On the city wall:

"That's Mike's exclusive skill, so strong!" Benjamin exclaimed in admiration and envy, because he saw Gutman hand out two zombies from the tent, and Mike approached them and stuffed something into their mouths.

One of the once-ferocious zombies suddenly stood still, seemingly paralyzed, while the other was giggling... a zombie giggling!

"My exclusive skills are all charge and battle-oriented, but I lack this kind of control ability." Benjamin leaned against the wall and said, "Isn't he invincible?"

"Not necessarily. From what I see, he can control at most two zombies at once. In a one-on-one battle, he can indeed be described as invincible, but when facing many targets with the same strength, he still struggles." Eve finished speaking and continued to stare at the tent, "Up to now, Gutman has been inside the tent, protecting himself very well."

Marie nodded in agreement, "Yeah, no one knows what's happening inside the tent."

Eve chuckled, "Do you still think he's just a thick-skinned person who likes to take advantage and show off?"


Marie shook her head, "Now it seems like those were all Misunderstandings. He's a cautious person."

Listening to their conversation, Benjamin felt a bit confused and asked, "So, what kind of person is he, after all the analysis?"

"Don't know." Both women answered simultaneously.


Inside the tent, Ming stared at the last zombie and maintained eye contact for 3 seconds.

"With this skill, I am one step closer to being a doctor."


"Or, I already possess another kind of medical expertise."

"This is truly an amazing thing."

Ming turned and walked out of the tent, "Mike, come over and let me touch you~"


Mike frowned. After these two days, he had been pondering and noticed that the sunglasses-wearing man seemed a bit off lately, increasingly enjoying touching other men. He couldn't have turned gay, could he???

Before, it was just unintentional touching. Now it's become blatant. He walked forward, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "There are so many people watching. Hurry up."

Just as Ming was about to touch Mike, he stopped, "Why does your skin have a faint green color?"

"Well..." Mike seemed a bit embarrassed, glanced at the snake woman on the city wall, and whispered shyly, "To be honest, my wife is poisonous.""..."

Ming stepped forward and restored Mike's sleeves to their original state. In that case, he'd better not touch Mike. What if he got poisoned and turned green too?

At that moment, Perugia dragged a zombie back...

Ming ignored it and turned to David, who was maintaining order in the puppeteer team. David held out his hand, "You can do it yourself. I'm still busy here. But seriously, do you have any special exclusive skills that let you gain some weird powers by touching others?"

"You could guess that?"


David was surprised. He put down his notebook, asked the bidding puppeteers to wait for a while, and pulled Ming's arm, taking two steps to the side, "Boss, if you want, I can let Hawkins persuade the whole district to meet all the needs of your exclusive skill."

"I'm a good person." Ming pushed away the unscrupulous David and touched his arm.

When he walked in front of the puppeteer team, Ming shook hands with everyone from No. 1 to No. 20, saying, "Everyone did a great job cooperating for the first time today. You are the backbone of District 109 in the future. Keep it up! We will definitely hold on until the end, survive the apocalypse and return to a happy life."

"Gutman, you are so right."

"We need positive and optimistic people like you now."

"Don't worry, we will definitely make a worthy contribution to District 109."


"Alright, the last zombie is very weak. I'm going to kill it now. You all can go back."

"Just now, a few zombies were taken away by Alan. What are they for? I want to bid on them~"

"Those? We are currently researching a secret project and need some zombies for experiments."

Ming turned and walked into the tent without paying attention to Perugia. Actually, he found that the people from District 31 were very kind and easygoing, just like himself.

Closing the tent door, Ming grabbed his shotgun and pulled the trigger at the last zombie.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

On the city wall, Eve and the others frowned as they watched the puppet-catching process. The more they saw, the less they understood Gutman.

Moreover, the tags they summarized about him were often contradictory: wealthy, high-profile, helpful, opportunistic, low-key, cautious, strategic, greedy, optimistic, motivational, kinky for nurse uniforms, bloody, ruthless, passionate, generous, stingy..."..."

Sighing, Eve felt that a person with so many characteristics should be a complete madman!

But, he seemed like a good guy~


Inside the tent, Ming held his shotgun and bowed in all directions, especially in the direction of his home, silently whispering for his frogs to help him.

Bang! Ming raised his gun and blew the zombie's head to pieces.

Hopefully, good luck prevails.

At that moment, a roar sounded outside the tent, and a white beam of light landed steadily on the city wall. Ming rushed out of the tent, looked around without finding any shared monsters, and then looked at Alan, "Have your giant eagles grab me and Mike!"

"Understood!" Alan responded loudly and immediately commanded the two giant eagles to descend to the maze center and lift the two men into the air.

On the city wall, Hawkins shouted, "It's an invisible one again! Everyone, back against the city wall, and the shield bearers stand in front to protect us! It will definitely appear!"

"Damn, I hate these invisible ones the most!"

"Don't panic, as long as it shows up, it will die!"

"How can you be so calm?"

"The more you see, the calmer you become."


People from the 31st District saw that the folks from the 109th District were very calm and temporarily suppressed the panic in their hearts.

Eve, holding a huge axe, vigilantly looked around. She understood why the 109th District had been able to achieve three consecutive first kills; everyone in their district carried victorious confidence.

Moreover, this confidence had become ingrained in them. In their eyes, the ultimate monster had only one outcome: death or becoming a puppet.

She looked up at the two people being held aloft by the giant eagles, wanting to know what they were up to!

Ming sniffed quickly at a low altitude, the scent of zombies being quite distinctive, and this uniqueness was not present before. After a long period of practice, he had become proficient in distinguishing different smells with his nose.

Others might only be able to distinguish a few scents in the same location, but he was different. The hunter's sense of smell allowed him to identify all the scents within range, including the smell of someone being scared.

"Alan! The east city wall!"

"Got it! Go to the west city wall!"


Eve was taken aback. Did she mishear their conversation, or were they not on the same wavelength?

Then, she saw the giant eagles hovering steadily above the east city wall. Eve looked at Alan in the distance, feeling that he was also somewhat strange.

Were there no normal people in the 109th District?
