When her nervous back was pressed lightly against Raven’s chest, a burst of laughter could be heard from the top of her head.

“Don’t worry. I won’t touch them.”

Molitia heaved a deep sigh. The situation had been the most unbelievable thing that happened in the world.

Her body, which was already stiff due to the tension, hadn’t been able to relax that easily.

She waited for that big hand of his, which she wasn’t really sure when it would suddenly invade her. Unlike what she had imagined that they would soon grab hold of her body, his hands weren’t really moving for a long time at all. Rather, Raven had placed his hands on the bathtub instead of touching her shoulder.

“If you’re that nervous, then is it really worth being in the bathtub?”



Molitia’s mysterious yet blurred words were accompanied with a slight smile towards Raven.

“You don’t believe in me?”

“Rather than not believing you…… it’s just due to the fact that I don’t really believe in my own efforts.”

“I’ve been a pretty bad husband, then.”


As soon as Molitia turned her head, Raven had already placed his hand on her shoulder. Startled—her nonchalant face from before immediately flared up. Raven then gently pressed her stiff shoulders down in response.


“I just can’t blame you for all of this.”He slowly made her lean more against his own chest.

“Really, Molitia.”

A resonant voice began reverberating into her ear.

“I won’t touch you.”

That low-toned voice sounded much different in this bathroom than it was back in the bedroom. Whenever she was feeling exhausted, his voice seemed to have spread even more sheepishly.

Nevertheless, Raven didn’t lie at all. He never stopped playing on her shoulders per se, but he hadn’t gone further down at all.

He immersed her even deeper while not doing anything else, except for saying that it was getting rather cold. They were just soaking themselves together in the water.

Her shoulder, which was still stiff due to the tension, had gradually loosened itself. The warmth had softened her look. Eventually, her behavior became rather bold when her soporific mind was finally relieved.

She cut through her restlessly upright waist before pressing down her thighs right onto his—daringly. Her locks of hair were then unwinded in that wide bathtub of his.

Raven hugged her outstretched shoulders while Molitia’s head had naturally nudged against his shoulder.


“Well, yes?”

“Would you like me to wash you, too?”


Her eyes, which were dim due to languor, immediately flashed open.

“The maid can just wash it all off.”

“You don’t want me to do it?”

“It’s not like that.”“Then I can do it as well, right?”

Molitia was rendered speechless when Raven was smiling gently even with his eyes. It seemed as though someone who never had the chance to hear it before had suddenly found a new subject.

If people who had known of him were to see this kind of scene, they would definitely be surprised and faint away.

“Didn’t you just say that you won’t be touching me?”

“Is washing and touching the same thing?”

“It’s the same. It’s still the same—to touch.”

Raven only shrugged at her firm words.

“Then, you don’t even want me to wash your hair?”


She thought that her hair would at least be okay. As soon as she nodded her head, Raven, who had already laid her upper body languidly, began to rise himself.

“Just keep on lying down.”

“Are you going to wash it for me—right now?”

“It’s better to do it now before the water cools down.”

Raven disentangled Molitia’s hair that was leaning against the bathtub, not against her own body. A handful of loose hair had instantly gone into his hand along with the water.

Raven’s big hand eventually touched her scalp. The touch had caused a languorous moan to escape from her mouth as his firm hand had finally landed at the tip of her head. His stroke of touch that began parting her hair one by one, had brought her to a rather strange sensation.

After he had carefully foamed her hair that hung out of the bathtub, he started to apply the perfumes even more meticulously. Molitia opened her eyes wide at his sincerity that was parallel to that of the maids.

“By what means do you know how to even do this?”

“Tell me if I hurt you somehow.”

“Well—it’s all right.”

As soon as Raven’s touch had disappeared after removing the foam completely, Molitia turned around. With her arms still dangling in the bathtub, she raised her upper body and straight away planted a kiss on his cheek.
