Volume 5, Epilogue: Character Introductions  

Translator: Raylight

Character Introductions

“Good, warm-hearted” faction

Grisia Sun:

The Sun Knight, the head of the Twelve Holy Knights and leader of the “good, warm-hearted” faction. Has a radiant smile, a flawless personality, and a benevolent heart that will always forgive others.

(It is rumored that he specializes in anything other than swordsmanship, horse riding, and surviving in the wilderness.)


Ceo Storm:

Has a carefree personality, is a footloose charmer, and always has the presence of a woman by his side.

(The starting speed of his feet is faster than the wind.)

Georgo Earth:

Has an honest and loyal personality and is the Sun Knight’s good friend.

(His thick skin is just as formidable as his shield.)


Elmairy Leaf:

His personality can be described with only three words: a nice person.

(An archer for whom it is more difficult to miss the target than to hit it.)

Demos Cloud:

A wanderer who is as graceful as a cloud. It is said that he can be found drinking alone or reading books on windowsills, rooftops, under banyan trees, etc.

(Specializes in masquerading as a spirit.)

Chikus Blaze:

Is hot-tempered and blunt. Idolizes the Sun Knight.

(Specializes in cleansing spirits and often throws his Flames of Purification on Cloud Knight’s head by accident.)

“Cruel, cold-hearted” faction

Lesus Judgment:

The leader of the “cruel, cold-hearted” faction. Has a personality that is stern and cold, and he will never forgive criminals.

(His strongest skill – Subduing the Sun Knight.)

Ecilan Ice:

Has a personality as frigid as ice and is always expressionless.

(Likes summer, because only then do people want to eat his ice cream desserts.)

Vival Moon:

Has a narcissistic personality and is very arrogant. Disdains being on familiar terms with others and acts as though nobody is good enough to be in his sight.

(Has been looking for a girlfriend who is one hundred and eighty centimeters or taller for a long time.)

Laica Metal:

Has a poisonous, barbed tongue. Won’t be held responsible if you die of anger over his words. It is rumored that talking with him for ten minutes will make you so angry that it will reduce your life span by a year.

(Even if he has a poisonous tongue, he doesn’t dare open his mouth to ask for a signature from Knight-Captain Judgment.)

Aivis Stone:

He is so stubborn that he became famous for it. His stubbornness is as unyielding as rock. It is said that to break his skull is a simple matter, but if you want to change his mind, you might as well go overthrow the Church of the God of Light, since it’d be easier to do.

(All year round, he is extremely stubborn in saying that he is not stubborn at all.)

Roland Hell:

The only one who is in the ‘cruel, cold-hearted’ faction but does not obey the Judgment Knight’s orders. A holy knight who receives orders from the Sun Knight and specializes in doing secret missions unbeknownst to anyone. Some say that he is the specialized assassin of the Twelve Holy Knights. It has even been rumored that in the first generation of the Twelve Holy Knights, the Hell Knight was not a real person at all, but an alternate identity that the Sun Knight used for secret missions.

(All year round, he struggles with the fact that eating the desserts made by Knight-Captain Ice is a wasteful act, but if he doesn’t eat them, it would be an act that hurts someone’s feelings.)


In this volume, I inexplicably went over the word limit. So much so that I was a little worried about how many words I would have to write to be able to finish writing the planned scenarios. Thankfully, no matter whether you go over the word limit or not, you will always be able to finish writing a story.

For this volume, I had to write for a really long time. However, for every volume of The Legend of Sun Knight published, there is a long period of time in-between them. That is because, at the moment, it is the hardest series to write. The main problem is the humor. It’s not like I can think of humorous scenes just because I want them. I have to constantly accumulate a large variety of knowledge, common sense, and other random stuff non-stop, and then there will be something funny that comes out with a ‘Ping.’ The more punch lines a book requires, the longer the amount of time it takes to gather all of them.

Therefore, regarding the fact that The Legend of Sun Knight publishes slower, I’ll have to ask everyone to please forgive me.

In this volume, I filled in all of the holy knights’ names in the character introductions. If you haven’t seen the character introductions, please remember to go take a look at it as a supplement.

However, I wonder, will there be someone who can remember all of the Twelve Holy Knights’ names and titles? One day, I should really test everybody on this; however, I would have to make a cheat sheet for myself first to avoid the author herself forgetting them. (runs away~)

Other than that, the plan was to end The Legend of Sun Knight with eight volumes, and this has not been changed. I heard Internet rumors that came out of nowhere saying that The Legend of Sun Knight would end with five volumes, but that is false. I’m not sure whether it’s the second or third volume, but since then, I have said that The Legend of Sun Knight will end with eight volumes.

So there won’t be more or less, but rather exactly eight volumes!

For this volume, the title is “The Undying Lich (Part 1).” Therefore, it is to be expected that there will definitely be a (Part 2). Even if Scarlet has been captured and imprisoned, there is still going to be a (Part 2). (Part 2) is also still going to be talking about the liches; however… Hehehee! I am not at liberty to inform you.

Now that I’ve written up to this point, I really don’t know what to say in the epilogue anymore. I originally wanted to write about the knowledge gained in this volume, but I feel like I will accidentally reveal a secret if I speak casually. I guess I’ll have to resolve the situation with the liches in the next volume first before I’ll be able to write about my thoughts on what happened.

So right now I’ll fool around a bit.

Originally, I had resolved to travel out of the country every half a year, and after coming back I wanted to have written a whole pile of travel notes for everybody to read. In the end… It’s not that I didn’t manage to do so, but I managed to do so too successfully, ahhhhhh!

I had just gone to Japan in February and produced three travel logs that were nonsensically long to fulfill my duty. Later, when I was writing this volume, my cute younger female cousin called me, asking, “Cousin, do you want to go to Korea?”


“Near the end of April!”

Shoot! I just went to Japan in February! Give me a little time to think. When do I have to give you a reply?

“Tonight, because I’m going to book the plane tickets tomorrow.”

囧! Cousin, that’s abrupt!

“Come with me~~”

My cute cousin was trying to appeal to me. My mom was outside the door telling me, that I, this female geek who stays at home in her spare time, to hurry (and scram) outdoors and walk around. I, I… could only say yes!

So, near the end of April, which should be a few days after The Legend of Sun Knight volume five is published, I am going straight to Korea. However, I will be back after five days, and at that time, I’m going to write quite a few travel notes again, oh~!

And then after I come back from Korea, I will have to finish the manuscript for another book, “No Hero Volume 4: Ancient Castle of Vampires.” After I’m done writing about vampires, I want to start a new series. It’s a story about flowers – “Flower of Animosity.” Let me make this solemnly clear, the story about flowers isn’t about planting flowers! If you wish to see what it is about, then come to my website for a trial read!

After writing Flower of Animosity, of course, it’ll be The Undying Lich, Part Two of The Legend of Sun Knight.

After completing my writing about liches, I’m switching to vampires. After sucking blood, I’m going to play with flowers. After I’m done with flowers, I’m going to make a manuscript for liches again. This really is a schedule that makes you feel that it’s an “inhuman” schedule when you see it.

Someday, I really should write a book with a title like “Human” to balance things out.

How does “The Legend of the Human” sound?

Urgh, it sounds really awful!

By Yu Wo, April 2009
