After finishing my conversation with my mother, I contacted Zain right away. I was going to the Kyros Faith's Temple to receive treatment starting tomorrow, so I wanted to be prepared for any unforeseen situation.

I asked Zain to act as the church leader, just like he did when the temple opened. I delivered the transformation potion and glasses to him through the children, and also told him what to say depending on the situation.

When I was almost done with the preparations, Zain asked me a question before I started the plan.

[By the way, Master, did you have Malone's disease?]

"Yes. So don't even dream of spreading the fact that the cure for Malone's disease is Pasrel poison."

[Of course! I'm doing everything that the Master tells me to do. Everything that I learned from the Master is nothing but the Master's secret.]

My 'secret' that was written in the contract.


Zain seemed to think broadly about the scope of 'secret' like me.

It was more like a trick than anything else.

Even if I told Zain something, if it was still in the category of 'secret' for me, Zain would lose his life if he leaked it.

That's a relief.

[But, I didn't know that Master had Malone's disease. You didn't show any signs of it.]

"That's because I tried my best to hide it."


[But how did you know the cure, Master? I've never heard of a cure for Malone's disease.]

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you. Anyway, do well tomorrow."

[Yes? Oh... That's your secret. I understand.]

I heard Zain grumbling, but the communication ended there.

I was going to the Kyros Faith's Temple tomorrow morning. It was late at night, so I went to bed quickly.The next morning. I forced myself to open my sleepy eyes and moved hastily.

-My child, don't you have enough time to get ready?


Kyros asked me with a worried voice because I looked quite busy.

I didn't have anything to prepare. Maybe just mental preparation.

But for some reason, I was nervous and wandered around the room.

'I'm actually ready. I just feel nervous and don't know what to do...'

-Haha, yes. That can happen.

While chatting with Kyros, Paul called me and said he was ready.

On the way to the first-floor hall of the mansion, I greeted the busy servants as I went down the stairs.

My mother was busy, but she said she couldn't let me go to the Kyros Faith's Temple alone and assigned some knights to accompany me.

I thought there would be only a few knights waiting, but there was only one person in the hall.

It was Sevenus, who wore a neat gray coat and loosely tied his long silver hair to one side.

"Revy, are you ready?"

Why is he here?


I approached Sevenus and called him. He stood upright and turned his gaze to me.

-It's pleasing to see brothers standing side by side.

Kyros seemed quite satisfied. Well, it made sense, since Sevenus was a handsome man, even in my eyes.

No, that's not important right now.

"Why are you here, brother?"

As if I was just curious, I asked politely. Then, Sevenus turned his head to me.

"I heard from Mother. You're going to the Kyros Faith's Temple today."

"Yes. That's true..."

I didn't want to go with you though?

"For your safety, I made some time even though I'm busy."

"I'm fine, brother."

Why are you here when you're busy? Go do your work.

"No. Mother said she understood the intention of the Kyros Faith's leader, but you never know. He might make some demands using you as an excuse."

Well, that's possible...

I didn't expect that Sevenus would follow me.The standard I had in mind was either Paul or my doctor.

'I'm glad I asked Zain to play a role in advance.'

I looked at Sevenus with displeasure, but he didn't care and left the mansion. I had no choice but to follow him.

As we passed by the servants who opened the mansion's door and left the building, we saw the carriage of Holden.

Twelve knights were standing in front of the splendid carriage.

'Anyone would think we're going to some faraway city.'

We were only going to Rovel, which is within our territory, but why was the preparation so fancy? The embarrassment was all mine.

As I thought so, I saw a familiar face among the knights.

When our eyes met, Fanatic smiled and bowed his head to me once, then waved his hand.

He looked like a dog greeting his master.

When I ignored his greeting, he drooped his shoulders. What? Is he really a dog?

-He looks pitiful with his shoulders drooped. My child, why don't you greet him?

No, I'm not even a real idol.

'No, thank you. Why should I greet someone who always bullies me?'

-Hmm, well, that's true.

As I spoke curtly to Kyros, Sevenus, who was walking ahead, stopped in front of the carriage and looked at me.

"Revy, get in."

"Yes, brother."

I got into the carriage. I wanted to ride a horse and go quickly, but I was still the 'second Young Master who was slightly better in condition, but still frail,' in the mansion.

Shortly after, Sevenus also got into the carriage and sat in front of me, and the carriage door closed.

'Oh. We're riding together.'

It was awkward to sit in one carriage and face my brother.

The good thing was that Rovel, our destination, was not far from the mansion.

It would only take about thirty minutes, so I just had to endure it for a while.

As soon as the carriage started moving, it was hard to bear even for a minute, let alone thirty minutes.

'I'm dying of awkwardness.'

Sevenus was reading a book he had brought with him as if nothing was wrong, but I felt suffocated.

So I unlocked and opened the window. The cool breeze came in and relieved me a little.

'I feel alive now.'

But, that thought was short-lived. The window slammed shut with a thud. It was Sevenus.

What? Are you picking a fight with me?

But Sevenus didn't even look at me and said,

"I felt cold."

Hey, jerk. It's late spring now...

No--- the daytime temperature was no different from early summer. And you felt cold?

This bastard, he followed me to torment me.

-My boy, your brother loves you so much. What a lovely brotherhood!

Kyros chuckled as if he was enjoying something.

'Don't laugh!'

Can't you see that I'm trembling right now?

'Brotherhood' my ass, it's suffocating enough that he won't let me open the window. Isn't that torture?

I glared at Sevenus, who was only looking at the book with a stiff posture, and shook my clenched hand into a fist.

Sevenus didn't even glance at me until the carriage stopped.

Damn.Fortunately, the carriage arrived at Rovel quickly. The carriage stopped in front of the Kyros Faith's Temple and the door opened. Sevenus got off first as if he was waiting, and I followed suit.

Under the warm sunlight, I saw many believers flocking around the temple.

'I'm proud of myself.'

But that was only for a moment. Most of the believers' eyes were on me.

Oops. Holden's carriage.

"Oh my, isn't that Young Master Sevenus and Young Master Revelof?""Oh dear! I never thought I would see them in my lifetime!"

"But, what are they doing at the temple?"

"Right? Could it be that they became Kyros Faith believers?"

"Nah, I don't think so. Maybe it's because of the crack last time?"

"But even if Young Master Sevenus doesn't know, Young Master Revelof came too. He's a sickly person..."

"Right. What's going on?"

The murmurs of the believers reached my ears. The knights were controlling them, but the noise only subsided a little and there was not much difference.

'How embarrassing.'

It was awkward to face the believers without glasses, whom I had met with glasses before.

Of course, they didn't recognize me.

"Welcome, brothers!"

As I followed Sevenus into the temple a little bit, I heard a bright and cheerful voice that I was familiar with.

It was Alphius who greeted us. Alphius winked at me when our eyes met. What a cute guy.

"I've been waiting for you. I'm Alphius, the high priest of Kyros Faith."

Alphius greeted me and Sevenus politely.

But, Sevenus' gaze at Alphius was cold as ice.

"Where is the leader?"

This rude bastard. Can't you at least return his greeting?

However, Alphius didn't mind and answered.

"The leader is waiting for you in the reception room. I'll show you the way."

Sevenus didn't even reply, but fortunately, Alphius didn't seem to care much.

Good boy, my son.

"Let's go, Revy."

Somehow Sevenus looked at the temple as if it was a battlefield, but he didn't forget to take care of me.

As we followed Alphius into the temple, the knights followed us too.

We headed to the reception room on the first floor of the temple with Alphius' guidance.

It was on the opposite side of the prayer room where most of the believers gathered, so it was quiet and not crowded.

When we arrived at the reception room, Sevenus ordered the knights to wait nearby.

"The leader is waiting for you inside."

Alphius finished his guidance and stepped back. Sevenus opened the door to the reception room and entered. I followed him in and was a bit surprised.

Inside the spacious reception room,

"Please come in, brothers. I'm Leviathan, the leader of Kyros Faith."

The one who welcomed us.

I felt strange when I saw myself in him. I quickly hid my surprised expression, but somehow, I couldn't erase my awkward feeling.

Is it because it's my first time meeting him in person?

'Not bad. It shows if you look closely.'

But that was only for a moment. As I looked at him more closely, I noticed some differences. First of all, his hairstyle. His hair was stiffer than my real hair.

He was taller than me and his voice was lower too.

Because of the effect of the transformation potion, my original voice would come out, but I told him to tone down his voice because Sevenus could recognize my voice.

'By the way, the effect of the relic glasses is really good.'

Even though I knew that his face was 'my face', I felt like denying it in my head.

Even if I knew what my real face looked like, I still felt like the glasses' effect, so it was natural for people who didn't know to be fooled. I'm glad the effect is good.

"I'm Sevenus Holden."

Thankfully, Sevenus didn't notice anything either. This time, unlike what he did to Alphius, he greeted him. He even shook hands.

Then, he reached out his hand to me too. I couldn't ignore it, so I introduced myself too.

"I'm Revelof Holden."

As we shook hands, I saw his mouth curl up slightly. Hey, are you mocking me?

"Please, have a seat."

I couldn't scold him in front of Sevenus, so I sat down quietly. Sevenus and I sat across from him, but somehow, I felt like the distance between me and Sevenus was closer than usual.

I turned my head slightly and saw that Sevenus was looking at him with obvious wariness.

"I don't have much time, so please treat him right away."

He's in a hurry.

"First of all, there is something I need to tell you."

He said what I had told him in advance yesterday. Then, Sevenus' eyes became even colder.
