I stared at Fatty until he eventually sighed and said, "Yes, I saw Yun Cai. She told me not to go in, but I didn't respond to her. This place is evil. I know that people can't come back to life. You just have to rationalize your inner pain."

"Then why didn't you mention it?"

Fatty touched the memento hanging around his neck, "I thought I had gotten over it, but when I saw her, I realized that I wasn’t over it at all. This place is quite sinister. It picks out things from your past that you haven’t come to terms with and uses it to provoke you. Plus, you should be asking Little Brother why he didn’t mention it as well. It’s two against one, so that’s why we didn't bother saying anything."

I looked into the darkness. What did Poker-Face see?

Was there anything from his past he hadn’t come to terms with?

I looked at Fatty again and knew why he was so hesitant to talk. He felt that the things he saw were things that he hadn’t been able to come to terms with. But I saw Poker-Face, so did that mean that I wasn’t over everything that had happened during those ten years?I didn’t think it was a matter of coming to terms with it. After all, I had no intention of putting that decade of my life behind me. With my character, I actually hoped that the wound would always hurt so that I could stay alert. But I felt that Fatty's statement had some truth to it even though it was useless.

"Then what’s your final opinion on the matter?" I asked him.


"Remember the sound that fake Little Brother made just now? I heard the same kind of sound during the first half of my shift when I was keeping watch that night. I think the Yun Cai that I saw was also one of these transformed things. But if there really is such a thing as these bee men here, is there something like a queen bee that has even more capabilities?"

I looked at Fatty, thought about it for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant. He was thinking that if the bee men could turn into human beings, then maybe the queen bee was more powerful and could turn into someone who was close to our hearts.

I gave a wry smile. The term “bee man” was just a code name; it wasn’t a real bee.

I lay down and continued to think, but slowly discovered a strange thing. Whenever I was about to fall asleep, Jin Xingsan would immediately come over and talk to me. After a few conversations, my drowsiness disappeared, but when this happened a few more times, my fatigue was beyond words. I looked at his constantly energetic expression again. This oppressive atmosphere was enough to make people feel an overwhelming sense of despair.

But I dared not confront it directly, because I knew it was difficult to deal with. Although we could kill it, such an act required a lot of physical strength and another one may immediately fill its spot. So, I tried to keep the current state of affairs stable, but I could barely get any rest like this.In the end, I couldn’t help but start making some deductions. If this state lasted for seven to ten days, what would happen to me?

I looked at the endless abyss below and figured that I would have the strong urge to jump, and may even fall asleep before landing.


My mind was becoming more and more chaotic, and the real fatigue was preventing me from thinking. I knew that as long as I could sleep for five minutes, I could recover a little bit, but Jin Xingsan was staring at me and wouldn’t let me fall asleep.

"Xiao Hua and Little Brother must have escaped,” Fatty suddenly said from beside me. “Should we endure it for a while and wait for them to save us?"

I did some calculations and felt that it was impossible. The risk was too great. We didn’t know what they were facing right now, and they may even need our help if the problem they were facing was even more serious than ours.

I took out a cigarette. I guess this could be considered a relapse, but I needed the nicotine to get my brain working at full capacity.

Compared to ordinary people, cigarettes helped me a lot, but the effective time was very short so I'd basically feel even more fatigued right after smoking. I looked at Jin Xingsan, lit the cigarette, and took the initiative to get up.

Fatty’s voice came from behind me, "What are you doing? Let me warm up first."

"Just watch,” I said to him. “I’m going to trick it."

Ignoring the fact that it was influencing my mind, it was essentially keeping me from climbing, so the way to fight it was to make it think that I was still in the same position.
