Ming gently placed the three little rascals on the ground, granting them the freedom to frolic as far as their hearts desired without impeding his pursuit of pressing matters.

The paramount objective was to let the squirrels accompany the froglets in their frolics, enhancing their travel experience. After all, Ming had already scoped out the area and found it devoid of any exclamation marks, allowing them to gallivant freely, albeit with a reminder not to venture beyond the boundaries.

Your froglets gamboled with the squirrel in the forest. the squirrel endeavored to teach its newfound friends the art of tree climbing and said, "It's so simple, yet you still can't master it." Da Vinci scoffed, "Look at us. Do we have filthy paws like you?"

Foodie, on the other hand, was more concerned about the coarse bark, fearing the damage it might inflict on his delicate belly.

Tuckered out from their traveling, the froglets accepted the squirrel's invitation to forage for delectables nearby. Especially after the previous day's rainfall, the mountain abounded with culinary delights.

Ming stood up and stretched, sensing he had almost gathered enough steelwood from the vicinity. He sought saplings to take back and plant, confident that fertile soil would teach the young steelwood trees the meaning of rapid growth.

Erik and Desmond observed 'Gutman's' actions elsewhere and promptly followed suit.


Your froglets, captivated by a mushroom the squirrel claimed was scrumptious, watched as Foodie licked his lips. Da Vinci held Foodie back, insisting the squirrel taste it first...

Seeing the squirrel had no ill effects, Da Vinci still declined to partake, explaining he only fancied insects. Foodie, however, found the mushroom delicious.

"you guys better not get poisoned," Ming muttered, uprooting a steelwood sapling and collecting it in his inventory. Glancing toward the direction of the froglets, he felt worried, but with the squirrel's vast knowledge of the local flora and fauna, it was ok, right?

Your Da Vinci stared wide-eyed at the swaying Foodie and squirrel who were convinced they had sprouted wings and were fluttering their little paws. "Look!" Foodie excitedly exclaimed to Da Vinci. "I'm flying!!"

Your Foodie believed he soared through the clouds with newfound wings, then encountered a group of sprites. Grinning and licking his lips, he called out to the fleeing sprites, "Don't run! Let me have a taste of your flavor!"



Ming loosened his grip on the tool, accidentally dropping it onto his foot. Thankfully, it wasn't a chainsaw.

Were they hallucinating from being poisoned?

In the next instant, Ming sprinted toward the direction of the froglets, relieved that Da Vinci hadn't consumed the mushroom.

Your Da Vinci observed the joyous expressions of the duo and deduced that the vibrant mushroom made them ecstatic. Da Vinci approached and opened his mouth, only to be suddenly lifted by you. He also wanted to say that the mushroom would make you happy and asked if you would like a bite."..."

Ming spotted Foodie and the squirrel stumbling and pawing the ground nearby. They still believe their really flying just inches above the ground!

He immediately opened the Doomsday Shop to search for antidotes.

[Ordinary Animal Bite Antidote]

[Ordinary Food Poisoning Antidote]

[Fungal Poisoning Antidote]

Got it!

He spent 1,000 gold coins on the fungal poisoning antidote. Just as he made the purchase, he received a mental update from Foodie.

[Your Foodie looked around, bewildered. Weren't they just in the sky? How did they end up on the ground again? And where were the sprites? He turned to see the squirrel beside him, twitching on the ground and foaming at the mouth...]


Ming understood: Foodie's Glutton King ability had been activated, and the poisonous mushroom had merely induced a brief hallucination. Thankfully, all was well.

He dashed over, picked up the squirrel, and administered a drop of the antidote. The once-foaming squirrel promptly regained consciousness.

[Your froglets accepted your lesson, agreeing with you. They all pointed at the squirrel, blaming it for the incident.]

[Foodie rubbed against your leg, promising not to eat that mushroom again. Da Vinci assured you that he would care for Foodie and the squirrel.]

"Let's head home soon and avoid eating any strange things," Ming warned the trio and informed them it was time to pack up and return.

[Your froglets asked the squirrel if it wanted to join them at home, where they had many playmates, though none as clever as them. The squirrel hesitated, glancing at your retreating figure.]

[ Da Vinci patted the squirrel, reassuring it that while Ming enjoyed meat, he wouldn't eat their friends; he wasn't that heartless. The squirrel looked at its newfound companions and your fading silhouette, choosing to trust its friends.]

[Your Foodie secretly collected the colorful mushroom...]


Finally, every creature in the area was gathered, leaving Russell alone— save for a small bat.

By the way, Foodie, did you take that mushroom because you're addicted? Do you plan to eat them daily from now on?

At the cave entrance, the furry Desmond, the frail Erik, and the seemingly wealthy Ming gathered to say farewell before activating their teleport scrolls.

As the countdown began, Russell seized the opportunity to chat:

"When you guys leave, I'll be alone here again. I hope I'll still be alive after the third chapter."

"Friends, if you ever meet Dimon from Area 54, don't tell him how miserable I am. Let him know I'm doing well since I've always encouraged him to live on..."

"Alright," the trio nodded.

Desmond said, "No one knows what this world will become, so let's take care of ourselves and live happily without any worries!"

Erik handed Ming and Desmond some corn and potatoes, selected as seeds. "I taught you how to cultivate them last night. I believe having your own is better than relying on others. I hope you can grow them well."

Ming handed them coconuts, "Toasting with coconut water until we meet again."

"Cheers!" The four raised their coconuts in unison.

The teleport scrolls finished counting down!

Buzz~ Three beams of white light touched the ground, and the trio vanished from the cave. Russell stared at the empty entrance, feeling a sudden void in his heart.

He opened the coconut and took a large gulp, "Great drink!"


Mike suddenly snapped awake, berating himself for dozing off in a dangerous place. How could he have been so foolish?

He carefully pulled out a vial of energy potion and drank it before cautiously peering out from under the trash can lid. The Lord-level zombie nurse with a syringe was still standing there.

"Once I devise a plan, I'll take you down!" Mike vowed.

He took a sip of water and continued brainstorming.
