"How many is this?" I asked as I sat down. This was a very tedious process, but we needed many test subjects.

"This makes over one hundred," Diablo answered.

"Okay, and how are the trials going?" While we were exchanging hosts, we were also testing how to extract the worms in different ways as well.

"I might have been able to figure out a method that we can do on a mass scale," Freidinia replied as she held a jar up with a bit of energy in it and a worm. "I recreated the conditions of the undead in a simplistic state. It's basically just a ball of mana, but it has the characteristics of the undead without any sentience. It's just that the worms do not seem to realize it."

My eyes lit up. Finally! "Do you think this same method can be used for the living as well?"

"I am not sure. Until we can grab hold of a few turned Altorians I do not think I will be able to do much. The brain of a living being is much different. I would need to know what they are feeding off of and what their commands are. They might be race specific as well, which will make things harder. The reason these are easier to do is because they are in a berserker state. If they were more conscious, like Azengrade and the rest it might be hard to get them to leave the host, and if they do, the host might be brain dead as well." Freidinia explained.

"Either way, it is still worth the try. If they are infected we can only test them. Even if they end up brain dead, it is better than doing things against their will or out of their control altogether. For all, we know, the Altorians could be eating the consciousness of the beings they take over so they might no longer be who they once were." I hated to use people as test subjects, but if we are able to somehow save those who become hosts for the Altorians, we can at least turn the tides and build up a bigger force to fight against them."When we are able to get a few test subjects, we can then test from there. For now, I will need all the jars we can get. As long as they can fit a worm inside, they will do. I don't even care if they are dirty." Freidinia gave out her order, and the lich king could only be at our beck and call since we were the ones saving his people. He quickly did as we asked, and soon the room was being filled with bottles.


Hour after hour, we worked day and night non stop. Until we finally turned the berserker undead back to normal. I let out a sigh of relief as I sat down. I was very tired, but this was needed in order to get a better understanding of these worms, and now we have billions of them that can be used to experiment on. "Empress Cyrilia. You have my thanks. You not only did not hold it against my people for the invasion of your empire, but you also saved my people."

"It wasn't your fault, to begin with. Anyway, if you truly wish to thank me, then form an open alliance with my Empire. It will allow trade of specific goods between our nations and also provide assistance as well when needed. This will also keep my people from harming yours and vice versa." I was too tired to really explain things in detail. So Diablo did it for me.

And within the same day, a new light flashed throughout both our nations allowing the Undead Kingdom and the Cyrilia Empire to be allies without bounds. This also applied to the elven kingdom as well.

"I am sure you have much to straighten out with your people. The teleport that I created will be linked to an embassy that I will set up for you in the coming days. I will send notice over the crystal orb I provided for you. " I explained as I held Diablo's and Freidinia's hands.

"Then I will speak to you then." The lich king smiled and waved goodbye as we disappeared.

The past few days were trying, but even so, I made a report to our officials. And set up a secluded lab where all the worms were to be stored. These worms were to be locked in a special barrier that Freidinia had created that would keep their aura sealed away. Although the jars already had such a seal, it was still something that needed to be done just in case.


Once I was done, I wandered to my bedroom, where Sophie, Adel, and Iena were all waiting for me. They helped me undress and allowed me to curl up in their embrace and fall into a deep sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I was hugging Sophie like a body pillow, unwilling to let go. Her fluff was just too amazing. "It's not fair that Sophie gets all the cuddles…."

"Then grow some fluff…." I muttered as I sank into the fluff and wrapped my arms and legs around Sophie.

"I would if I could!" Adel whined, but she did not seem mad at all. Sophie, on the other hand, seemed very happy as she hugged my arms. Iena was still sound. The girls all had a busy day the past few days as well. "That's it I am joining too!" Adel gave up and hugged me from the back. In the end, all three of us fell asleep like this.

When I woke up next, the sun was high in the sky, and only Sophie was left in bed with me. Not that she could slip out of my fluff death grip. "Good morning, sleepy head."

"Mmm… Morning…. Kiss…." I mumbled. Sophie rolled over and kissed my lips, making me smile before I clung on to her once more and buried my head into her neck, and sunk my teeth in. The sensation of sucking blood was strange to me. I still feel hungry a few times a day, but I do not need to eat all the time. I could probably go a week without eating, but I still couldn't resist. Sophie's soft voice as I sucked on her blood also tingled my ears. You can say that we did more than just a feeding session after that.

But that did put me in a good mood. Stress relief was very important, after all. When I walked downstairs, Adel was already organizing some things. She looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. "Where is Sophie?"

"Sleeping still. I wore her out just now after I ate." I said while sticking my tongue out. Adel chuckled and walked over, and hugged me. "You can't be biased."

"I know. You and Iena are tonight." I said as I hugged her back. "At least as long as nothing big happens."

"We will prepare." Adel licked her lips before kissing me and then putting her fingers to her chin and asking: "When do you plan to dungeon dive? The whole team is already waiting for this."

"I was thinking about next week after I finish a few things here. I want to run a few dungeons. But it will not be just with our team. We will be splitting up into groups. Everyone will have a team they will lead as we begin building our military levels. Mass recruitment of soldiers will need to begin as well. I was thinking of having General Briggs handle this. We will need all soldiers to jump into dungeons and make their way as far as they can. No one is allowed to die. If they can't push forward or are uncertain of the fight, they must retreat." Of course, I know people will still die in the dungeons. It is something that will happen no matter how prepared you are unless you are above the dungeon's level. But this was just a kind of thought that I wanted to instill in everyone's mind.

"So, does that mean we will all be splitting up?" Adel asked. She seemed a bit anxious.

"No. Not all the way. Sally, Sei, Sophie, and you will be on my team. Iena and Diablo will lead the other teams. We need those of higher levels to lead our elites. We can get more experience in smaller teams, so if we split up, we can gain experience faster. There is a dungeon in the elven capital that seems to be an instanced dungeon, so we can all go to the same place. The elven king has given me full access to it to the point that we now have a teleport to and from the dungeon." I explained. I did not want to split up like this, but the smaller teams would mean more experience. It has already been said among the mercenaries that many were leveling up faster in smaller teams rather than bigger teams.

"I see… Well, as long as I am with you since I really do not want to be split up from you." Adel pursed her lips. I reached up and ruffled her hair and smiled: "I know this. This is why I made the teams as they are. Diablo and Iena are both ways over my level and are perfect for power-leveling the others. I will do my best to do the same for you as well."
