who could freely manipulate his refined energy in front of a peak master.

“Then I’ll do as I said and kill you all and take them.”

As soon as he said that, his hand turned black with dark energy and swept over the first-class escorts in an instant.



Every time his hand touched them, their weapons shattered and blood and flesh flew. It took less than a minute for the twelve first-class escorts to become corpses.

“How can this be.”

The faces of Jang Daeein and the remaining escorts turned ashen.

The mercenaries’ faces were even paler.

Hongjin reached out his hand towards Jang Daeein as if he had nothing more to say.


His hand stretched out like lightning, tearing through the air. It looked like the hand of death, so Jang Daeein closed his eyes with a pale face.



But what followed was not pain, but a dull sound.

He slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was Hongjin, who had stepped back slightly. He had anger on his face.

“Who are you!”

The answer was unexpected.

“I’m a hired man.”



The faces of the bandits turned pale as the first-rate marksmen, who were quite formidable, were annihilated in an instant. It reminded them of a collection of portraits.

Socheol, who drew his old sword, whispered to Cains with a pale expression.

“Hey, you’re not officially hired, so sneak away when we charge.”


“Aren’t you a young man with a bright future ahead? You said you have to find your lord too.”

Cains looked puzzled.

He thought that it was suicidal for the bandits to rush at the old man with a huge body. But why did he tell him to run away alone?

“We are hired by the Heavenly Dragon Clan. How can they trust us if we abandon our client and run away in the bandit world?”


“Even if we run away now, the Bandit Alliance won’t accept us anyway. They might even send a pursuit team to catch and kill us!”

As he said, there were more than fifty bandits here, but none of them seemed to have any intention of escaping even though they were trembling.

‘Whether I die now or later, it’s all the same!’

‘It’s better to die here and get some consolation money from the Alliance for my family.’

Cains realized that it was true when he looked at Socheol and their faces. But he couldn’t leave them alone to die like this.

‘Especially since I owe him a favor.’

He didn’t know why, but Socheol was not as rough as other bandits who had been around for a long time. He took care of Cains as if he was his younger brother with an age gap.

In fact, Cains was not in a good mood when he was stranded alone in another continent.

He was originally optimistic, so he didn’t show it on the outside, but his mind was full of worries about his companions, including Eurius.

He had no choice but to live among the rough bandits, but thanks to Socheol, he was able to get a lot of information about the Eastern Continent and find a way to look for his companions.

‘His Majesty told me to avoid showing my power as much as possible…’

Cains and his companions were told by Eurius and Jegal Hwayoung not to show their power if possible.

It was a measure to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings with the martial artists in case of an emergency, but what about this case?

‘Well, His Majesty will understand.’

Cains drew his sword and blocked Hongjin, who was about to attack Jang Da-in.

Hongjin tilted his head when he saw the young man with a flashy appearance standing in front of him.‘A foreigner? He doesn’t look like much, but he repelled my fist. He’s not an ordinary guy.’

He rubbed his slightly sore fist and glared sharply at Cains.

“So the Jeongdo Faction didn’t neglect their preparations after all?”

“Jeongdo Faction? I have nothing to do with them. If possible, please step back…”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

If he had been a little less aggressive or smarter, he could have talked to Cains and spared the lives of the bandits in exchange for some goods.

But he was not that kind of person. He clenched his fist and charged at Cains.

‘Damn it!’

Cains had no choice but to swing his sword and fight back.


Every time the sword and fist collided, a loud noise echoed and the ground they were standing on sank deeply.

Surprisingly, Cains was not pushed back by Hongjin at all.


“Who… who is that guy?”

Jang Da-in was so surprised that he couldn’t speak at first.

He barely managed to utter a word.

No Gwang, the leader of the marksmen, also didn’t answer right away as if he was speechless.

How could they imagine that the foreigner they brought along as a sidekick was such an amazing master?

“I don’t know either.”

Socheol and the other bandits were also watching this astonishing fight with their mouths open.

“Brother So! Did you know that kid was such a master?”

“How could I know that even though I’ve been around for a long time…”

Socheol also answered with a stunned expression at the bandits’ question.

They were even more dumbfounded because Cains, who had been with them until a moment ago, was nothing more than a slightly shabby swordsman.

The thoughts of the Thousand Dragon Bounty Guild and the bandits soon changed from astonishment to bewilderment.

‘No, why did such a master join the bandits?’


Meanwhile, Cains, who was fighting, also swung his sword with a somewhat bewildered expression.

‘This guy is at least two or three levels above me in terms of force?’

Hong Jin was not a superhuman, but he was an outstanding master who was among the top five in the Demon Sect with his fists, as his nickname Demon Fist implied.

Logically, Cains, who had not even been a master-level for a year, should be pushed back. But the situation was completely different.



Hong Jin’s arm was split open and blood splattered. He had been cut quite deeply, so he couldn’t help but feel a chill down his spine.

‘Where did this guy come from? I’m being pushed back like this!’

He thought it was ridiculous at first because he didn’t feel any strong power from Cains’ sword, but when he actually fought him, the result was the opposite.

Normally, if a master like Hong Jin unleashed his fist, any ordinary sword would break like a straw due to the pressure, but Cains seemed unaffected by it.

Cains’ sword came in like a ghost, ignoring his pressure.


As the wounds increased, Hong Jin’s face gradually turned pale from bleeding and tension. In the end, he had no choice but to give up the fight.

‘Crap… I have to show my back to someone who is half my age…’


Hong Jin unleashed his fist with all his might for a moment and used the momentum to spin his body.


Cains was pushed back slightly by the powerful pressure. He smiled inwardly with satisfaction.

‘I can get away with this.’

He slid back about ten meters in an instant.



The Thousand Dragon Bounty Guild and the bandits let out a regretful sigh. It was obvious that Hong Jin had succeeded in escaping.


However, Hong Jin, who thought he would run away, couldn’t move any further. No, rather, he looked back with an unbelievable expression.



His waist was split open and blood gushed out like a fountain. The result was clear. Cains’ sword had cut off his waist before he could completely get away.


He shuddered his huge body and collapsed on the ground. Cains looked at the dying Hong Jin with a bewildered expression.

‘That was too easy?’

Of course, he wasn’t an easy opponent for him either, but he killed an opponent who he thought was one or two levels above him without any serious injury. Cains couldn’t help but be puzzled.

‘Well, as long as the result is good.’

But in fact, Cains’ skill was one level above Hong Jin’s.

The reason why his skill had developed so much was none other than the real combat experience with strong opponents!

Cains didn’t intend to do so, but he had hardly fought anyone weaker than him until now.

He always fought life-and-death battles with opponents who were overwhelming or a few levels above him, so his skill had increased rapidly without him knowing it.

Soon he turned around and looked at the bandits with an awkward expression.




The silence that had been maintained for a moment in the hall was soon covered with cheers as someone exclaimed.

“Woah! You’re awesome!”

“Did you see that? I couldn’t even see how his sword moved!”

Even in the midst of the commotion, Socheol looked at Cains with a complex and subtle expression. He was confused about how to address him.

“Uh… I mean, Grandmaster…”

But Cains lowered his head with a shamefaced expression.

“Brother! I’m sorry for hiding my skills. You must be very angry.”


Seeing him, Socheol was flustered and then smiled brightly.

“No, it’s not like that. Thank you for saving my life! You are a hero to all of us!”“Woohoo!”

The bandits gathered around Cains in groups of three or five and created a festive atmosphere. But there were people who walked through them and approached him.

“Hmm! Hmm! Excuse me, can you make some room?”


The person was none other than Jang Daein, the head of the Cheonryong Trade Company, and Nogwang, the chief bandit. They bowed deeply to Cains as soon as they saw him.

“Grandmaster! Thank you very much.”

“We owe you a great debt.”

“No, it’s nothing…”

Cains scratched his head and accepted their greetings. Jang Daein tried to invite him inside with a flattering tone.

“We can’t let a master like you stay in such a shabby place! We’ll prepare a room for you right away.”

“No, there’s no need for that. I’m fine staying here.”


His answer was quite firm, so Jang Daein and Nogwang didn’t dare to insist. But they had another purpose, so Jang Daein opened his mouth nervously.

“Well… then there’s something else I’d like to ask you here.”

This time, the Cheonryong Trade Company lost twelve first-class bandits in an instant. If bandits attacked them on their way back, they couldn’t guarantee the safety of their goods.

“Actually, this trade mission was requested by the Jeongdo Alliance. We’re transporting some very important items.”

But Cains didn’t even know what the Jeongdo Alliance was, so he tilted his head.


“We originally agreed to end our contract with the bandits when we arrived at Nakyang, but could you please protect us until we safely return?”

Cains nodded readily. He considered it a small favor since he owed them too.

Jang Daein thanked him repeatedly and bowed his head.

“Thank you. Grandmaster! I’ll let the Jeongdo Alliance know about this. I’m sure the leader of the Jeongdo Alliance, Baek Hakgeomseon Grandmaster, will praise you highly for this.”

Just as the atmosphere became friendly.

“What about the payment for my brother then? He risked his life and defeated a master of the Makyu Sect!”



The one who interrupted between Jang Daein and Cains was unexpectedly Socheol. He was shaking slightly but stared at Jang Daein with a stern expression.

“I may be a third-class bandit scum, but he’s not! He also saved your lives by fighting a master of the Makyu Sect, but there’s no compensation for that!”


“How dare you! A mere bandit like you!”

Nogwang blocked Socheol’s way with an annoyed face. But Socheol opened his mouth again with a trembling but firm voice.

“Cains is temporarily joined, but he’s still hired by you! He deserves to be paid according to the bandit’s law.”

That’s right. Even if he joined temporarily, it was customary in the bandit’s world to treat them according to their skills. Of course, the only thing they could pay for wielding their weapons for money was money.

Socheol snickered inwardly.

‘You must have thought you could fool my brother who doesn’t know much about this world and use him for free, but I can’t let that happen!’

Jang Daein looked back and forth between Socheol and Cains with a sweat on his forehead as he wiped it with a handkerchief.

“I was thinking of reporting to the Lord of Justice for a reward. Then I would get not only money, but also a great honor from the Alliance…”

“I’m not from this continent. I’m looking for my lost master. I’m going to return to the West Continent soon, so I have no reason to care about fame here.”

Socheol’s words were flawless in logic. It was true that Cains’ goal was to find Eurius and his companions, not to make a name for himself in the martial world.

‘Rather than paying a fortune to an information organization, what’s the point of caring about fame when he’s not going to stay in the martial world?’


Cains looked at Socheol blankly and then opened his mouth with a smile.

“By the way, I was hired as a mercenary. If you request an escort, I should get paid.”

“If the Alliance Leader says so… I understand.”

Jang Daeein looked gloomy. He knew that it would cost more than hiring a unit of mediocre mercenaries, considering Cains’ skills.

After they left, Cains thanked him.

“If it weren’t for you, brother, I would have been killed. Thank you again.”

“What are you talking about… It’s ridiculous to treat you as a mercenary with your real skills! It’s just that the damn lord was trying to take advantage of you, so I just made up some excuses.”

Socheol looked at Cains with an awkward expression and then asked again.

“So, are you going to Nakyang and look for your master right away?”

“That’s right. I’m worried about the other companions too.”

“Huh… Then it would be better to rip off as much as you can from the Cheonryong Express and then use that money to request an information organization like Gaebang or Hamoon.”

“Information organization?”

“Yes, actually they charge a lot of money for requests, so I didn’t mention it until now. Then I’ll take you there.”

Cains chuckled.

“Then I’ll have to stop by the Mercenary Union too. Didn’t you promise me?”

Socheol laughed with him, thinking that Cains was joking.

“Of course! How can a master like you be satisfied with being a third-rate mercenary? If you report to the Justice Lord, you might get a good treatment there.”

But Cains’ expression suddenly turned serious.

“I like this life in my own way. If you help me a little bit, brother, this is the best job for me to wander around looking for my master.”

He had his own thoughts. How long would it take to find Eurius when he didn’t even know where he was?

After thinking about it for a while, he decided that this life was not bad, considering Socheol’s existence who treated him kindly here.

“Is that really true?”


Hearing his clear answer, Socheol fell into deep thought again.

‘It’s ridiculous for him to be a mercenary with his skills, but…’

Socheol was not an ordinary street-born mercenary. He was the son of a low-ranking military officer and had been a literate person when he was young.

But ten years ago, his family was involved in a conspiracy and he became homeless. He ended up wandering the streets as a third-rate mercenary. That was why he had a good head for a mercenary.

After racking his brains, Socheol finally came up with a conclusion.

“Then why don’t we go big if we’re going to be mercenaries?”

“Go big?”

“Take over the Mercenary Union!”


“It may sound sudden, but it’s not impossible with your skills.”

The Mercenary Union was also part of the martial world. The martial world was ruled by the strong! There were some high-ranking mercenaries among the mercenaries who could match the masters, but Socheol thought that there was no one who could beat Cains.

There was another reason for that.

“Besides, in the martial world where fights never stop, the Mercenary Union is a fairly large group. It will also help you find your master.”

The number of mercenaries spread across the East Continent was tens of thousands. If he gained the status of their representative, it would be a great help in finding people. That was Socheol’s idea.

‘Isn’t this too big? What am I going to tell His Majesty later?’

Cains felt a bit of bad feeling, but Socheol’s words made sense, so he nodded for now.

“I don’t know if I can sit in such a grand position, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.”
