Our bar was located on the rooftop of a building across the street. There was an indoor section and also an outdoor section with a different theme for both.

The outdoor section is typically frequented by the younger crowd who are looking to get themselves wasted and we would serve cheaper alcohol there. The indoor section is where the more expensive drinks are served and frequented by guests who were more on the high paying side. Although if we were having some kind of event that day, things might change depending on the event.

Brendan and I would work at whichever side was the busiest that night, which meant on most days we would be indoors unless it was the weekend or some students just happen to throw a party at our bar.

And for some reason, our bar's patrons were mostly females.

"Oh, you're looking quite nice today, Brendan, is that a new perfume?"

"Oh my! That lipstick looks really nice too, where did you get it?"

"Brendan~ Listeeeen… My stupid colleague tried to hit on me again… Even though I keep telling him I'm a lesbian…"


I hid a smile as I continued to polish my glass while several girls were surrounding Brendan's side of the bar, my alchemist doing her best to entertain them.

"Oh, it indeed is a new perfume, Miss Jennifer. Winter's Grace by Gio. You can come closer to give it a closer whiff if you want~ This lipstick is the Au Naturale from Jean and Co, Miss Kelly. Would you like a taste? Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that Miss Tara. But it's hard to deny the fact that you certainly are a strapping young woman~"

The girls squealed out in joy at Brendan's words.

"She's as popular as ever I see," The only person sitting in front of me commented.

"Mmm, isn't that obvious? She has that way with girls after all," I chuckled before putting the glass aside. "So what can I get for you, Miss Diao Chan?"

Oh, yes. There's also this World's version of my disciples except instead of being my disciples, they were my frequent customers.


Diao Chan smiled at me before placing her gloved hand on the counter, "I'm feeling a little sweet today, Master~ What do you recommend?"

I raised an eyebrow, "I don't suppose you might be up for a Brandy Alexander?"

"Ohh~ You know what? I'll take that~"I nodded and started to prepare the drink she requested, mixing cognac, some dark creme de cacao and cream into an ice filled shaker before I started shaking it.

On the other side, Brendan also started preparing her own orders and was even making a show out of it by flipping her shakers around as she prepared her drinks simultaneously.

I finished mine first and I strained Diao Chan's drink into a cocktail glass before grating a nutmeg over it.

The prepared drink was then slid over the counter in front of her and she smiled at me as she received it, "Kuku~ Perfect as always, Master. I shall see you later then~"

She took her drink before sashaying her way back to her table by the window, enjoying her night with her other friends.

I looked over to Breandan to see her also pouring out the drinks into three glasses on the counter, the girls in front of her watching with intense gazes that were filled with infatuation.

She made a small bow while catching a stirrer she had thrown into the air with a flourish, making the girls squeal in delight.

They then took their drinks before leaving the counter and giggling to themselves.

We have a rule here that forbids anyone from drinking at the counter, which would be quite heavily enforced during our rush hours.

The reason for such a rule was the fact that if allowed to do so, quite a number of our guests would simply stay at the counter and try to chat both Brendan and I up, which results in others not being able to get their drinks.

Of course, if there was no one else in the bar, we don't exactly enforce this rule since it just makes them order more drinks from us anyway.

But since we were still early into our shift, the rule was enforced for now.

I went over to Brendan's side of the counter just as she started cleaning her tools.

"So, how are things so far?" I asked.

"Ah, well… It still feels a little weird, Master… But I think I'm getting used to it. It really feels like I'm doing basic alchemy with this so it's quite easy."

"Ahaha~ That's not exactly what I was asking but I suppose that is true. Then again, I should have guessed as much seeing that you're doing all those tricks too and charming the ladies with your suaveness."

She scratched her head with a grin on her face, "I can't say I hate it. Plus I think it's really cool with all these tricks too. It makes me wonder what might happen if I do this with my alchemy?"

"Please don't get the idea to start tossing potion bottles around. Though I think at this stage it wouldn't matter considering the fact you've already ascended anyway."

Brendan let her lips curl up into a smirk, "Well, maybe I should just return and become a mixologist there too? I am a God of Brews after all. Alcohol is technically also part of my domain."

"That is true. You could probably take part in any mixology competition and win it easily."

"That is if you're not competing as well, Master."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh? Are you interested in joining one?"

She tilted her head at me, "Eh? I thought Master brought me here to this specific time and place because you intended for me to join one? Isn't there an upcoming competition just as you said? The girls from before were all saying that they would be here tomorrow to cheer me on as well."

"I have to admit that wasn't my intention. But hmmm~ Aren't you popular, eh?"

Brendan rolled her eyes before nudging me with her elbow, "Please. If Miss Diao Chan isn't going home with you by the end of tonight, I'll make a room temperature dirty vodka martini and drink it all."

I smirked, "Oh, you're on. So what about you? Any of those girls catch your fancy?"

"Oh? Want to help me pick a few up, Master?"

I swear the usual Brendan would definitely not be saying this to me, yet here she is looking at me with a confident grin on her face while talking about picking up girls.

"Well, you've got three girls hitting on you so far and we're barely an hour into our opening, I'd be willing to bet that by the end of the night, you'd have maybe six girls waiting for you to take them back home."

Just as she was about to give me a retort, another lady sauntered up to her side of the bar.

"Brendaannn… I want to be spoiled tonight…"

Brendan turned back and actually purred at her, "Oh hello miss Sylphy. That sounds like you would like a Mudslide tonight?"

"Yessshhh~ Spoil me~"

"I'll prepare it for you right away, my lady~ Oh, I see you're using a new eyeliner, that really suits you."

"Ehehe~ Brendaaaan ishh prettyyyy too~"

Really putting on the moves there, Brendan.
