What is this? A gacha ticket?

I couldn't help but be surprised. Of course, it was natural. There was no gacha system in HSAW!

-Ah, my child. I will send you the angels blessed with my power.

'Oh, thank you.'

I was grateful, but... a gacha system in a trash game like HSAW...?

First, I opened my inventory and checked the item description.

[Agent 1-time Gacha Ticket (2 pieces)


Grade: ???

Description: A gift from the God of Beauty, Kyros. You can draw an agent from C to S grade.]

After reading the content, I frowned. No, how weak is Kyros that he gave me a random gacha ticket instead of a guaranteed one?

Well, that aside. How do I use this ticket? Do I tear it out? As I wondered how to use it, I reached out to the inventory and took out the ticket.


My eyes were blinded by white light. It was as if I had come to another dimension in an instant. The world was completely white and I felt a floating sensation all over my body.


'Ugh, I hate this kind of thing.'

But since Kyros gave it to me as a gift, nothing bad would happen, right?

I tried to struggle, but nothing changed. So I stayed still for now. Judging by the silence of Kyros' voice, did I really come to another dimension?


An out-of-place sound effect rang in my ears. Something appeared in front of me with smoke.

'This is...'

A slot machine? No, why...?

[Agent Gacha will begin.]

I smiled faintly at the message that appeared next.

There was no gacha system in HSAW. But I had cleared HSAW, a trash game, after playing many games. It was unexpected, but not unfamiliar.

Besides, these gambling games were basically fun, so I liked them a bit.

It's just that I didn't expect to do gacha here.

'Maybe the system adjusted to what I'm familiar with.'

This slot machine was a bit different from what I had seen before as well. Usually, you need three matching pictures to get a reward, but this one had only one slot. And there were no pictures on it.

[Agent grade: S, A, B, C]

Instead, what occupied the slot was only the information about the agent grades.

I had already confirmed this through the ticket information, but I was disappointed again.

'It depends on luck. I've never gotten the best thing from these things.'

Sadly, I wasn't very lucky.


[Pull the lever.]

As I sighed, a text appeared as if urging me. Well, whatever. It's all up to luck anyway. There's no point in worrying.

I pulled the lever of the slot machine with all my strength.

[Two agent gacha tickets will be consumed.]

As I moved the lever, a message appeared and I widened my eyes slightly. Wait a minute. What? It consumed two tickets instead of one?

'Does it mean that two people will come out of this grade? Or is it originally two tickets for one person?'

I didn't know what it meant, but I focused on the screen that changed every moment. The alphabets spun quickly and the slot machine made a loud sound effect as if to induce tension.

Ding-dong! Ding-ding! Pop! Pop!

'Please, please, S grade! Or at least an A grade!'

The slot machine started to slow down. It gradually slowed down and then,


The grade was finally decided.At the same time,

Terdius Austin was still standing alone in Rovel.

His red eyes shining faintly in the moonlight scanned over the residents of Rovel who were lying on the floor asleep.

They were addicted to 'Happy' until just before and had drifted away from ordinary human life.

Their pale complexion, their limp bodies.

Children, old people, middle-aged men, young women. They were all like that regardless of age.

But there was one person who caught Terdius' eye more than anyone else.

The target of his gaze was a young boy who was sound asleep.

Terdius couldn't take his eyes off him.

'Brother, I'm fine.'

He looked up and saw himself with a pale complexion.

'I always wished you were happy, brother. More than me.'

He had a smaller stature than his peers, a bloodless pale face, and thin arms and legs.

But, his eyes always sparkled when he looked at him.The child of Rovel, his face overlapped with that boy.


Terdius couldn't take his eyes off him for a moment, then brushed his hair back.

Just before, he had met a man who belonged to the 'Kyros Church', something he had never heard of.

Terdius tried to kill him. He was an obstacle to his mission.

And yet, he couldn't do it.

He, who was merciless to anyone, couldn't do it.


Just because he helped the people of Rovel? Because he saved a boy who resembled Ivan?

No. It wasn't that.

There was another reason. But Terdius couldn't figure out why.

The only certain thing was; He felt a familiarity with him.

That was the moment,


A sharp sound and a pain that made his head feel like it was breaking.

The pain was brief and familiar.

When the pain ended, there was no emotion left in his eyes that had been full of questions.

Now it was time to do his job.

The reason Terdius came to Rovel was simple.

'Lizes Church.'

It was because of a pseudo-religious group that was known to be related to the Devil King.

His elite subordinates had already gone out for investigation, but they lost contact.

His direct subordinate 'Ron' asked him to dispatch himself, but Terdius refused.

If the elites who were the vanguard lost contact, it was certain that Lizes Church was close to the Devil King.

So, He went out on his own for a quick job.

The third apostle of Diego Church, Terdius Austin himself.


Terdius, who had sorted out all his thoughts, soon disappeared into the darkness.I clenched my fists tightly. I wanted to scream and jump around, but I gave up because I had no strength. But, I was very happy.

The grade written on the screen was S. And it was a dazzling golden S!! They say if you wish hard enough, it comes true!

'I can't believe I got an S grade!'

But the probability itself didn't seem to be that low.


[You have drawn S-grade executives!]

As soon as the congratulatory message appeared, a bright light burst out of the slot machine.

I closed my eyes because of the intense light. And when it quieted down, I opened my eyes and found myself back in the corridor where I had been before.

This time, I was not alone but with the executives.

"Hello, leader!"

"Ni-nice to meet you."

As I heard unfamiliar voices, Kyros's voice came back.

-Oh, they are the angels!

Kyros was very happy. And so was I.

There were two S-grade executives who appeared in front of me. And they were twins with the same appearance.

They looked like they were just over ten years old, but they were still an S-grade, so it didn't matter.

Anyway, these kids were cute children with brown hair and green eyes.

They had the same appearance, but their clothes were different and easy to distinguish.

One wore armor like a knight, and the other wore a pure white robe that wrapped around his body. The one in the robe even wore glasses without lenses, so there was no way to confuse them.

By the way, they looked like ordinary kids in cosplay.

"Hi. I'm Revelof Holden. I'm the leader of Kyros Faith."

The kids looked up at me with sparkling eyes, so I introduced myself in my own way.

I had recognized myself as the leader of Kyros Faith for quite a while, but it was embarrassing to say it out loud.

"I'm Alphius. I'm the high priest of Kyros Faith who will help you, leader!"

Alphius ran up to me quickly as his brown hair fluttered, and then greeted me politely.

A child this young was a high priest. Was it because he was S-grade? And if he was an NPC, he would know quite a bit about Kyros.

"I-I'm Chester. I'm a paladin."

Unlike the lively Alphius, Chester looked timid. He came up to me hesitantly but with a smile on his face.

They were both cute.

-My little lamb, these two angels were born from my power. So I can send them my voice whenever I want.

Ah. That's how it was."Alphius, Chester."

I called the two kids who were smiling innocently.

"What kind of power do you have?"

I bent down to meet their eyes and asked. The high priest and paladin, I could guess by their jobs. But I still wanted to hear it myself.

"I can help you and look after Kyros Faith in general! For example, managing believers and temples, and sometimes doing your work instead of you!"

Alphius answered with his eyes shining brightly.

But, he could also be the acting leader?

Wow, I like that.

"That's amazing."

I stroked Alphius' hair and the kid giggled.

Then, something pulled my clothes. When I turned my head, I saw Chester with his head down.

"Le, leader. I can also... I can also do many things. I'm strong and good at swordsmanship, so I can protect you. And, and also... I can chop wood, and also..."

Oh. I guess I paid too much attention to one person.

"Really? Chester is amazing too."

I pretended to be surprised and stroked Chester's head too. Then, his expression brightened up.

"Thank you for coming to my side, both of you."

I hugged the cute kids who would be my strength at once.

"I look forward to working with you!"

"I, I look forward to working with you too...."

After a hug,

I fell into a moment of thought.

What should I do with these kids now? I drew them, but... How should I arrange their accommodation? I wanted them to stay at the Holden mansion if possible, but I couldn't do that.

'I don't have any excuse.'

It wouldn't make sense to say that they were my guests who had been staying at home every day.

They had never officially gone out, but they weren't familiar with anyone in the mansion either.


When I was lost in thought, Alphius called me. And he said as if he had read my mind,

"You don't have to worry about our accommodation. We can stay in the subspace."

"Yes, yes."

-Yes, that's right. These kids are angels after all.

Kyros chimed in too.

So, they were both NPCs who could live in the subspace.

"Really? That's a relief."

I was relieved.

Their accommodation was settled, so I opened the religious status.

Alphius and Chester. The two kids were officially members of Kairos Church.

[Religious Status (Kairos Church)

Leader: 1 (Levelof Holden)

High Priest: 1 (Alphius)

Paladin: 1 (Chester)



Total number of believers: 3]

The number of believers increased thanks to the kids. This is amazing.

By the way, what are their real abilities? They must be great since they have high stats.

Chester's ability especially intrigued me.

'Is he similar to Terdius if he's an S-grade?'

It would be nice if he was more than that, but it would be good enough if he was equal.

Even if Terdius belonged to Diego Faith, he was the protagonist of this world after all.

If he was equal to Terdius...

'He would be more reliable than I thought.'

I wouldn't need to take out my weapon.

And, he would be a great help in the third and final disaster that would hit Holden Territory.

Alphius' power would also be very helpful if Kyros Church gained more believers in the future.

I smiled contentedly and looked at the kids.

"Leader! Please call us whenever you need us!"

"Yes, yes!"

-How is it, my little lamb? My power.

'Yes. It's amazing. Kyros is the best. Wow. You turned this world upside down.'

-Huhu, right? I'm the best, right? Even though I don't have much power left... If I could help my first believer! Hahaha!

So I kept flattering Kyros until I got back home.



E/N: Kyros is really adorable.
