As I stepped out of the classroom, a cool breeze carried fallen leaves in the air under the clear blue sky.

Looking at the midday sun high above, I smiled.

'It's about time.'

In one hand, I held my just-received grade report.

No, no.

Let's think positively.

If I hadn't returned late from the gathering the previous day, I wouldn't have even been able to take the exam.


The only thing I should regret is that I forgot today was the day of the exam.

'Fortunately, the evaluation for the afternoon lecture is scheduled for next week.'

To be honest, I had assumed that since the next week's evaluation was for Silbec's lecture in the afternoon, there would naturally be an evaluation for the morning lecture as well.

With so many hectic things happening lately, it seems I completely lost track of things.

Recently, I've been getting a stronger sense of Adrias's personality.

'After all, Adrias is the one in control of the body.'


Even if I were to put the same content in my mind about Kim Jinho's memories coming to Adrias, it doesn't mean Adrias becomes Kim Jinho in any way.

'Tomorrow is Intermediate Herbalism. Fortunately, it's a subject I'm confident in.'

I was well aware that Professor Beoban, the professor of Herbalism, held negative sentiments towards me.

But since it was an evaluation that all the students would be taking, I couldn't single-handedly manipulate it.

...That's definitely the case.

Contrary to my expectation that I wouldn't be able to manipulate the evaluation, I burst into laughter at the scene that unfolded before me.

'Why is no one here?'

The Herbalism class was clearly scheduled for the afternoon.

I didn't have any thoughts about the evaluation until I was informed about it on the day itself, so I entered the classroom on time without thinking much.

But there was no one there except for a memo on the blackboard stating that the evaluation would take place in the outdoor plaza.

After reading the memo, I quickly rushed to the plaza, where I saw numerous experiment stations and herbalism students conducting experiments, with other students passing by and observing.

"What is this?"

Unknowingly, I muttered to myself and pushed my way through the crowd to get inside.

I happened to see Professor Beoban's back, so I immediately approached him.


"Hmm? Ah, Adrias-kun. Why are you so late?"

"Late? I arrived at the classroom on time."

"I clearly informed everyone about the evaluation location and time on the magic tablet. Didn't you check it?"

This bastard.

Is he targeting me?

Unfortunately, I didn't have a Magic Tablet.

As an artifact, the purchase of a Magic Tablet was optional, unlike essential items such as textbooks.

This meant that it cost quite a bit, which in turn meant that the impoverished Adrias couldn't afford one.

"Please explain the evaluation and its details since I don't have a Magic Tablet, Professor."

"Oh, you're a noble and yet you don't have a tablet? How interesting."

What is he trying to do?

He's clearly trying to make a fool out of me.

Hurry up and explain the evaluation.

As I sent a silent pressure with my gaze, one of the professor's assistants who was standing beside him approached and explained.

"I will explain. Recently, Professor Beoban invented a new potion through his own abilities."


So he acted all high and mighty just because he accomplished something himself?

I don't like what he's doing.

"This evaluation will involve analyzing the potion created by Professor Beoban. Each experiment station has a sample of the potion created by the professor. You need to determine the ingredients and ratios used in the potion. Conversations and interactions with other students are strictly prohibited, and the time limit is until 8 p.m. today. You only need to write down the parts you were able to figure out on the exam paper."

"Now, even though you're a bit late, go and give it a try."


Suppressing any personal emotions, I headed towards an empty experiment station.

But why does this have to be done outdoors?

Of course, it doesn't matter to me where I do it, but I was a little concerned about the onlookers.

"Now that all our herbalism students have gathered, the student who just arrived is the famous Adrias Cromwell. He's not only created a new potion, but also defeated a dark mage. He's a talented student."

As I stood at the experiment station, trying to examine the potion that Beoban had made, he suddenly started introducing me as if he were a clown. 'What is he trying to do?'

Beoban, you...

You've got me now, haven't you?

It seems that Beoban thinks I just tagged along and took credit for the potion made by me and Lucia.

So he's openly trying to humiliate me?

"Now, let's see how this amazing student completes the herbalism evaluation in record time. Although I don't expect any student to pass this evaluation perfectly, Adrias is an exception. I'm really looking forward to it!"

Ignoring my expression of disbelief, Beoban continued to babble.

Then, many students passing by stopped and looked at me, murmuring among themselves.

'Stay calm.'

Do you think I'll be shaken by this?

Honestly, I was a little shaken.

But in a good way.

'I must discover the secrets of this potion.

No matter what, I made up my mind to uncover the potion piece by piece within the given time frame.





It seemed that the intention of conducting the evaluation outdoors was not solely to humiliate me. Right next to us was a magic ingredient shop, so the students were free to purchase the ingredients and use them for experiments with the permission of the assistants. Of course, all the costs were provided by the Academy.

'This one... it's an awakening potion.'

It didn't take long for me to determine the effectiveness of the potion once I started the experiment. The potion created by Beoban was, in modern terms, a high-caffeine beverage. By comparing its color, chemical reactions, and intensity of effects to items in the game, I could quickly identify what it was.

'But for a professor's appearance, he did manage to create something.'

I diligently mixed it with other ingredients, shook it, and observed the reaction. Fortunately, I found a similar reaction to one of the items I had considered beforehand and immediately made a note of it.

'Intermediate Boost Potion. I used this quite frequently in the game.'

Although it had fewer uses than healing and regeneration potions, I occasionally used this potion. Moreover, the grade was higher than expected, which surprised me.

So Beoban is more capable than he appears. He didn't acquire the professor title for nothing.

'If I do well, I might be able to figure it out before 8 p.m.'

Now that I had identified the type of potion, the list of ingredients was complete. I just needed to find the mixing ratios, which, of course, was the most challenging part. However, there were still over five hours left.

'Beoban bastard, I will definitely figure it out.'

My determination was ignited like never before, and no one could stop me. In a situation where everyone was watching, I boldly gathered the ingredients specifically for the Intermediate Boost Potion and began searching for the mixing ratios.

"Ahem, Adrias, right?"

As expected, Beoban immediately approached my experiment table. I continued my experiment without even turning my head, answering him.

"Yes, Professor?"


Beoban rambled for a while, unable to ask how I had figured out the ingredients. Eventually, he said, "You... It's good to see you working hard. You may be heading down the wrong path, but keep up the good work."

What? Now he's openly praising me? Is he trying to provoke me?

The wrong path is the one you're taking, you bastard.

"Yes, I will do my best. You must be tired from supervising. Are you resting over there in the shade?"


I could feel Beoban's rough breath in response to my blatant disregard. Nevertheless, I didn't give him any attention and continued to focus on finding the mixing ratios.

After a while, I sensed that Beoban was still standing next to my experiment table, watching me.

What? He's still here?

"Professor, are you still here?"

When I ignored him once again, Beoban's face reddened, and he abruptly turned his head and moved to another spot, seemingly avoiding the shade I had mentioned earlier.

I really want to punch him in the face.

As time passed, it was already 5 p.m., and the afternoon lectures were ending, causing the students to come out for an early dinner.

'It's almost done.'

Talent is truly frightening. Although the sample potion provided played a role, it took only a few hours for me, gifted in potion-making ability, to find the mixing ratios for the Intermediate Boost Potion.

"Just a few more attempts..."

"Professor, I'm done."

My thoughts were interrupted as someone raised their hand and spoke.

Seeing the owner of that drowsy voice, I couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

'Lucia, is that you?'

Despite the messy snacks and crumbs scattered on her experiment table, which had nothing to do with the experiment itself, there was a potion of the same color as Beoban's potion.

"Are you done already?" "Yes, can I go now?"

"Um, if you could write down the list of ingredients used and the mixing ratios on the exam paper, you can go," he said.

"Here you go," Lucia replied, walking over and submitting her exam paper without hesitation.

As she walked away, our eyes met, and she smiled, her tired eyes forming crescents.

"Senior, I won this time," she said.

With that, she left without a trace.

After her departure, the students who had been observing started praising Lucia Everlast, echoing throughout the area.

"But hey, isn't this Adrias guy the co-creator of potions with Lucia?"

"That's right."

"Then why is he still struggling?"

"Hey, no matter what, don't compare him to Lucia Everlast. She's a genius. Can you compare a genius to anyone?"

Faint voices reached my ears, and unknowingly, my eyes followed Lucia's back.

When I first met her, I felt like I could never catch up to her, let alone compete with her.

But now, the emotion I felt was resentment.

Ironically, I was feeling a sense of competition towards her.

"Adrias, my boy," I chuckled inwardly. Then I refocused on my experiment, making an effort to concentrate.

If I had come on time, could I have beaten her?

No, no. Focus on the task at hand.

Time passed, and about 30 minutes had elapsed since Lucia left.

"That's it."

Finally, I found the mixing ratios.

I wrote down the discovered ratios on the exam paper and stood up from my seat.

"Are you going to buy ingredients?"

A nearby assistant asked as they saw me.

"No, I'm done."

"Done? Uh, congratulations then."

The assistant seemed taken aback and blurted out words that didn't fit the situation at all.

And with my statement that I had found the solution, it seemed that even Burbank had heard me, looking at me with surprised eyes.

"You, you really found the solution?" he asked.

"Yes, here it is."

As I handed him the exam paper, Beoban alternated between disbelief and looking at the potion and the paper.

I guess he looks like a toad catching its prey.

"I-I can't believe it was you."

"You saw it."

"It's u-unbelievable."

What is he saying?

Anyway, I calmly turned away, leaving two hours of the allotted time remaining for the evaluation.

The students who had been observing me, as well as the students participating in the evaluation, looked at me with eyes full of astonishment.

I could also hear a few comments from the onlookers.

That's right! Praise me like you praise Lucia!

"Well, as expected. It's not a lie that he invented a potion."

"Adrias does seem to have some talent. God is indeed fair."

Why am I not admired like Lucia?

Still, it felt satisfying to have demonstrated my abilities.

"Well then, Professor, enjoy yourself, or rather, thank you for your hard work."

I slipped up a little in my words, but Beoban was too busy burying his face in my exam paper to pay attention.

It doesn't matter anyway, as the only things written on the paper are the names of the ingredients and the mixing ratios.

With a satisfied heart, I was about to leave my seat when suddenly, the crowd began to stir, and someone emerged from among them.

"Professor Beoban!"

He seemed to be an upperclassman compared to me, and he ran towards Burbank with a deeply aggrieved expression.

"Professor, how can you do this?"

"Hmm? Garulf, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter? Right now, right now, the potion here! Isn't it the one I made? And on top of using it for the evaluation, you claim that you made it!"

"Oh my! What nonsense! So many people are listening, won't there be misunderstandings?"


This is getting interesting.

I stopped my steps to leave and smiled.

Since I was already on the receiving end of Beoban's actions earlier, why not play along and relieve this student's sense of injustice?
