Chapter 255: Jaehwang’s Counterattack -2  


-Stop right there.

L paused for a while, avoiding the red arrows and making the shield at the same time as she focused on the recovery of her wings.


The golden Mana has been restored to its original state after being wrapped around the two wings. The word she used now was not the magic of recovery. It literally turned back the time of the wing.

-Die. Chaos Drive


The magic she prepared was not broken.

In keeping with the name of the dragon with infinite mental power, L’s head, which succeeded in maintaining its magic even in the attack stretched out vigorously. And the golden energy between her four horns stretched to the target where the red arrows flew a while ago.

“Koooooo.... Zap...zap...”

The moment it touched the ground, it seemed to shrink for a while but then. the black energy that was soon released began to swallow up the ground. As if they were unsatisfied, they stretched out in the shape of donuts, completely ruining everything on the ground. The bodies of monsters that have come in contact with black energy were shattered and scattered.

Through the energy that decomposes all organisms into atomic units, a single person flies into the air.



L’s chest bulges and rises when she discovered that. As if vomiting something in her stomach, something quickly rose through her neck and near her mouth. L’s eyes shimmered brightly. She opened her mouth and followed his movements.

-Dragon Breath


The scarlet rays struck all the space Jaehwang could escape. Intensive ultra-high-energy... A breath was a breath even though it was widely spread.

The distance between the two was about 400 meters, but the distance was meaningless to the dragon’s attack.

Jaehwang, who was soaring in the air was caught helplessly.

L’s breath, which was incredibly powerful that it even splits the buildings into pieces with ultra-high heat, would likely break reduce him to nothing if he got hit.

L smiles slyly... but her eyes swelled.

A mass surrounded by flames protruded through the breath. The red figure shone brightly through the flames although it was burning. As it unfolded while protecting his body, it became a giant wing. The smoke soared all over the body because he couldn’t avoid the breath entirely, but Jaehwang pulled all his power and fired an arrow.



-It’s dangerous

The red flash quickly rushed towards her. It was almost impossible to avoid.

L chose to stand by as she kept her mana in the shield.



Even though he couldn’t break through the shield, it was a powerful blow that made even L nervous. After losing her center in the air and faltering for a while, L quickly became alert and succeeded in flying again by moving her wings.

But her crisis was not over yet.

L sensed that something was coming down on his body.

The moment L turned and looked behind her back, her eyes widened.

There, Jaehwang was sitting on her back with an arrow pulled.

-Get off!


L spewed mana all over her body.

She didn’t like this inefficient way, but it was so sudden that she could not help it. The problem was that Jaehwang grasped the dragon scale and endured it.

-I said, get off!

L twisted her whole body and tried to drop Jaehwang, but even if the armor he was wearing was torn and fragmented, Jaehwang endured. The moment L stopped attacking to increase altitude, Jaehwang’s attacks began.

“Bang! Bang! Boom!”

-Awk! This is..!

The arrow of Jawhwang, with his legs firmly fixed between the dragon scales, was knocked continuously.

“Bam! Bam!”

Jaehwang smashed one dragon scale on purpose.

And then...


Along with the bursting sound, a scale was shattered, exposing her inner skin.


As her scale, which could stand in the lava, was crushed. L was in a hurry. She had never fought this kind of enemy in her life. For her, she was absolute and the Supreme Being on the food chain so no one would hurt her scales.

But her scale was smashed.

L panicked because she was facing this situation for the first time in her life. However, whatever shock L was suffering, Jaehwang began to brutally dig into her flesh.

‘Exploding Piercing Arrow’


Red blood comes out like a fountain.

At the same time, the first really painful scream rang in L’s mouth.


-I was deceived!

Grinding her teeth, L murmured constantly. Everything was a lie.

Everything about him that came through the video was a lie, and even the struggle with him when she met him at the base was a deception. Realizing that all of this was Jaehwang’s plot to hunt her, L felt the goosebumps creeping over her. He was a skilled hunter.

But rising with her was the pride of a dragon.

-Let’s try this

L’s two wings folded. The giant fuselage of the dragon began to fall rapidly under the influence of gravity. L did not slow down but rather, she became faster.


Dropping down at an angle of almost 45 degrees to the ground, L hardened her body by focusing on her mana.

Bam! Pow! Boom!

Just before hitting the ground, L rolled her body up and rolled on the ground from the back. It might be a stupid way that might have been done in Hatching, but the effect was perfect. It took off the annoying ticks of her body. Raising from the explosive sand, L grabbed the ground firmly with four legs and glanced forward to find Jaehwang who had fallen around.

The body of Jaehwang, who fell off L’s body and flew in the air just before hitting the ground. He was not in a very good condition either.

The left arm is bent at a strange angle due to being stricken by debris.

However, Jaehwang bit his lips, bent his left arm with his right hand and set it in place.

There is no time to recover. At the same time as Jaehwang flew away, a flash of light strikes the place where he had just stood.

Light spheres come in from all directions without a break.

That was what Jaehwang once fought. Back then, he lost helplessly, but it is different now.

Even now, his divinity was steadily rising and accordingly, his power was inevitably elevating.


After a quick recovery, he pulled the bow to the maximum.

‘The Arrow of the Punishment’


Jaehwang, who melted the magic pearl completely and escaped the limits of a man, could now use the arrows of the punishment for an unlimited number of times. About half of it had been consumed because of the Martial Arts House Archery Team, but it had already been refilled.


With the sound of the glass breaking, one side of the sphere was smashed and as Jaehwang exited through the hole, he flew arrows at all directions.

Jaehwang’s arrows seemed to have been flying randomly, but they started to fly to the dragon within a short time, waggling strangely in the air as if they had life.

‘Mana Arrow’

As a white sphere was created between L’ horns, hundreds of mana arrows flowed out of it. It’s as fast as a minigun used by humans. Furthermore, each one of them faced the flying arrows directly.

Bang! Bang!

The Mana Arrows who intercepted the arrows now rush towards him.


The left hand of Jaehwang, which was supported by his legs, began to move, causing afterimages and with him, his arrows also began to move unceasingly. Jaehwang continuously takes his shot. The battle of firepower between a man and a dragon... Jaehwang seemed to be pushed but unbelievably, he began to intercept each mana arrow that has been thrown at him.

-What?? How can he?!

L was shocked. Her Mana arrow was losing.

But she didn’t run away for it’s her pride as a magical flying dragon! Rather, she focused her mana through her horns and fired more mana arrows.

Bam!! Boom!!

She began to attack towards Jaehwang.

She was pushed against Jaehwang before she knew it and her eyes glowed cruelly...

It was at that moment...


The sand blew up below L and from it, a red arrow appeared and struck her chin.


As soon as her head was bent up, the mana arrows that had been pouring out were scattered. The common weakness of all living things was the head, and the dragon was no different in that fact. No matter how durable they seem compared to other life forms, everyone gets hurt.

In addition, although the attack used by Jaehwang now was clumsy, it was also mixed with the energy of penetration and explosion as well as “dancing” with the energy of the new bee and the ability to induce. The use of both spirituality and mana was a difficult tactic that was only usable by someone like Goongi, but Jaehwang practiced it to the point where he could use it for a short period of time in reality.


L screamed and shook his head violently. The arrow penetrated her lower jaw. If she didn’t use magic words to block it in the middle, the arrow would have probably been breached her skin, even reaching through her upper jaw or her brain.


Jaehwang also clicked his tongue as if he was disappointed. The attack was prepared with thoughts but failed to produce satisfactory results. While he still had the upper hand in the fight against L, this was like a tightrope walk that could quickly be reversed.

To use the same deception once again for superior beings like dragons was suicidal and in the dragon’s eyes, as her body curled up to the fullest extent, the arrogance that had been seen before it was no longer visible.

-Now, we’ll really begin.

The attack had already begun.

“The Judge of the myths”

“Absolute domain.”

The myth’s identity and hemolysis technique have become one, and the absolute sphere had expanded and begun to confront the divine power that was spewing out of L’s body.


As soon as L’s front foot took a step forward, her body had already reached Jaehwang’s zone.

She was about 200 meters tall. For Jaehwang, the dragon’s single step was almost at the speed of teleportation.

But Jaehwang was not just watching.


As soon as the dust rose, it also faced Jaehwang’s body.

If the monster’s reach was long, the close race was a penalty from the perspective of the giant.


The dragon’s huge mouth bit the space where he was.

‘Hemolysis Technique’

‘Dark Soul Cape’

Jaehwang’s hand, which evaded her mouth by causing a lingering image, had a bunch of dark and round objects pulled out of the Infinity Storage.

Ting!! Ting!!

Jaehwang, who confirmed that it bit the dragon after removing the safety pin, flew into the air with a smirk. This was a special grenade he prepared for today. It’s a special product that was ordered to make an opponent annoyed rather than kill them because he knew those common methods could not hurt the dragon.

Bam!! Baaaaam!


L’s eyes frowned when the grenade blew up in her mouth. However, her mouth did not show any signs of damage. Of course, what Jaehwang passed on to her mouth wasn’t just an explosive.


-This was made by refining the venom glands of a poisonous Monoclonius.

The Poisonous glands of the tier-seven monster, Monoclonius, a specialty of the North Korean side, were famous for its poison.

The poison was so severe that even the country had made it a restricted item.

This rock-melting poison was concentrated 100 times through their latest refining technology.

But for the dragon, the effect lasted only for a little while.

L, who purified the poison that came into her mouth through a magic word, spitted them out again.

This was simply an unbelievable ability, but Jaehwang didn’t expect much about it anyway.

What Jaehwang needs were only a moment of the dragon’s inactivity.

‘Master of the Mythical Bow.’

‘Dance as you rise, the shower of the exploding river will become a storm...’


The golden dragon scale was smashed and L’s head sank into the ground.

Once again, she tried to lift her head straight, but Jaehwang’s attack continued steadily.




With the victory in hand, Jaehwang drew his power and attacked L’s head.

‘The arrow of strength explodes and penetrates!’

‘Strong winds that penetrate as it dances...’


Jaehwang, who soared into the air in reaction to the explosion, took a deep breath.

It’s time for him to make a bet.

‘Dance with the arrows of punishment, the showers of the strong!


With a huge echo, a huge beam of light, which was unparalleled to this day, flew towards the head of L that buried it to the ground. The attack contains the full-hearted power of Jaehwang, which could be said to be at least 10 times more powerful than what was thrown at the time of the Ogamushi raid.
