Coronation Part 2

“You are finally here.” The king, or should I now say Adel’s father, said with a big bright smile.

“That I am. Is everything ready below?” I asked. We had to make sure everyone was ready to go. We did not want anyone to be caught off guard, as we still had to ensure everyone’s safety.

“Yes, everything is a go. All the troops are in proper positions and will make sure no one gets hurt. So we can descend at any time.” Adel’s father replied.

“Then let’s get this show on the road. Lower us down!” I yelled out.On my word, the entire metal golem shook as it came alive. It slowly began to fall down toward the ground using wind magic as a means to slow its descent. What surprised me was that they even took into account the wind from flying around and added a barrier around the metal golem to keep us from being affected by it.

As the metal golem reached the ground, I was met with wide eyes from the citizens as we came to a stop hovering over the middle of the lower city. At this point and time, it was not my turn but the current king’s turn. “Citizens of the Gravos Kingdom! I, William Gravos, will be handing over my crown to a new generation. In the past years of my reign, I have done what I can to try to better the lives of the citizens of Gravos. But now there is someone much more suited than I to fill this role and bring you to new heights….”

“Shut up and let the new Empress speak to us!” A voice suddenly broke out from the crowd below.


“Yeah! Where is Empress Cyrilia? We want to see Empress Cyrilia!” Another voice rang out. I could see Adel’s father’s expression slowly turning gloomy. I sighed and stepped forward, and shouted: “Do not interrupt! This is no way to show respect to a man who has worked hard for this kingdom, doing what he can to help you all.”

Everyone went dead silent. I snorted and turned to Adel’s father, or I guess he is now my father as well since I did marry his daughter, and nodded. He gave me a grateful look before taking center stage again. “I will make this short since you all do not like me…. But I want to say that the path ahead will be different from the past years. Faith…. Or more I should say Empress Cyrilia will now be taking the reins I have left and expanding upon them to bring this kingdom, no this empire, to a new future we would never have thought possible. We will soon enter a new era, and I hope you can give your new empress your full support. As of this moment, I, King Gravos, Abdicate my throne to Faith Cyrilia.”Cheers filled the crows as Adel walked forward with a new crown that was specially made for me on a purple pillow with tassels on it. I knelt down in front of Adel’s father and waited for him to place the crown on my head. Only when he did and stepped back could I officially give my speech.

“I leave this kingdom in your hands.” Adel’s father spoke softly as he placed the crown on my head.

“I will make sure the Cyrilia Empire flourishes and is brought into a new age, and I will protect the people of this land with everything I have.” This was my oath.

I stood up and turned to the crowd to hear the cheers and sounds of music going off below. Some people even let white birds go signaling a dawn of a new era. I took a deep breath as I raised my hand and looked at all the people below. “As your new Empress, I would like to announce that the Kingdom of Gravos will now be named the Cyrilia Empire. We are now a land that is too big to be considered a small kingdom anymore. We are a nation of multiple territories, and this will probably soon grow.

“As your Empress, I only have one goal in mind. Better the lives of my people and bring them into a new age. But sometimes, things are not so simple. There are powers out there who wish to ruin our peace, and these foes are extremely strong. What you see before you is the first prototype of a new mech golem. It is carefully designed by our brightest minds and will be expanded on much further in the coming months. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There will be much more to come, not only for national defense but also for personal use by our citizens. We are painstakingly working on new ways to make your lives easier, from the ability to have horseless carriages to how you communicate with your parents who live in the next house over.


“There is a lot to be done and a lot that will take time, but these things will slowly progress and be released as they do to the general public once we know how to manufacture them properly. This means new jobs for those who are willing to learn and new places to learn new skills to better your lives on the job front. No one should ever say I never had a fair chance in life because what I plan to offer is open to everyone. Free schooling, free trade skill skills that you can use in everyday life to make money on your own or with a company, whichever suits you best.

“I will keep doing my best to help you, the citizens, grow and become smarter and bring you bright minds to use for the empire, like this metal golem who was thought up by a single man. He came up with the idea and worked hard to make a working prototype like this.

“Do your ideas and innovations need to be as grand as this? No! They can be simple things that will help even the most common of folk. I plan to open up a call for talents to see if I can bring in even greater minds under my wing and expand even more on the front of a new future….”

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