On Friday afternoon, after Professor Schulm's lecture on the relationship between artifact and magic circles ended, a student came to find me as I was tidying up.

"Adrias Cromwell?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Professor Charon Diphlen asked you to come to his office around 9 o'clock."

"Really? Thanks."

I had actually planned to go there myself, so it was convenient that he called me.

Thinking that things were going well, I wondered what I should do until 9 o'clock.


Since I had just received the reward the previous day, I thought it would be a good idea to go shopping.

"10 million Will. That's roughly equivalent to 10 million Korean won."

It felt roughly similar.

However, in this medieval world, the cost of living and prices were extremely divided.

Luxury items and spices for the nobles were worth a fortune, but the prices of daily necessities and common food for the commoners were relatively stable.

The items I wanted to buy were already decided.


Of course, if I had enough money, I would immediately reclaim the signet ring from the grave robber Fireman, but I didn't have nearly enough with 10 million Will.

'I hope it wasn't obtained and sold already.'

With that thought in mind, I boarded the Mana Train.

The destination was a bustling commercial and shopping district within the Academy grounds.

I didn't want to spend money recklessly, but I felt that this was necessary, so I hurriedly went.

What I realized from the previous battle was that there are still many things in this world that I don't know. Since I can't predict when those variables will attack me, I always had to be prepared.

"This is Alven Street Station. We will make a 5-minute stop and then depart for the next station, Modban Hall."

I sat on the train and read a book for about 15 minutes until I arrived at my destination.

In fact, Albenburg had a significant stake in the Academy, as the name suggests.

Mages may be money-devouring creatures, but if they succeed, they can become wealthier than anyone else, as demonstrated by the Alben family.

Friday afternoon, after the lecture ended, and especially since there were many students wandering around Alben Street.

In addition to students, there were assistants, academy staff, and residents of the academy going about their business diligently.

Between the setting sun that was gradually setting, it was a pleasant sight to see people laughing and chatting with each other.

Although I didn't fit in with them, just watching them made me feel content.

'These people are all settled. They find joy in every little thing.'

Unconsciously smiling, I moved my feet.

Within the academy, there were various gatherings and clubs.

And most connections were formed in such places.

While students in the same class were competitors, in clubs and gatherings, it was easier to become close since they shared the same hobbies or interests.

If it weren't for any pressing matters, I could have attended those gatherings and lived a more sociable life.

As I moved further into the street, less sunlight penetrated, making it darker.

However, contrary to the darkness, the atmosphere was vibrant and intense.

The sound of hammers hitting metal echoed from all around, synchronizing with the beating of my heart.

'I never thought I would see this place for real.'

The blacksmithing street that I had visited hundreds of times in the game.

Among them, it was the most frequently visited blacksmith.

'My hammer is the best in the world.'

It was a blacksmith shop that had a somewhat peculiar name but was well worth its reputation.

There were quite a few blacksmith shops on Blacksmith Street, but based on my experience, this one was the best.

As I nervously entered with an excited feeling after checking the sign, I unexpectedly came face to face with someone.



"Dianne Alven?"

Caught off guard by an unexpected encounter, I momentarily froze but quickly composed myself and nodded as if I knew them.

Disnne also had a surprised expression but then maintained a poker face after nodding in acknowledgment.

"Adrias Cromwell. Why are you here?"

"I came for a task."

Come to think of it, it was the first time we were having a conversation.

Although we had crossed paths a few times before, each time we maintained an unnecessary level of caution.

Now that I had somewhat adapted to this world, I realized that such behavior was unnatural.

So, I should handle it appropriately.

'Of course, I need to be careful not to raise death flags.'

She still glanced at me with cold eyes, and I, in turn, glanced at her and discreetly looked to the side.

Behind the counter, the blacksmith's assistant was carefully packaging something that appeared to be a weapon.

'A sword. The person who bought it is Dianne Alven. And the owner?'

It was easy to deduce.

Is it a gift for my brother, Carlos Alven?

If that's the case, it meant that Carlos Alven would soon visit the academy, which implied that the incident would not be far behind.

Dianne, who noticed my gaze, quickly turned her body and concealed the sword. Is she embarrassed about buying a gift?

"As a mage, what brings you to the blacksmith shop?"

Do I need to explain?

But I didn't want to unnecessarily probe into her thoughts, so I simply replied.

"I came to buy a sword."

"A sword?"


Dienne looked at me with a gaze of disbelief.

"Why do you need a sword?"

"I recently went through some ominous events. I came to buy a self-defense sword."

As I finished speaking, Dienne burst into laughter.

She seemed to be trying to hold it back, but the laughter that couldn't be contained burst out like a deflating balloon.

"No, what kind of mage buys a self-defense sword? Are you intentionally trying to make me laugh?"

"How would I know if the Lady is here and intentionally do that?"

"...What? Are you stalking me?"

"No, that's not what I meant."

Just then, a man at the counter called out to Dianne.

"It's ready over here."

Dianne gave me a suspicious look and then concealed the sword given to her by the man in her robe as she passed by.

Sigh, Dianne Alven. My head hurts, it hurts.

"Adrias Cromwell."

What? You're still here?

"Let's pretend I didn't see you here."

"Yes, understood."

Is there any reason to hide?

Well, if she wants to. Besides, there's no one to tell in the first place.

After she left, I could finally discuss my business.

The assistant at the counter asked when I mentioned that I was looking for a sword.

"You're looking for a sword? Are you interested in a custom order?"

"No, I just want to buy something that's already made."

Of course, in my heart, I wanted a custom order, but the cost for that would be several times higher.

Considering that the price of a sword was already quite high, it was out of the question with the money I had.

I followed the guidance of the blacksmith's assistant and looked at the displayed swords.

I checked the weight distribution and grip by picking them up one by one, and those that felt right definitely had a higher price.

However, since I didn't want to settle for a cheap sword that I would regret later, I chose an item at a reasonable price.

"It's 3.4 million Will."

As I tried to calculate the amount with my card, my hand trembled.

.4 million? How much is that? It's enough money to sustain me for a year if I save.


I handed over my card but continued to hold onto it, tugging on it as if playing a tug-of-war.

"You need to let go if you want to process the payment."

Although the assistant's smiling face clearly seemed to be laughing, it appeared menacing to me, perhaps my imagination.

Finally, the assistant forcibly pushed my hand away and quickly processed the payment before returning the card.

"The payment has been completed. Please visit again."

Without realizing it, I sent a resentful gaze, and the assistant waved their hand as if saying, "Go away."

"Excuse me, one more thing."

"Yes, sir. Haven't you left yet?"

"Do you have any freebies?"






Having snatched away the whetstone as a freebie, I decided to have a meal while I was in the busy street.

It felt like a waste of money, but since I had been eating only school meals until now, I wanted to treat myself with the feeling of winning a prize.

'You need some kind of reward like this. How can people live every day as if they're on the brink of death?'

However, I didn't visit an expensive establishment; it was just a regular commoner's restaurant.

Perhaps because it was dinner time, there were quite a few students among the people wandering outside, and they gathered in groups, chatting and having their meals.

I asked the server for their most confident dish and quietly observed the people's behavior.

'It's so peaceful.'

It was hard to believe that I had to face chaos a few days ago.

They say that when people go through the same experience repeatedly, their senses become dulled.

It's true. But becoming dulled and being forgotten are different. I still remember vividly the moment I killed Edel.

No, to be precise, I remembered every single moment of death that had occurred until now.

I don't know if I'm abnormal.

But I don't think being like this makes me a bad person.

'It's evidence that I haven't become a monster yet.'

It could be considered a self-comfort or self-deception.

It's possible that people mistake themselves for being monsters.

Anyway, what does it matter?

I looked at the food approaching me.

"Our special ten-colored roasted chicken with Mama's special seasoning is ready."

"Thank you."

Was the name of this restaurant Mama's Paradise on Earth?

The chef seems to be Mama herself.

I picked up a leg of the chicken-shaped roasted dish and ate it with my hands.

And soon, I almost shed tears from the unexpectedly nostalgic taste.

'Seasoned chicken?'

Of course, it wasn't fried food.

But perhaps because of the seasoning, it tasted similar to Korean-style fried chicken.

Thanks to that, I voraciously devoured the food and called the server for an additional order.

"Yes, please wait a moment."

Only then did I look around and noticed that the students sitting at the table next to me were looking at me with pitiful expressions.

Did I eat too hastily?

I resolved to eat the food from the additional order slowly, but as soon as the food arrived, I realized I was already devouring it with both hands.

'This... It can't be helped. It's irresistible.'

I placed a third additional order, but the server had a apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, sir. We've run out of our special sauce today, so it's sold out."

"Ah, I see."

Oh, this is unfortunate.

I sighed and reluctantly got up from my seat.

"The ten-colored chicken was delicious."

"I'm glad you liked it."

As I was about to go to the cashier to pay, the server waved their hand.

"The customers at the table next to you already paid and left."


I looked toward the entrance of the restaurant, but they were already gone.

Thanks to that, I ended up having a free meal, and it made me feel that the world still had some goodness in it.

Yet, at the same time, I felt a sense of self-disgust.

How pitifully did I eat to receive this kind of treatment?





Returning to the Department of Magic, I headed to Charon's office in my spare time.

Although I had about 30 minutes to spare, when I arrived at the office, surprisingly, the lights were on.

Curious, I knocked on the door and spoke.

"Professor, it's Adrias Cromwell."

The usual silence followed, and after mentally counting to 30, I heard a response.

"...Come in."

As I entered, Charon was sitting at the office desk, checking his tablet.

"You're early. Do you have time?"

"I came early to wait, but when I saw the lights on, I knocked."

"Then wait."

I nodded and sat at the table in front of Charon's office desk.

Quietly, I started reading a book I had brought along, thinking it would pass the time.


About 10 minutes later, Charon called me.

"I heard you caught the Dark Mage this time."

"Yes, that's correct. I was actually planning to see you about that matter, but the investigation was still in progress..."

"I see. Stop talking for a moment and wait."

Charon rearranged the mana and cast an unknown spell throughout the office.

"Now, speak."

"Can I speak freely now?"

"I used a spell to block the noise. So, speak."

Charon seemed to want to hear everything from beginning to end, but it couldn't be done that way.

Before explaining the whole incident, I decided to take the lead.

"Master, I think I've obtained the Codex Apocalypse."
