Chapter 364 The Strange Dungeon Part 3  

Both were level 3000, which means that if I were to try to fight them, I would be quashed like a bug. I took a breath and lowered my hand from my sword. At that, the defender bees jumped back up into the air, almost causing me to fall over due to the wind it produced. "Good! We have a contestant! Now then…. Please take your place at the podium…."

I turned and looked at the podium, which had two other things standing there one thing that looked like a caterpillar with a hat on its head and another that looked like a beetle with a suit on. I gritted my teeth and took up my position between the two of them.

"Now, let us explain the rules." Queen number 1 began to speak. "First and foremost, if you answer wrong, you will lose a limb. The more answers you get wrong, the more limbs you will lose. If all your limbs are gone, then we will bite off your head. Simple, right? But here is the catch. If you buzz first and get it wrong, you will lose two limbs!"

"Hehe…. But do not worry. If you get the right answer, you will get one limb back. For each limb you have after ten questions, you will be deemed the winner, while all others will have their heads bitten off. Any questions?" Queen number 2 asked.

I, of course, raised my hand. "How is this fair when they all have more limbs than me? The beetle has six limbs, while the caterpillar has twenty limbs. It would have to answer more limbs at the end of the question even if it got all of them wrong as long as it does not answer first."

"Oh, dear…. This contestant does make a valid point. Sisters, what should we do?" Queen number 3 asked. The three queens then huddled together before suddenly nodding to one another and saying: "Since we are all about fairness. The caterpillar will have sixteen limbs cut off, and the beetle will have two limbs cut off. This way, each contestant has four limbs!"


The next second as queen number 2 said this, loud painful cries came from my side as an attack so quick that I couldn't even follow it, sliced the legs off my two competitors. They both, of course, turned their disgusting heads to look at me, radiating killing intent, but I could care less about them. They were just as low level as the queens, so even if they did attack me, they would hurt themselves more than they would hurt me."Now then! Since things are settled, we will get on with the show! But not before our paid advertisement. Do you like honey? We like honey! Honey gold honey combs is producing honey for everyone so feed your beebies with the best!" Queen number 1 sang out, causing me to furrow my brow. I mean really? An advertisement? Why?

"Now, on with the show! Contestants, the first question is when did the bee uprising take place? Please state the date and time." Queen number 2 asked. She then looked at the three contestants that did not move an inch and sighed. "Beeeezzzeee! The answer was 2:30 pm in the beeoptuium month on the ten day. Since no one got the question right. Everyone loses a limb!"

"Wait!" I yelled out.

"Now, what is it? For a lower species, you sure are mouthy." Queen number 1 grumbled as she asked.

"You never said anything about losing a limb if we did not answer at all. This is a rule you did not tell us and should not be allowed to be enforced." I answered, causing the three bee queens to be taken aback.

"This is true!" Queen number 3 yelled out. Once more, the three queens entered a huddle before nodding once more. "Since we did not say this rule at the start of the show, this round will be void of punishment. But next time no one buzzes the buzzer, everyone will lose a limb!"


"Then can you make the questions non bee related? I mean, we are not bees, so it would be impossible to answer any bee related questions, would it not?" I asked. I had to. Otherwise, if I answered the question and they cut off my limbs, I would be screwed even though I can tell I can use magic here and can rewind the damage but still.

"This we can not do. After all, this is what the show is about. Our superior bee race against the low level dogs who think they can be equal to us. So your request is denied." Queen number 2 answered. I sighed. I guess I will just use my cheat and rewind my body parts, although I am sure it will hurt like hell."Next question. When did the first bee queen come to be? When did she gain sentience?" Queen number 1 asked.

I just stood there since I would rather one limb cut off than two, so I was not going to buzz at all, but surprisingly.


I turned to see that the beetle had buzzed. "It was on the day of change. When the humans were finally beaten back, and Queen Beeabith took the throne to start the first Bee empire!"

"You are…. Right!" Queen number 2 shouted.

"Because you answered correctly, everyone else loses a limb!" Queen number 1 shouted happily but I once again objected.

"Wait!" I yelled out.

"Now what!? Do you have another objection to our way of doing things?" Queen number 2 asked. I think she was starting to get sick of me.

"Yes, well, you never stated that we would lose a limb if someone got the answer correct." Loopholes everywhere. I guess normally, no one would point these things out, but this was something I would not allow since it was never stated.

Once again, the queens went into a huddle and nodded before reluctantly saying: "We did indeed not say that loser would lose limbs for not answering…. This means the punishment will take effect from the next question on…."
