“Alright, So drain her of her blood and then inject my own. But this would make her basically my slave, no?” I asked. I did not really want to make slaves since that kind of went against my morals. Grace could be considered that if you looked at it one way, but I never forced her to do anything and what happened to her was a complete accident.

“Yes. and no. She will become someone who will not be able to resist following your orders to the point that even if you told her to kill herself, she would. But master, you would let her live freely, right? She would only need a bit of your blood every month to survive.” Freidinia explained.

I could only sigh because I still did not like this idea, but if it would help, then there was no reason not to try it. But this was not my decision to make. I looked at Tryu and asked: “What do you think? This is your sister. Do you want me to save her with whatever means necessary?”“Yes!” Tryu nodded firmly. I could see his fists still clenched together tightly. But he seemed to be very firm in this decision of his.

I nodded and moved to the bedside, and asked: “What about you? Move your eyes up and down for eyes back and forth for no. But before you answer, let me warn you. That you will need my blood every month, or you will die. I will also be going away for long periods of time, so you might need to follow me as well. If I do this, I will take full responsibility for it, so do you wish to go through with this?”

The girl on the bed’s eyes seemed hesitant for a moment before moving back and forth. Seeing this, I sighed…. She seemed to have given up on life. I looked at Tryu, whose eyes were now wide open in shock, and said: “I can not and will not force anything upon anyone. I think you should cherish the time you have left together.”

“Sister, why!? You are still so young! You could….” Tryu broke down crying as he rushed to his sister’s bedside and held her hand. “Please don’t die like this. You can still have…..”

His sister’s eyes moved back and forth. She seemed to be using all her strength just to move her eyes. I guess sometimes, when something like this happens, the person will lose all hope and not care about anything. They will lose their will to live and just want to disappear.


Even if there is hope, they will still not care. This much I can see. Looking at her lying there no matter how much I wish to help her, I will respect her wishes since it is not my place to try to talk anyone out of anything. “Freidinia, let’s go. Tryu and his sister need their alone time.”Freidinia nodded as she got up. We took one last look at the brother and sister and disappeared. When I arrived at the medical bay, I pulled up a stool and sat down on it. “Freidinia, do you think what I did was right?” I really did not know.

“Everyone has a path they choose for themselves. You are already trying your best for everyone around you. You are not a god. You are and will not be able to save everyone. I don’t even think a god can save everyone. And from what I know you are one hundred percent mortal at this time. While I do admit some things you can do are god like but you are still no god.” Freidinia answered.

“I know this. I never said I was a god or anything like that, but just seeing Tryu wanting to help his sister but his sister not wanting any help in return is just….” I couldn’t help but feel bad for the young man. But I guess there is nothing I can do about it now. His sister made her decision, and I am unable to create life force out of thin air. It is just now possible.

Life force is more than just keeping a person alive but it is also a will. And once a person’s will deteriorates so much, they will give up any hope at all in staying alive. But I saw no distress in his sister’s eyes either. So I think she had come to terms that she was going to die and did not wish to continue living.

I had no choice but to push these thoughts to the back of my mind as I called all the officials to court since I now needed them. Most were still in their pajamas as it was now late at night, but they did not complain in the slightest. “You must be all wondering why I called you here. And, well, I need a way to get in contact with the undead kingdom. There seems to be undead in our empire.”

“What!? Are you sure?” One of the officials asked in surprise.


“I am sure. A young man had asked me to take a look at his sister because she was sick. And it seems it was not just her but quite a few people within the slums. I had the girl checked for many different things, from illnesses to curses, but in the end, it was none of these, but her life force was still sucked out of her. This leaves only one thing, and that is an undead. Unless it is something we do not know about already and have already checked, then this is the only thing I can think of.” I answered in hopes of someone knowing how to reach the undead kingdom.

“I am not sure. We have never had any contact with the undead kingdom. They are normally sealed off from the world since no one needs anything they sell, and they hardly eat anything. I am sorry, Your Majesty, but I think you will need to send someone personally to the undead kingdom to make contact. It might take a while, but this is the only way.”

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