Chapter 461 Heading To The Undead Capital!  

It took a while for me to calm down Jen. But to be honest, I also felt warmth in my heart. Jen had always cared about me. Even now, no matter how many times I reset, Jen was still well…. Jen.

After calming Jen down, I brought Jen back home with me. Of course, this made Adel puff her cheeks out in anger. "There are already four of us! How are you supposed to bring another one in now!?"

"Adel, this is my best friend. Not a lover…" I said softly while rubbing her head. "She was imprisoned by the academy and your father,"

"Oh…. Well… I guess it's fine then….." Adel pursed her lips and then looked at Jen and gave a princess like curtsy. "I am Adel. Please do not treat me like a princess but as Faith's fiancee and future wife."

"It is a pleasure to meet you. And do not worry, I do not like girls. I would prefer a cute prince with a buff body who could protect me from the wind and rain." Jen's delusional dreams were coming out again. Her likes had not even changed since we were young back on Earth! Look, she was even being stared at by the rest with strange expressions! "Don't mind her. She is a strange one." I waved off Jen's sudden day dreaming as her being crazy. Jen used to day dream about hunks all the time.

"Hey!" Jen cried out at me and punched my shoulder, causing me to laugh.


"You two are really close…." Adel was starting to slide into her yandere mode.

"Okay, before Adel pulls out a knife and chases Jen around, let's get her settled in." I chuckled, pulled Adel into a hug, and looked at one of the maids. They nodded and quickly pulled Jen away. As for Adel, she seemed to find it fun to smash her face between my two non existent mounds. I guess that is better than her going yandere.

"Sophie, when does the play start?" I kind of wanted to go to the play since it could be considered a special place for Sophie and I.

"In a month. We are actually much earlier than before." Sophie replied. Her words would have confused Adel, but Adel was preoccupied. She loved hugs and head pats, so it was easy to distract her.

"Then we got plenty of time." I pursed my lips and thought for a moment. I mean, there was not much to do at home while we sat and waited for school to open. I had to be around for the wedding, so things were a bit slower than normal. And it will be a while before the dungeons appear. The only thing left would be to go monster hunting, which would not be a bad idea since it would allow me to train Adel up. After thinking for a while, I looked up at Grace and Atolie. "Do either of you know where I can find high level monsters around here?"

"I believe if we go north to the undead kingdom, we can fight wraiths. They are said to be so strong that even the undead king is unable to do anything about them." Hearing Grace's answer, my eyes went wide with excitement. I did not know why I did not think of that! The undead kingdom was indeed a place of high level monsters. The king himself was crazy strong, so there would be no way the monsters there would not be the same. "This will work! Okay, let's do that. We will rest tonight, then head to the undead kingdom….. Ah… I should probably go talk to their king first, or else they might not be too happy if we just showed up." I let Adel go, who was a little disgruntled, and went to put on some better, more formal clothes.


Only when I was ready did I leave the house with grace in tow. I had Grace come with me this time around since she had always been excluded before. Her slightly up turned lips showed just how happy she was.

"Grace, when we get there, just be yourself. No need to worry about too much. The undead are actually quite nice." I explained.

"Understood." I am sure she remembered from before, but I still explained it again. You never know since so many years have passed. She might have forgotten.

This time, I did not bypass the barrier. I did not think I should go that far since I wanted to ask a favor from them. I did not wish to cause an international incident. Unlike before, when the kingdom was invaded by the undead, we were at peace, so there was no need for such brute force methods.

"Halt! Why are you two here?" Two skeletal guards asked as Grace and I landed in front of them.

"My name is Faith Cyrilia, and this here is my fiancee Grace Dollen. I am here to visit your capital and speak with your king." I replied honestly. After all, the undead were not bad. They did not bother others, but others looked down on them.

"Faith Cyrilia…. Are you the new fiancee of Princess Adel?" The skeleton soldier asked.

"That is right. I did not expect word to move so quickly." I was quite surprised that a soldier would know such things.

"Ah. You see, a village nearby has a few humans who will come and give us some things once and a while since they feel bad that we stand here all day and night. They were pretty nice people for humans, that is." I looked over at the pile of 'offerings' and realized that the people of that village were taking these two as gods! I had to bite my tongue in order to not laugh out loud.

I forced a smile and said: "It's good to know that not everyone sees the undead as monsters." While I know it was probably a misunderstanding, it was still good no one came to harass these two.
