Ming felt very uncomfortable. He found that when a person lost their left hand, or rather, when the left hand couldn't be used, relying on just the right hand was indeed very difficult. Now, he only had his right hand left.

He didn't want to let go of his left hand because letting go would mean the disappearance of 23,000 gold coins. He didn't make money in this situation and almost lost a lot.

[Congratulations on completing the Nightmare Level hidden task, reward: 20,000 experience points, 20,000 gold coins, the exclusive title 'King of the Arena', one platinum treasure chest, and 100 reputation points]

Ding~ Level up to 36.

"20,000 gold coins?"

[Title: King of the Arena]

[All attributes +10]


[Exclusive attribute: When fighting unarmed against others, all attributes increase by 10%]

"It's just average~" Ming didn't think it was that great. After all, he wouldn't fight unarmed against others in the future. Would he use just his fists when the opponent had a knife?

Don't joke about it. He was a man with a chainsaw. As for the platinum treasure chest, he would open it at home since he was still in the instance dungeon. Now, the most important thing was to find the instance boss and defeat it.

[Global Broadcast, congratulations to survivor 'Ming' for completing the five-star personal instance dungeon. The fog in his zone has dissipated by 0.6%, and his trial instance dungeon descends in all zones]

[Global Broadcast, congratulations to survivor 'Mike' for completing the five-star personal instance dungeon. The fog in his zone has dissipated by 0.3%, and his trial instance dungeon descends in all zones]

[Global Broadcast, congratulations to survivor 'Invincible Lucky Star' for completing the five-star personal instance dungeon. The fog in his zone has dissipated by 0.3%, and his trial instance dungeon descends in all zones]



"What?" Ming was surprised. He hadn't found the final boss, so how did he pass the instance dungeon?

Could it be that one of the king-level zombies in the Nightmare Level hidden task was the instance, boss?

Checking the instance dungeon achievements, all were completed, indicating that there were no more zombies in this area. Ming touched his nose, not worrying about it anymore, as there was still half an hour left to search.

As long as he could go home, there was no need to think too much about it. He found that after his mental attributes increased, it was easy for him to unconsciously think about problems.

[Received Oracle Blessing from Alice, luck increased]

"?" How did he receive an Oracle Blessing from Alice? Most importantly, he had already completed the instance dungeon, so her Oracle Blessing Was this just to deceive him into owing her a favor?If he didn't use it... this favor shouldn't count.

Buzz~ At this moment, light columns began to rise from the zombie corpses in the arena. Among them, a red light shot straight into the sky.

"It's my first time encountering a red light, awesome!"


Ming collected the various colored light pillars blooming in the area and then started to recycle the metal materials from the tables, chairs, and benches in the stadium.

Half an hour later, a white light descended, and Ming landed, finding himself in deep grass. In front of him stood two men holding hands.

One was thin and fair-skinned, with a group of mutated creature puppets behind him, and the other was dark and strong, carrying a scorpion-tail-like giant sword.

It was alan and Mike.

The three men were surprised at the same time. What a coincidence!

Ming looked at them and said awkwardly, "When did you two start dating?"


Alan and Mike let go of each other's hands, their faces full of disbelief and embarrassment.

"Well... we started a few days ago... no, wait..."

"Big brother, this isn't a date... don't get the wrong idea!"

"But you were holding each other's hands, fingers interlocked..."


Alan and Mike were stunned. Big brother, you were paying too much attention to the details.

Mike quickly explained, "Big brother, we were about to go to a random area."

Alan nodded eagerly, "Yes, yes, yes~"

"Ah~ you're going to a random area~ that's indeed quiet and suitable for dating~" Ming nodded, understanding.


"Big brother, we just came back from our individual instance dungeons, and now we want to form a team and go to a level 30-40 random area." Alan hurriedly explained, "You might not know, but if you hold hands and teleport to a random area together, you can arrive at the same place."

"Oh~ I see~ I misunderstood... you guys continue, I'm going home." Ming nodded, understanding once again.

"Well... Big brother, do you want to come with us?"

"Yeah, the three of us together will be invincible."

Mike and Alan held hands again, each extending a hand to Ming.

"Actually, I just came back from an instance dungeon, and I got hurt today. I want to rest." Ming raised his left hand wrapped in gauze.

"Big brother, did you take medicine?" The two asked with concern.

"I did, I did. You guys go ahead, I'm leaving."

Ming turned around and looked back at them. "So, it has to be fingers interlocked, right?"

"Yes!" The two were a bit embarrassed.

Damn, such an embarrassing rule.

"Alright, I got it. Next time for sure. I'll go home and recover first. Goodbye." Ming said, disappearing into the bushes.

In the bushes, the two men looked at each other, feeling pity that their big brother couldn't join them because of his injury. They interlocked fingers and simultaneously tapped on a random area... Teleporting... They disappeared from the spot.

Ming looked back at the fading white light and thought to himself, these two brothers are really hardworking and doing well. He should work hard too. Keep it up, you two!

After returning home, Ming was once again alone. Foodie went to find the koi fish, and Da Vinci went to find the little butterfly, but it seemed like the butterfly was still in his backpack, wasn't it?

Ming released the butterfly, and Da Vinci began chasing it again, completely forgetting about its three snake eggs.

Ming went downstairs and glanced at the three snake eggs. He wasn't sure if the snakes would still hatch, but the eggs had indeed evolved. They now looked intimately close to each other, like a single egg. Ming decided not to pay much attention to them and instead focused on feeding the various creatures in his house.

Suddenly, Ming was shocked to see that the area around the beehive was now covered with spiderwebs, and dozens of dried-up bee carcasses were hanging from the webs.

Ah, his honey!

The bees had only stung the spider once, but now the spider wanted to exterminate their entire family.

Ming grabbed the little spider and threw it back onto the roof. This couldn't go on; he needed to find a way to protect the bees. But since he couldn't think of a solution for the moment, he decided to let it be. After all, spiders needed to eat too.

After feeding the mantis legs to the little crab, Ming finally arrived at the earthworm farm and threw the other parts of the mantis into it. Earthworms, after all, preferred soft food.

As soon as he threw the mantis parts in, dozens of little earthworm lords emerged from the soil. It was time to harvest their product again.

Ming summoned his psychic giant eagle and began the harvesting process. Half an hour later, after collecting experience and scattering mud, insect carcasses, and various mutated creature remains, Ming took meticulous care of the earthworms before returning to the roof to cook.

As he cooked, he checked his loot from the day. Opening the platinum supply box, several beams of light appeared, one of which was a golden beam shooting skyward.
