371 Wedding Vows Part 1

As I stood there pondering many things, the sounds of the crowd began to cheer. I looked up to see four people walking down the aisle. Diablo was wearing a white tuxedo with armor plating on his right shoulder and elbow. Two gold chains crossed over from the shoulder plate connecting to the golden necklace he wore. The way he was walking, you could tell he was nervous. But he seemed to be doing his best to keep his composer.

Adel and the girls all wore matching wedding gowns. Pure white in color with light blue frills on the edges. In their hands were white bouquets. It really reminded me of a wedding back on Earth. My father was guiding both Sophie and Iena. Rachel took up being Diablo's guide. While Lance was guiding Adel. They were led up the stairs one by one before they walked over to me. They each looked absolutely stunning. I smiled as I saw them and said: "You girls look beautiful and Diablo looks the most handsome!"They all blushed when I said this. "And Faith looks absolutely amazing as well. This dress was perfect for you." Adel added. I nodded as I showed my dress to them.

"Ahem…. If Faith can stand in the middle." The King asked as he stood in front of us. I smiled and nodded my head before positioning myself in between Adel and Diablo. I guess this was the lineup they decided on for the wedding. I had no idea what plans they made since I left it up to them.

Seeing that we were ready, the King smiled as he said: "Today, we stand here under the eyes of the spirits to bring together not one but five people. Faith Cyrilia, if you would please start the vows."

Wedding tradition stated that I had to give a vow to the people I was marrying. Then the others would give me their vows. I was never good at this thing, so this was a bit of nerve wracking experience for me.I was also planning to do everyone in order of when we met. So I turned and faced Adel first and took her left hand. "Adel…. When we first met, I was lying on a fence chewing on a piece of grass. I was watching the clouds fly by, dreaming about what I would be doing in the future.

During that time, I had no intentions of finding a lover, never mind four all at once. But on that day, I met you for the first time. I, at first, was taken aback by your friendliness and thought it might all be a ruse to gain my favor. But then we met again. And you treated me as a close friend. We traveled together and spent many days and nights doing nothing but chatting. In my first years of being in this world, you were my first true friend outside my family.


"At that time, I never imagined I would one day be standing here with you like this. I never imagined I would come to love a girl the way I love you. You are and will always be my first and bestest friend in this world, even though you were a bit strange. But I could understand because, at that time, even you did not understand your feelings. And only when you confessed to me and kept at it for so many days did I finally decide it was time. So Adel, never change. And never worry about losing me. I will always be by your side. This I vow." I could see the smile and tears of happiness on Adel's face as she heard my words. And lowered her head and sniffled as she hummed an answer to me. I gripped her hand and kissed her lips to seal the vow. Only then did she step back and let Sophie step forward.

Sophie's tail was swaying back and forth as she waited in anticipation for my words. I smiled and took her hand, and looked the cute fox girl in the eyes. "Sophie… You, of all people, were someone I never thought would fall for me. But I guess I am just numb to romance. When we first met, you were being dragged away by people who I thought were thugs but turned out to be actors for a play. Then we acted in a play where you were a princess who fell in love with the demon queen. You were so nervous, it was very cute.

"After that, you opened up to me and told me your problems. You were being forced to marry some noble against your will, which I could not stand for. We had a lot of incidents that we had to go through, and you suffered a lot because of them, but I will never regret helping you or meeting you. The day you suddenly showed up and confessed to me, I was stunned. It was something out of left field. But I am glad you did. You are a dear friend to me, and I would never allow you to suffer in this lifetime. My dear Sophie, As I said to Adel, I will always be by your side. This is my vow." I pulled Sophie to me and kissed her lips. Her tail went crazy, causing the audience to chuckle. Her face blushed after the kiss as she stepped back after humming her answer.

With this, she stepped back, and it was now Diablo's turn. I turned and looked up at the handsome man and took both his hands. "Diablo, in a sense, we are already married. The same with Iena, but now here we are sealing the deal by this world's standards. At first, when we had an accidental misunderstanding, I did not know where our relationship would lead. I felt like I was leading both of you along. But I am glad we stuck it out and slowly got to know each other over the years. You have helped me greatly since the day I summoned you, and to be honest, I never had the intention of this kind of thing at that time. But now…. If I had a chance, go back in time and do things over. I would still summon you. I would still kiss you because you have turned out to be my knight. The man who I can not replace with any other."

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