Despite Eurius’s confident declaration, Suramazon’s expression did not change at all.

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

But Eurius was nodding inwardly as he checked the opponent’s stats again after the encounter.

‘There’s no use pretending!’

The abilities of Suramazon that he had confirmed were as follows:

[Bukgung Ma-yeong]

Job: Archbishop, Grandmaster (Superhuman)


Strength: A Agility: SS Intelligence: B+ Willpower: B+ Dark Power: S+

Disposition: Cunning, Ambitious


Martial Arts (S), Weapon Arts (S+), Unarmed Combat (A)

Shape-shifting – A 4th-level force control technique. It allows moving so fast that it seems like there are two people.

Extrasensory Perception (A-rank) – A power that makes the five senses and the sixth sense abnormally sharp.


When he first saw him, he was an absolute master of the East.

His stats did not seem impressive for someone who claimed to be an archbishop.

But unexpectedly, the opponent showed a monstrous ability that made him immune to any attack.

However, it was not easy to infer his ability from that alone.

‘First of all, his traits and combat style don’t match at all?’

His 4th-level secret technique and traits suggested that he had a speed-focused ability like Beatrice, but Suramazon had superhuman skills, but he never showed explosive speed that made his body look like it split in two.

What does fast movement and immortal body have to do with each other?

At first, he had no choice but to believe that the opponent had the skill to easily withstand his attacks.

But after clashing a few times, he realized that was not the case.

‘If he had that kind of skill, I would have lost miserably like Nuada. There must be some trick!’


Eurius’s sword aimed at Suramazon’s whole body like lightning again.

But this time too, it was futile.

His flesh was really immortal, and no matter how much he cut or stabbed him, he did not bleed a drop.

‘First of all, when he gets attacked, he becomes like a ghost and physical attacks don’t work on him.’


As his dark hand approached Eurius’s face, he had no choice but to block it with his sword.


Eurius was pushed back by the impact of the collision and bit his tongue.

‘Second, he can also attack, so he’s not a simple illusion. Then there’s a way to test it.’

He might have had a hard time figuring it out if he couldn’t see the opponent’s traits, but he had a guess.

‘He said his ability was shape-shifting, right?’

Eurius shouted loudly.

“Nuada! I need your help for a moment.”


Nuada, who was watching the duel from behind, came out with a puzzled expression and Suramazon sneered.

“Is that what you thought? A joint attack?”


Eurius briefly answered and gave Nuada a hint. It was his idea to expose the fake immortality of the opponent.

“Is that all I have to do?”

“Of course. Just tell me if you find out anything.”

Nuada also looked confused by his request, but nodded for now.


As soon as Nuada started moving, Suramazon sent him a wary look, but soon laughed again.

“What kind of joke is this?”

Nuada did not join in the attack or attempt a surprise attack, but just walked slowly from afar. It was not a distance for a joint attack or a surprise attack.


“Are you just bluffing?”


When neither of them answered, Suramazon threw himself at Eurius again. His hand and Eurius’s sword collided and made a loud noise again.


‘He may be up to something, but there’s no way he figured it out.’

He swung his hands fiercely, but Suramazon did not forget to watch Nuada who was observing him from afar.

His extrasensory perception, which was a power he received after becoming an archbishop in addition to shape-shifting, could easily detect any signs within hundreds of meters around him without having to turn his eyes.


As soon as he felt Nuada moving, he snorted inwardly.

‘You guys are like that!’

But his expectation of a joint attack was completely wrong.

Nuada just moved slightly to the side.

But Suramazon frowned when he saw that simple action.

‘Could it be?’

Thud!At the same time, Eurius’s sword pierced through his abdomen.

Of course, he did not inflict any wounds this time either.

Suramazon faltered slightly but opened his mouth with a calm expression.

“It seems useless, you stubborn bastard.”

“Is that so?”

Even though his attack did not work, Eurius smiled slyly.

‘I finally figured it out. I was right!’

He finished his thought and threw a sharp question.

“Then why did you back off when the attack didn’t work this time? If you’re really immortal, you should have pressed on like before.”


Suramazon could not answer his question for a moment.

Seeing him, Eurius still smiled and raised his sword again.

“If you don’t answer me, I’ll have to check it myself.”

He kicked the ground and the close combat resumed, but the situation was similar yet different from before.




Eurius’s sword still pierced and slashed Suramazon, but it did not do any damage.

But there was a crucial difference.

Nuada, who was watching from afar, muttered with a puzzled expression as he moved his body as Eurius instructed.

“Geez… It’s amazing. Why can’t he counterattack?”

What he saw in his eyes was Suramazon being butchered one-sidedly, with only no wounds.

Eurius did not order him anything special.

His whisper earlier was this:

“Don’t interfere and just observe from afar.”

“Aren’t I observing already?”

“Yes. But when he moves, move with him and align the direction.”


His request was nothing special.

He asked him to move so that he was exactly symmetrical with Eurius, who was facing Suramazon head-on.

That is, if Eurius, who is facing the enemy head-on, is at twelve o’clock direction, Nuada, who is at the opposite position, is at six o’clock direction.

Just by doing that, Suramazon, who was on a roll until then, was being pushed back helplessly.

He cursed inwardly.

‘Damn it… He seems to have figured out my secret. But I just need to find an opportunity to get out.’

Of course, Eurius knew that too.

But he couldn’t help but stick out his tongue as he had missed him several times.

‘Tsk! He’s persistent even though his trick has been exposed. Is he trying to hold on until he can escape? That would be troublesome.’

If he could deal such a decisive blow, Je Gal Woon Hyun would have killed him long ago. Eurius was also anxious as the opponent held on well.


‘Now’s my chance!’

He sensed that while he was thinking for a moment.

Suramazon quickly detected it with his sharp senses.

A streak of dark light flew towards his forehead.

It was so fast that it seemed impossible to avoid it even if he detected it.


The light was a sword light.

The dark sword light pierced through his forehead and then the sound followed.


Suramazon backed away and spat out a curse.

He was not afraid of the attack.

As Eurius’s attack did not work, the sword light did not hurt him either.

But he cursed because he showed his weakness by ‘dodging’ the sudden attack.

The person who made the attack quickly blocked his escape route.

His heart sank as he felt her presence. There was no way to get out of this situation.

‘Damn it! She’s also a master. It’s hard to escape.’

“Your Majesty! Are you all right?”


Eurius showed a moment of joy but also a puzzled expression.

He had a hunch when he saw the sword light, but he was slightly surprised when she revealed herself.

‘Her skill is enough to be safe, but when did she climb over the wall?’

[Beatrice Dios]

Job: Senior Knight, Grand Master (Superhuman)

Strength: A Agility: S+ Intelligence: A Force Aptitude: S+ Force: S+

Disposition: Pure, Stubborn, Hard-working

[Traits]Swordsmanship (S+)

Swift – A 4th-level force control technique. It allows amplifying agility momentarily depending on the proficiency level.

‘Anyway, it’s something to celebrate. But killing him is the priority here.’

Eurius regained his composure and gave Nuada a wink first.

“Your Majesty, you seem to be upset…”

“Huh? No, no. Haha!”


She looked at him with a serious expression, as he pretended to be calm.

“May I ask you one question?”

“What question?”

She hesitated for a moment. It was the reason why she had been gloomy lately. She finally opened her mouth.

“Am I of any help to you? You even advised me to go back to the Holy Kingdom, but I stayed here against your will.”

This was her worry lately. She was not arrogant, but she was more confident when she came to the Empire.

But after spending a few years by his side, she realized that there were many young and talented people in various fields around him.

‘All I can do is swing a sword.’

And if it came to using force, there were many warriors who were better than her, such as Nuada, Je Gal Woon Hyun, and even Cain’s growth rate was not normal.

‘I might be bothering him with some old ties.’

That was why she was cautious. But Eurius tilted his head.

“What are you talking about?”


“Did anyone say that to you? I always think that no one has helped me more than you.”


She widened her eyes. Of course, Eurius said that without thinking much, including his previous life, but she didn’t know the truth and thought he was teasing her.

“Is that true?”

“Do I have to swear on my name? Anyway, it’s true.”

He confirmed it and there was no reason to ask more questions.

“Thank you for your generous praise. Then I’ll go back to my squad.”

She quickly bowed her head and returned to the knight’s ranks.


Seeing her, Eurius twisted his face slightly. He knew that she was not the type to say such insecure things.

‘She must have had a serious slump lately. But she climbed over the wall this time, so her confidence should come back.’

He took his eyes off her and missed an interesting sight. As she slowly returned to the knight’s squad, Beatrice clenched her fists and exclaimed softly.



The next day.

Eurius called the Royal Guard and gave them an order.

He could command them because the Emperor had given him full authority for this matter.

“I’ve caught the ringleaders who raised their swords against the royal family, so it’s time to clean up the rest.”

“Please leave it to us!”

The royal guards captured all the nobles who were protesting in front of the palace. The citizens who saw them being dragged away could only look at them with curiosity.

Buzz buzz

“What happened to those arrogant nobles?”

“I heard they were charged with treason.”


The nobles who were captured had dead faces.

The high-ranking nobles who gave them orders were also caught and brought along.

Some of them were still in shock and shouted or denied their crimes.

“How dare you do this to us, even if you are the Crown Prince? What have we done wrong?”

“We just attended a secret social gathering. We never raised our swords against you. You have no evidence, do you? No evidence!”

Eurius answered them with a blank expression.

“The evidence will come from the south soon. The rest will be explained at the trial.”


Three days passed after that.

Many nobles were arrested and the capital was chaotic.

But the people who made it even more noisy finally arrived.

A large army with the imperial flag arrived at the city gate.

The people who recognized their mark were shocked.

“I am Count Peres of the 3rd Army! I have received the Emperor’s order and brought the traitors here, so open the gate.”

They were none other than the 3rd Army that he had sent to the south. What did they do?

The answer was with Eurius.

He came out to meet them personally at the square in front of the capital.

“Peres! Long time no see. I heard you had a lot of trouble this time.”

“It wasn’t me who worked hard, but these youngsters. Thank you for sending me such good talents. Haha…”

Eurius also smiled happily and looked at one person behind Peres.

He frowned as soon as he met Eurius’s eyes.

He was a knight who seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries, with bandages wrapped around his arm and head.

“You’re really too much, Your Majesty. I really thought it was a vacation.”

Eurius scratched his head and smiled as he looked at Cains.

“But didn’t you do a great job thanks to that? You really worked hard.”
