Chapter 49  

Kang Yoon-Soo pressed the center button on his wrist device,?which?showed him his current stats.

Kang Yoon-Soo

Level: 137

[Strength]: 72

[Tenacity]: 1

[Vision]: 1


[Sensitivity]: 1

[Regeneration]: 20

Remaining Points: 47

He had?gained an absurd amount of experience points from killing the?300?bandits. He?had been Level 90 just a few days?before,?but he had?gained an absurd 47 levels in less than a day.

One could truly call it?‘powerleveling’. However, leveling ridiculously fast like that?was only possible at?such a?low-level stage, as it became significantly more difficult to increase one’s level after?one?reached Level 200—unless?one?managed to kill a strong monster that gave an even more?massive?amount of experience points.

‘I should distribute my stat points first,’?he?thought.?He?pondered for a moment?which stats he should increase;?as he had invested all of his points into strength and regeneration,?his?other?stats were significantly weaker.


He?had?not?planned?to increase any of the other stats, thinking?he would not be running into any dangerous situations as he only had to avoid them using the experience from his previous life. However, it was different in this life.

He had resolved?to choose the most difficult path that required him to risk his life?this time, and?thus concluded that even if he displayed amazing martial skills and summoned absurdly strong undead, it was no use if his body was weak and could not take any hits. Therefore, Kang Yoon-Soo evenly distributed the remaining points into strength, tenacity, and regeneration.

‘Leveling isn’t the only important thing. I have to obtain all the secrets, weapons, and treasure hidden?on this continent,”?he?thought.

“Grrrrrr…” White growled as he approached and licked Kang Yoon-Soo’s bloodied cheek.

If someone were to?witness that?sight, they would think?a pet was licking its owner as a sign of affection. However, a werewolf licking the blood off one’s cheek was a sign of unwavering loyalty.?The bloodsoaked Kang Yoon-Soo?looked like an honorable warrior in White’s eyes, and White growled in the werewolf language,?“Rakuronin. Okan.”

Kang Yoon-Soo understood what it meant:?“I respect you, human.”?It was actually ironic that a werewolf respected him after he had killed humans.

He?was about to send White back to the summon dimension when he suddenly stopped.?‘This is the last time…’?he thought.

He was?deep in thought for a moment, but eventually decided?to do something different this time.?He?took out a wooden mug from his bag, saying,?“Take it.”

“Ikironid?”?White growled in surprise as it took the wooden mug.?It was awkward for White, who was used to?crawling?on the ground on all fours, to suddenly receive and hold a mug in its paw.

Kang?Yoon-Soo?generously poured the expensive wine?into?White’s mug and said, “Drink it.”

White dipped?its?large tongue into the wooden mug before scrunching?its?face?up?and growling,?“Karugradin?”

“That’s the taste of alcohol,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied, He then?added, “Thanks for tonight.”

All of White’s fur suddenly stood?on end.


Kang Yoon-Soo sent White back to the summon dimension,?then?trekked down the mountain trail that was now?a wet, muddy mess thanks to the landslide he had triggered. The?bandits’ corpses floated?on the surface of water that?was tinted with?a hint of red due to the sheer amount of blood mixed into it.?He?scooped some of the water?up?with his hand?and?proceeded to wash?the blood off?his body.

Suddenly, however,?he noticed a familiar face on a corpse—it was Arkan. Arkan’s body?had been?severely disfigured after?it was?hit?by?the landslide, and his cold, lifeless body was floating downstream. Kang Yoon-Soo jumped into the muddy water and fished out?the?corpse.?Arkan’s armor was in bad shape because of the landslide, but his other items were still in?relatively?good shape.

[Slaughterer’s Bloodsword] Rating: Rare

Attack Power: 74

A sword imbued?with evil?magic. It is said that a vampire dipped this sword in its own blood. This sword will suck the life force out of any living thing it penetrates like a parasite.

* The sword will suck the blood?out?of any living thing you cut.

* The?sword's?attack power will increase the more blood it consumes.

[Stolen Ruby Ring]

Rating: Normal

A ring that belonged to a young noble,?which has?a large, tempting ruby embedded in it. The crest of the?Okanic?Family is engraved on the back of it.

[Bandit Leader’s Belt]

Rating: Normal

The belt of Arkan, the leader of the Crossed Swords Bandits. It has six?slots that carry?different kinds of items.

* The chances of successfully looting a village or a merchant company will increase.

Kang Yoon-Soo equipped Arkan’s items,?except for?the Slaughterer’s?Bloodsword. The?Slaughterer’s?Bloodsword?was an excellent magic sword, but Ravian’s Longsword was an equally excellent item as well. Regardless,?he?stored the Slaughterer’s?Bloodsword?into?his bag for future use.

He?even took?the?armor that had been severely damaged by the landslide. It was a?brigandine?made from sturdy leather, and he planned to repair it or?break?it down at a smithy?eventually.

There were other items that belonged to the other dead bandits, but?he?decided to only equip the good ones and store the rest in the bag.?He continued his descent down the mountain.


The dark clouds that covered the sky retreated, and?sunlight shone?down on the mountain ranges.


Shaneth stretched after waking up. She?had been unable to?sleep properly because of the noisy landslide that had?been triggered the previous night.?Unlike her, however,?Iris was fast asleep while hugging Sally. Sally’s expression?showed her discontent with being hugged by Iris, but Iris was smiling while fast asleep, as if she were?a baby holding on to a teddy bear doll.

Shaneth seemed to have completely misunderstood the situation; she?laughed?and?said, “It seems these two?have?gotten pretty close with each other.”

It had?not been long since she first met Iris, but it was strange that despite knowing the fact that Iris was a doppelganger, Shaneth did not feel any hostility toward her,?nor did she?find it uncomfortable to travel alongside Iris. She actually?thought of Iris as innocent,?like a baby?who?did not know the ways of this world, and that?made her feel sympathy and a sense of similarity?to the doppelganger.

‘But still… I don’t like it when I see Iris with that guy…’?Shaneth was shocked?by?her own thoughts,?and?ran out of the run-down cabin?to clear?her mind. However, what greeted her outside was a middle-aged man, who looked?as if he had?rolled around in the mud all night?and was?fast asleep on the muddy floor.

ZzZzz… Snore!

She lightly jumped over Henrick and went over to take a look at the surrounding scenery. The areas had?massively changed overnight, and the only thing in front of her was absolute destruction.?‘If we were a bit closer, we would have been swept up as well…’?she thought.

The mountain across from theirs?had been?destroyed by a landslide. They were safe because they were quite a distance away from that mountain, but the sheer thought of it sent chills down her spine as she thought,?‘If we decided to stay the night over there…?We would have been swept up.’

However, something more shocking happened?next.

“But why are you coming down from there…?” Shaneth muttered, her?eyes wide with surprise as she saw Kang?Yoon-Soo?slowly?walk?toward the run-down cabin, walking across the devastation?caused by the landslide.

Kang Yoon-Soo did not give her any reply, but Shaneth noticed that his attire was different. She also noticed the fact that his movements were duller than usual.?She?asked?worriedly, “Are you alright? Did you get hurt anywhere?”

Shaneth was surprisingly sharp;?Kang Yoon-Soo tried not to reply, but he abruptly stopped walking as he suddenly remembered,?‘Right, this is the last time…’?He?turned around and looked at Shaneth before answering, “I tripped.”

“You’re lying, aren’t you?” Shaneth replied.

“Yes…” Kang Yoon-Soo muttered.

Shaneth let out a sigh before bringing her backpack over. She took out a healing potion from her bag and said, “I figured we would need these later, so I saved some. Show me your wound.” “I can do it alone,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied.

“Will you keep being stubborn?” Shaneth rebuked him.

Kang Yoon-Soo eventually submitted to her?and?took his shirt off;?the penetrating trauma on his abdomen was still?present. The bleeding had already stopped, but it was still a dangerous wound that?cut to the muscle.

Shaneth bit her lips?and?asked, “When?did you get hurt?”

Kang Yoon-Soo would not have answered her normally, but surprisingly,?he?replied, “I fought with the mountain bandits.”

“Alone?” Shaneth asked.

“Yes,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied.?Shaneth’s?expression?instantly turned cold, and?she remained silent for a while. Even Kang Yoon-Soo stayed silent as an awkward silence filled the air,?leaving only the sound of flowing water.

At last, Shaneth opened her mouth and asked, “Why did you go alone?”

Kang Yoon-Soo could not provide an answer. Seeing his silence, Shaneth raised her voice and?exclaimed,?“Why won’t you give me an explanation?!”?Anger filling her voice, she continued, “I can help too! There’s no reason for you to bear all the burden alone. Aren’t we?traveling?together? I even inherited the power fragment, didn’t I? I?don’t mind it being?dangerous as long as I can be with you!”

Shaneth’s voice started to grow louder, as if all of her?pent-up?emotions?had?finally exploded, and there was a hint of resentment mixed in?with her anger as she continued,?“You?aren't?a doll,?are you? Let’s laugh together when we laugh,?and let’s cry together when we cry. Let’s go through things together if things get tough. We’re companions,?right? We’re traveling together. If things get too much for you, feel free to ask for help. I’ll do anything as long as I can be with you. There’s no reason for you to sacrifice yourself and bear it all.”

Tears started welling up?in?Shaneth’s eyes, but Kang Yoon-Soo only watched her cry. Then, he saw his reflection in her eyes—his own emotionless, doll-like self. Could he still consider himself a human?

Kang?Yoon-Soo?slowly, hesitantly said, “I?was?scared.”?He?was not aware of the words he had?just said. It had been far too long since he?had last been?able to speak the words stuck deep?in his chest.

“I was scared you would die,”?he?repeated.?He?resented the fact that this would be the last time. If he failed?again this time, he would no longer be able to see his companions, and above all else, he would not be able to see Shaneth again.

“I won’t?die,” Shaneth said with firm resolve.?She?dipped?her finger in the healing potion, her eyes?still?filled with?tears, and she traced her finger across Kang Yoon-Soo’s wound.?“I won’t die, so don’t?you?die?either,” she muttered.

The?grievous?wound started to slowly close up, and the pain slowly subsided.?Kang Yoon-Soo stared at Shaneth,?but?before he knew it, his cold lips suddenly warmed up.

The?woman?who manipulated fire?had stolen?the lips of the man colder than anyone else.

Shaneth?trembled?lightly as she kept her eyes closed;?Kang Yoon-Soo could feel her trembling through her lips. However, Kang Yoon-Soo gently wrapped his hand around the back of her head, and Shaneth opened her eyes in surprise.

Kang Yoon-Soo then saw his reflection in?Shaneth’s?eyes. Would?he be able to finally find the life he?had been?longing for?

He could?no longer be indifferent toward life.?Not in this thousandth?life...

…Because this would?be the last one.


Having woken up quite a while later, Henrick remarked as he looked over the mountain that was devastated by the landslide,?“I guess all sorts of things happened overnight. Well, at least those?knights?won’t be able to chase after us anymore.” He then looked at Shaneth, whose face was cherry red, and asked while raising an eyebrow, “Did something happen? Why is your face so red?”

Shaneth hurriedly?looked away, and Iris, who was looking at her, giggled as she played with the wings of a beetle.?“I guess there’s one more person I have to take care of,”?she?said.

“Huh? Why are you?speaking?as if you ever took care of me?” Henrick protested.

“Then stop drinking,” Shaneth retorted.?She then?walked behind Iris, and Iris looked at her curiously. Shaneth gently smiled at her and said, “Let me tie your hair up.”

Iris had a beautiful face, but it was her long blonde hair that?would attract?more attention. She was the doppelganger of the princess, after all, and nothing good?would?come from standing out in?a?crowd.

Shaneth tied?up Iris’?blonde hair with a?light-colored?cloth,?then?took?the doppelganger?into the woods and helped her change into a clean set of clothes.

Afterward, Iris looked like a country girl. She looked so natural that she would fit right into a?crowd.?However, her innate beauty could not be hidden by the cloth holding back her hair and the new set of clothes she was wearing.

“Thank you,” Iris said, kissing?Shaneth’s cheek with her pink lips.?Shaneth jumped in surprise at the sudden show of affection;?Iris stared at her in confusion, saying as she tilted her head,?“I saw that the child called Sally greeted you like this.”

Henrick could not hide his disbelief?toward?the sight in front of him and?exclaimed, “What the… Is she a child mimicking her parents? I guess I have to mind my words and actions from now on…”

Shaneth grasped Iris’ hands and firmly told her, “Don’t kiss someone’s cheek unless you’re very close to and intimate with that person. Ah, don’t do this especially to Mr. Kang Yoon-Soo, do you understand?”

“Hmm…?This is complicated,” Iris said, falling deep into thought?as she furrowed her brow. Even that expression?could also be called beautiful.

“Let’s go,” Kang Yoon-Soo said?from ahead of the others?as he lifted his backpack.

The group started their descent down the Hatar Mountains.


. In medical terms, ‘trauma’ can refer to an injury or wound.
