Chapter 188: The Visitor  

As Lee Shin returned to his hometown, Earth was swiftly entering a period of great technological advancement. The Gate Crisis, which originated in China and Italy, gradually spread and became a global issue. The war to protect Earth against interdimensional monsters was far from over. Enemies relentlessly invaded this new planet, Earth, while the Earthlings fiercely drove them out to protect their land.

Only six months had passed, yet over twenty Gates had already appeared and disappeared on Earth. The number of countries that were invaded currently stood at twelve, including China and Italy. Thanks to the rapid response and deployment by the WCA after the initial instance of the Gate Crisis in China and Italy, most of the countries were successful in defending themselves. However, some countries suffered irreparable damage.

One example was Guam, a territory of the U.S.. This island, separated from the mainland, was engulfed in an instant by monstrous creatures known as Black Horned Moles. These creatures burrowed into the ground, causing tremors and earthquakes, and as they emerged above ground, they split the land apart, causing people to be swallowed into the ground alive.

This sudden attack that happened in the middle of the night caught the U.S. government off guard, exposing a significant flaw in their otherwise successful Gate defense strategy, leading to the loss of nearly 180,000 lives. Guam sank into the ocean, along with the monsters, and only few survivors remained.

Since that incident, people fled to places where they could be safe, leading to non-stop immigration into certain countries.

* But South Korea is also placed at the edge of a continent… What do we do if we sink as well?


└ Ugh, why would it sink?

└ Don’t be ridiculous. And please think before you speak.

└ Huh? Are you afraid that South Korea will suddenly break off and turn into an island or something?

└ I mean… You never know what kind of monsters might come out next... It’s possible that there could be monsters that could split open the ground.

└ Ugh… You worry too much. Then, how did people survive in North Korea, with all the things they need to fear?

└ Fear? Is there even anything more fearsome than what they’ve experienced this time? North Korea turned into a sea of flames because of the recent Gate Crisis.


└ Hahahaha, exactly. This is why we should not play solo. After the WCA abandoned North Korea, they seemed to be having a difficult time handling matters. Besides, it’s not like there are many challengers there either.

└ But I mean… Isn't it the same for us? It’s not like we, South Korea, have that many challengers.

└ But each individual is strong. Besides, since Lee Shin has already set up the system at Undermost on the 1st floor, the challenger survival rate has greatly increased.

└ Yeah, that’s right. I think he brought a big change. Lee Shin alone can’t protect the entire country, and in the end, the country needs to have a good set of challengers. And thanks to Lee Shin, we have a bright future because he prepared our challengers well.

└ Lee Shin? Did you just say Lee Shin? Call him Mr. Lee Shin you damn bastards! If it’s Mr. Lee Shin, he alone can protect the entire country!

└ Yeah! That’s right!

└ It’s a shame that too many people lack faith in him.

└ Here come the Lee Shin fanatics again.

* Let me tell you a fact. South Korea is the safest country in the world. And, if you don't know why, you are an idiot.

└ Are you serious? Do we still have to tell people this? How come there are people who still don’t know this?

└ Well, there are countless reasons, but just one reason is enough to explain everything. And that reason is Lee Shin.

└ Yup for real. Hahaha. Lee Shin alone can defeat a hundred.

└ What are you saying? He can defeat a thousand on his own. Did you not see the Skeletons during the incident that happened in Italy?

└ And besides that, there are so many other reasons.

└ Yup, exactly!

On the internet, very few were worried for South Korea. South Koreans had a significant influence in the WCA, and there were many challengers in South Korea as well. Furthermore, since the Eternal Gate was located in South Korea, challengers from other countries had no choice but to head over, so there was no need to worry about the lack of challengers even if a Gate appeared.

South Korea was regarded as the safest country in the world. On the other hand, the neighboring country, North Korea, collapsed in an instant. Defying the WCA and continuing its dictatorship, North Korea ultimately could not block the Gate, leading to its downfall.

When the regime collapsed, the challengers of the WCA who arrived late took care of the monsters that came out of the Gate. Currently, North Korea was a chaotic place, and it seemed like it would take considerable time for the government to operate normally again.

However, on the other side of the border, South Korea was incredibly peaceful. The Gate that appeared in Chuncheon was easily resisted. The Gate detection device, currently in the research and development phase and not yet under mass production, had been installed in two locations in South Korea.

Thanks to these devices, the soldiers and challengers who waited at the anticipated location easily blocked the Gate in Chuncheon without any casualties. Thus, South Korea continued to enjoy peaceful days.

"But seriously, South Korea is really hot," Alice complained about the weather.

"What do you mean this is hot? Can't you endure this much?" Vuela replied.

"That's because you're an Elf! I'm human, you know?" Alice shouted at Vuela.

"Tsk Tsk, it's because you have such a weak mind that you can't keep up with Lee Shin," Vuela retorted.

Alice and Vuela, who had come over to Earth, were taking a break with their companions at Haeundae Beach, enjoying some leisure time.

“Let’s stop fighting and have some fun!” Shin Ha-Neul nudged Vuela and Alice toward the beach.

The beach was already crowded with people enjoying water activities.

"These people don't seem afraid at all. If a Gate were to appear in the water, they would not stand a chance,” Vuela muttered while looking at the people on the beach.

"That is because of the Gate detection device. With that, we can know in advance if a Gate is going to appear, so there's no need to worry," Baek Hyun explained.

"But… I heard that the Gate detection device is not completely fail-proof, no?"

"Well, that's true… But the probability of it not detecting one correctly is pretty low..." Baek Hyun muttered and continued. "And I think the citizens of our country seem to be very sensitive in regards to their safety… Haha."

"Oh is that so? Well... I guess having so many people around is fun too. It's amusing how guys keep stealing glances at me," Alice said with pride, flipping her hair back and giving a confident smile.

Seeing her like that, Park Hye-Won chuckled and walked past Alice. At that moment, the glances that were directed at Alice shifted to Park Hye-Won.

"Well, I don’t think they are looking at you. You see? They are looking at me,” Park Hye-Won said.

As soon as Park Hye-Won said that, their eyes met, and a collision of egos and tension between them could be felt. The men who came with them shook their heads, and Vuela laughed at Park Hye-Won and Alice.

“Honestly, they look the same to me,” Vuela remarked, walking toward the parasol he had set up in advance.

Everyone was wearing bikinis and swimsuits there, showing off their bodies. Vuela’s handsome appearance, tall height, and muscular physique drew admiration from both men and women. "Life is really unfair. Look at Vuela…" Kang Ji-Hoon muttered.

"Let's stay away from Vuela," said Baek Hyun.

"Yeah… Let's do that," Shin Ha-Neul replied.

After saying that, Kang Ji-Hoon, Baek Hyun, and Shin Ha-Neul headed straight to the water. People did not approach them. They had previously requested the local administrators to handle things strictly, so the crowd management was thorough. However, someone was already broadcasting from this location.

"Hello, everyone! This is Sami Harrison!" Sami Harrison started her broadcast at Haeundae Beach.

Sami Harrison had returned from the Tower yesterday and came here after hearing that Lee Shin’s companions were taking a break in Busan. Although ordinary people were not allowed to broadcast or freely film them, they made an exception for Sami Harrison due to her influence and the fact that Lee Shin’s group had given their permission.

"This is Haeundae Beach in Busan, famous for its summer vacation resorts in Korea!" She started the opening with her cheerful voice.

Sami Harrison, too, was wearing a bikini to fit the vibe here.

# Wow, I can’t take my eyes off Sami Harrison.

# Noona, take me!

# This is my first time seeing Sami Harrison wearing something like this.

# You are so beautiful! I love you, Sami Harrison!

Even though it was just an ordinary broadcast, the viewer count quickly surpassed 100,000.

# Wait a second… Since Sami’s here, I feel like another Gate could open here. Hahaha.

# LOL what if that actually happens?

# If another Gate appears this time, it’s confirmed that Sami is the one who opens the Gate.

Wherever Sami Harrison went, be it for leisure or work, a Gate always appeared there. That was why the title, Gate Opener, followed her. There were also times when nothing happened, but people enjoyed making fun of Sami this way. She tried to maintain her poker face while the chat room was flooding with such comments.

"The people who are at this beach seem pretty carefree. I guess it's because the city is well-protected by advanced equipment and skilled challengers?" Sami Harrison said.

# I envy Korea.

# I gave up doing water activities in my country.

# Did you see the video of the ambush that happened in Naples and Guam? People were swimming in the water, and when they came out, their legs were gone.

# When will the Gate detection devices be installed in the Czech Republic?

# France still doesn't have them either!

# China needs more of them. How could there only be two devices in such a large country?

# Just be thankful if you have them.

After scanning through the viewers' chat, Sami Harrison approached the water, which was crowded with people enjoying themselves.

"I envy them. Except for a few places in the United States, it's difficult to have this much fun. In situations like this, having a smaller land area seems better," Sami Harrison said.

# I agree with you.

# Well, I heard that with three Gate detection devices, the entire South Korea can be covered.

# Let’s just protect a few states in the U.S. and abandon the rest.

# Stop talking nonsense, you crazy bastard.”

“Oh! Look over there! It’s the famous Vuela lying there!” Sami Harrison shouted with excitement.

When she gestured to the cameraman, the cameraman focused on Vuela who was lying under the parasol. Even at first glance, the sight looked simply picture-perfect, leaving the female viewers mesmerized.

# Damn… This is insane. Is that what an Elf is like?

# Is he alive? Isn’t he a doll? How can someone look like him?

# I love you, Vuela!

# I’m in Haeundae Beach right now, and even the celebrities cannot be compared with Vuela. He is on another level.

# I’m a current PD at a broadcasting station, and I bet that even if Vuela debuts right now, he will become a top level celebrity right away.

Sami Harrison requested an interview with Vuela, but she acknowledged and stepped back when Vuela shook his hands at her as if he did not want to be disturbed.

“Oh! There are two beautiful women over there!” Sami Harrison said, referring to Alice and Park Hye-Won.

# Oh, they must be Alice and Park Hye-Won, right?

# Man… Both of them are really pretty…

"I'll see if I can interview them," Sami Harrison said, and started walking toward them.

The next moment, Sami Harrison got closer to the two women, who were still competing to see who was more popular. They had even asked the assistant of Hwang Kang-Woong, who accompanied them, to bring a sticker board for people to vote on who’s prettier.

"Hello, this is Sami Harrison," Sami Harrison introduced herself to Alice and Park Hye-Won.

"Oh, hi," Park Hye-Won replied.

"Who are you?" Alice replied with a cold voice.

Park Hye-Won smiled awkwardly, and Alice scanned Sami with caution.

"What were you two doing?" Sami Harrison asked.

"We were just making a bet on who's more popular," snapped Alice.

There were a lot of men surrounding the two women. While Park Hye-Won seemed to have more popularity in Korea, Alice moved men's hearts with her fox-like air.

"Oh, I see. So you were going to do a poll using the stickers your assistant will bring?" Sami Harrison asked.

"Haha... Yes..." Park Hye-Won replied with a shy voice.

"From your perspective, who seems more popular?" Alice asked Sami.

When Alice asked Sami Harrison, Sami looked at both of them, contemplating. While Alice gave off a cool and sexy vibe, Park Hye-Won exuded an unaffected personality and confident beauty. In Sami’s perspective, these two women seemed like two completely different types, and any vote was merely a matter of personal preference. # Of course, Park Hye-Won is more popular.

# What are you talking about? If you’re a guy, it would definitely be Alice.

# Stop making it obvious that you’ve never met girls before. The ideal type for men is Park Hye-Won. We love you, Ms. Park Hye-Won!

# Okay, we have another one here from Park Hye-Won’s fanclub again.

# Tsk tsk, people who’ve never gone on a date talk too much.

The viewers' opinions were also split almost evenly.

"Well… I think…" Sami Harrison muttered.

After contemplating, Sami Harrison was about to make a choice when someone walked onto the beach. She had violet hair, red eyes, fair skin, a small face, and strong facial features. Instantly, all eyes immediately shifted to this person.

"You know it’s all useless,” said Lilian with a cold voice.

Although she did not specify, it was evident who she was referring to. Her gaze was directed at Alice and Park Hye-Won who were standing among the men. As soon as the two women heard Lilian’s voice, their expression stiffened.

‘Why is Lilian here?’

‘I mean… How can I compete against a Vampire? This is not a fair game!’

Park Hye-Won and Alice tried to maintain their poker face, but it did not work out well.

# Wow… Who is that person? She's almost on Vuela’s level.

# I almost gave everything up when I saw her. That’s how much I love her.

# Wait up! I'm going to Haeundae Beach right now.

# Unnie! I'll become your fan from today!

# Me too! I just booked a flight to Korea!

# Oh my days... My love has been in Korea.

As soon as the viewers laid eyes on her, they were all captivated by Lilian’s appearance. The competition between Alice and Park Hye-Won was forgotten.

"I'll choose Ms. Lilian. And… I think the fight was meaningless," Sami Harrison said, looking at the two.

"..." Park Hye-Won could not say anything.

"...Wow! The water here is so clear. Haha. S-should we go in the water and play over there?" Alice asked Park Hye-Won to get away from the scene.

"Hahaha. S-should we?" Park Hye-Won replied, because she too was feeling awkward.

Moments ago, the two of them had been at odds, but now they had to happily jump into the sea together.

"Well then… Since things have turned out this way, I guess I'll do an interview with Ms. Lilian..." Sami Harrison was going to interview Lilian instead of Alice and Park Hye-Won.

However, at that moment, a familiar figure appeared behind Lilian.

"Lilian, didn’t I tell you to hold back on the charm?" Lee Shin spoke behind Lilian.

"Tsk, controlling my charm is a difficult task!” Lilian complained to Lee Shin.

"But still, do it. If you don't, things might spiral out of control here," Lee Shin replied.

It was Lee Shin. He revealed himself at Haeundae Beach.

'Huh? Mr. Lee Shin is here…?’

Sami Harrison thought that Lee Shin would never show up in such a place because he was a busy person. The next moment, she quickly tried to suppress her pounding heart and approached Lee Shin.

"Mr. Lee Shin..." Sami Harrison said.

At the same time, an abnormal energy reaction occurred in the sea.

"Is that a Gate?" Lee Shin muttered.

As soon as Lee Shin noticed the sign of a Gate, he spread his mana in all directions and pulled everyone out of the water using his Psychokinesis. People who sensed the change hurriedly rushed away from the Haeundae Beach. The remaining challengers stoically waited for the Gate to appear.

# Oh my goodness! Did a Gate just appear?

# What's up with the Gate detector? Can't it detect this?

# Damn it, that's why I said we should not just rely on this entirely. These devices are not fully completed yet, so there could be errors!

# Wow... If it was not for Mr. Lee Shin, some of them would have been sucked into the Gate.

# I know… He’s the true hero of South Korea! We are able to live thanks to you, Mr. Lee Shin.

# But really, is it because of Sami Harrison that the Gate appeared again?

# LOOOOL I know. Hahahaha

# Is that so? Wow, how come there’s always a Gate appearing when Sami shows up?

Sami Harrison's expression darkened as she read the viewers' comments. Having a Gate appear wherever she was on the scene was not a favorable comment.

'Ah, damn it... This really makes it seem like it's my fault.'

The challengers were gathered in one spot, and after a moment, a Gate emerged, revealing a group of humans who were dressed in a strange costume.

'They are finally here.'

Lee Shin tried to stay calm as he looked at them.
