So… Remember me asking if I should deal with the problems that my disciples were facing?

Well… I'm sitting in the principal's office of Cai Hong's school right now with my loli dragon seated beside me.

On our left was a boy around Cai Hong's age and who I assume to be his mother glaring at us while her son looked down at his hands sporting a very prominent black eye on his face.

The principal sighed, "Mister Lin… Are you aware of what your daughter has done?"

I looked straight at her, "What has she done?"


"Your barbaric child dared to hit my innocent son, that's what!!" The mother screeched.

"Uwaaa! Papa!" Cai Hong cried, clinging to my arm.

I almost wanted to erase them from existence just for making Cai Hong cry out like that, but I managed to stop myself at the last moment.

The mother turned to the principal, "My pure and wonderful son was brutalised by this barbarian! What kind of school is this to allow such uncouth children in here?!"

The principal made a placating gesture at her, "Madam Ying, please calm down…"

"Calm down?! You expect me to calm down after what that barbarian did to my precious child's face?! I've yet to even say anything about your school!! Wait till my husband hears of this!"


I cleared my throat to get both of their attention, "Ahem… I want to ask what exactly happened here?"

The woman turned to growl at me, "Did I not make myself clear enough?! My poor little baby was attacked by that little monster of yours!!"

I felt Cai Hong tighten her grip on my arm and I reached up to hold her hand with mine to assure her that everything was fine.

"Mmhmm… And my Cai Hong would never hit someone without a reason, that's why I'm asking what happened to make her hit him?"

"Ha! Do you really think your little monster is that innocent?! My little baby is the purest little angel you can find! It's your little monster that is the problem!"

I turned to Cai Hong, "Did the boy bully you?"

She hesitated but quickly nodded her head.

I held her hands with mine, "How did he bully you?""He… He was mean to Cai Hong… Then he wanted Cai Hong's toy… Cai Hong said no… He hit Cai Hong so Cai Hong hit him back."

Yeah… This little fucker deserves to die a million times over.

Why am I holding back? That's because I've realised that what's happening right now was a result of my action of wiping the previous boy from existence…

The previous boy was the leader of a large number of the children in Cai Hong's school and he had a major crush on Cai Hong. With him around, he kept everyone in check and made sure no one bothered her. But with his existence erased like he was never there to begin with, there was no one holding them back which led to something like this happening today.

Even if I were to erase him, something else might happen instead so… I guess I should take the consequences into consideration the next time I erase people from existence...

The woman scowled upon hearing Cai Hong's words, "So you taught that little monster to lie as well?! Some kind of father you are!"

I was about to say something to her but surprisingly, Cai Hong beat me to it.

"Papa is best Papa!! You big meanie!!"

Ahhhhh!! Cai Hong puffing up her cheeks is so cuuuuuute!! I just wanna squish her cheeks!!


I raised my hand before the fat hag could start mouthing off on Cai Hong again, "Before you say anything… Could I ask if you even checked with your own son on what happened?"

"Of course I did! He said your little monster attacked my precious angel!"

"And did he say why he was punched?"

"He… He… Does it matter?!"

I shifted my gaze to the boy who had his head down the entire time, "So… Boy… Why did my daughter punch you?"

He stayed silent.

"You're not really saying that you got punched for no reason, are you?"

He shuddered slightly but he still kept his mouth shut, either for fear of the truth coming out or his own mother disciplining him.

The woman then stood up from her seat to point a finger at me, "How dare you?! You're trying to intimidate my son! I knew it! You're also a barbarian!"

"Muuuu!! Papa! Bad meanie is calling Papa bad names!" Cai Hong squealed while waving her arm around cutely.


On one hand I really want to tear that bitch apart… But on the other hand, it's because of her that I get to see such a cute side of little Cai Hong!

Aaaahhhh! Head pats for you!

I turned back to the principal, "In conclusion, my daughter hit the boy in self defence, clearly. So what kind of compensation can I expect from this?"

The principal frowned, "Mister Lin… That's your daughter's side of the story. There are no injuries on her that can prove that such a thing happened to her but we can clearly see the boy has a black eye on him. There are also no witnesses as to the event either. Thus, there is no proof that what your daughter said is true."

I stretched out my palm, "In that case, allow me to help clear this up. I'll project both of their memories of that event and we can see what really happened."

The fat hag scoffed, "Ha! Who do you think you are?! Master Lin of Heaven Sect?! You must be delusional if you… Err… You…"

The woman trailed off as I projected two screens in the air in front of us, showing the memories of Cai Hong and the boy of what really happened.

Everyone except Cai Hong was surprised to see this since I settled here without revealing my real identity, thus they thought I was just a normal patisserie owner, not an actual Practitioner.

To normal people like this, meeting a Practitioner was akin to meeting some godlike being, which was why even that hag had quietly sat herself down and tried to make herself look as small as possible.

Oh look, it's the scene that we're here for. Looks like the boy is talking to Cai Hong while she's playing with a… Is that a doll of me? Aww… That's so cuuuute~

"Hey! Rainbow hair freak! What are you playing with? That doll looks as freaky as you! Give me that!"

"No! This one Cai Hong's! Go away!"

"I said give me that!"

"No! No! Cai Hong no want!"

"You stupid freak!"

The boy slapped Cai Hong across the face.

Ok… So… In my defence… I lost myself… But…

When I saw that, I kind of got just a little bit angry and slapped the boy next to me with my full force.

There was an explosion and the entire section of the school building was torn apart while the boy was launched all the way out into space.

The force of the slap also created a shockwave that blasted the entire area apart, leaving a giant crater in its place and disintegrating every single living being in a five kilometre radius.

I was just standing there with my arm outstretched while staring at the giant hole I made. At least I had enough sense to protect the area behind me where Cai Hong was so she was unaffected.

I think I overdid it a little…

"Papa so cool!!" Cai Hong cheered, clapping enthusiastically behind me.

Ok, this was worth it.
