In the evening, Ming was tired. Everyone gets tired, and even after drinking a stamina potion, he is still exhausted due to his low satiety level.

"Big guy, let's have dinner and continue later. Do you want to saw through the entire area's steel wood in one go?" Desmond shouted from a short distance away.

"Yeah, come and eat first. I brought some wine; let's have a drink," Erik took a bottle of red wine from the storage and waved it toward Ming.

"You guys go ahead, and I'll be right there!" Ming put away his chainsaw and watched the two head into the cave. He then turned to look in the direction of his frogs.

[Your frogs, accepting the invitation of a squirrel, are preparing to eat something delicious... They happily bounce around in the forest...]

[Foodie wants to eat snake meat, but the squirrel mentioned something even tastier, so it gave up on the idea of snake meat...]

"Alright, come back when you're tired," Ming left the now treeless forest, where now was not called a forest, because he had chopped down every tree, leaving only stumps behind.


When he arrived at the cave entrance, Erik had already started a fire and was roasting some potatoes by the fire. Desmond took out a leg of lamb, "Don't worry, I saved the monkey meat for myself. I met two good brothers Today, so I brought out my best food."

Ming took out a dozen fish and some coconuts, "A balanced meal~."

"Wow, you even have coconuts~."

"Come on, grab a cup; I'll provide the wine."

"Why not use the coconut shells as cups? Now, let's roast the lamb leg."



Ming sat down as the sky outside darkened. The warmth of the fire on his face felt comforting. Having such a relaxed encounter with strangers was rare in the apocalypse. Perhaps good people were just bound to meet other good people.

After three rounds of drinks and eating most of the potatoes and lamb leg, Desmond said with a mix of snot and tears, "Ah~ Today was the most enjoyable day I've had in a while. I was on edge every day before this, always gripping the handle of my knife when meeting people, fearing someone would try to rob me. I'm not a fighter, and I'm gentle."

Erik laughed and teased, "Gentle, my foot! You were gripping your knife handle when we first met, asking us which district we were from."

"Come on, cheers!"Ming raised his coconut shell and took a small sip of wine. He didn't know how to drink, so he could only join in the toasts.

[Your frogs are eating red raspberries, finding the sour and sweet taste delicious, with a hint of alcohol... Da Vinci's eyes are getting blurry, feeling like he's getting drunk from the red raspberries...]

[Foodie gulps down a raspberry and croaks at the sky... Swan, come down here, let's see if I can eat you!... The squirrel, wobbly from eating a raspberry, tells Foodie to be quiet; it's dangerous...]

[Foodie gulps down another red raspberry and asks the squirrel, "What's dangerous?" The squirrel points at the cave, "At night, a monster comes out from there, killing and eating creatures all over the mountains. If you guys had arrived a day later, I'd have moved out already..."]

[Your frogs exchange glances and laugh, telling the squirrel, "See the most handsome man inside the cave? He's a professional monster tamer..."]

Are those three eating drunken plums? Eating too many can get you drunk.

"A monster?"

Ming glanced into the cave but saw nothing unusual except the bat he had seen during the day hanging upside down again.

"Drink less; we still need to be on guard against mutated creatures tonight," Ming withdrew his gaze.

"Don't worry~" Desmond patted his chest, "When I drink, I get full of courage and strength!"

Erik glanced into the cave and asked, "Bro, do you think there's something inside?"

"Not sure, but it's better to be cautious."

"It's impossible~" Desmond stood up, swaying slightly, pointing at the ground, "Look, no footprints leading into the cave. I checked when I arrived Today. That means there's nothing inside."

"What if it flies?" Ming looked at the bat.

[Your frogs listened intently as the squirrel described the monster, which had a pair of giant wings and a head that looked like a rat...]

[The frogs looked at the squirrel, thinking the monster was ugly. They assured the squirrel that if the monster dared to show up, Ming would kill it. The squirrel was skeptical, so your frogs brought the squirrel back to you...]


After receiving the information, Ming glanced at the small bat. It seemed to be a bat-like BOSS.

Is a bat chopping down trees? It didn't have sharp enough teeth or claws for that.

"Bro, come on, have another drink."

"Cheers! I'll drink first to show my respect!"

Desmond drank up and looked at Erik, "More wine~."

Erik laughed, "All gone~."

Sniff sniff~

Ming caught a whiff of a scent coming from inside the cave, the smell of a bat mixed with a human scent. He immediately stood up and aimed his crossbow into the cave.

Seeing Ming's reaction, Desmond and Eric grabbed their weapons and looked into the cave as well. To them, the cave's entrance was pitch-black, and they couldn't see anything.

"Bro, do you see anything?" They both whispered simultaneously.

"Wait~" Ming stared into the cave as the scent grew closer. He couldn't figure out why there was also a human smell.

"Is anyone outside?" A man's voice came from the cave.


Desmond heard the voice, glanced at Ming, and after getting a nod from him, replied, "How come we didn't see you during the day? What were you doing inside the cave?"

"I've been here since the apocalypse started. I just want to talk to you guys, no harm intended~" The man inside the cave spoke again.

"Talking is fine, but why don't you come out?" Desmond held his sword in front of him.

Erik also gripped his narrow sword, ready to strike if anything unexpected happened.

Ming looked into the cave but saw no figure, even though the scent was getting closer. Suddenly, he saw a human-shaped bat hanging from the cave ceiling. It had a human face, deep brown fur all over its body, and giant wings wrapped around its neck and below.

He scanned it with[Eagle Eye]: Russell, Level 19, Mutant Puppeteer, Mutated Gene Talent[Bat Form]

"Up there." Ming pointed.

"Holy crap! That's terrifying!" Desmond and Erik looked up and shuddered at the sight.
