Chapter 559  : Frightening King Hardlett

「I can walk on my own, Aegir. Lower me, it’s embarrassing.」

「No no, what if you step on a nail? Leave it to me.」

I continue on foot out of the forest with Lucy in my arms.

Fortunately, it’s a full moon tonight so we shouldn’t have any trouble traveling at night as long as we’re careful where we walk.

Next to me is Celia, and Natia and Felteris, who are staring at me in disgust, riding double on my horse.

Brynhildr is on my back, tugging my ear and hair everytime I converse with Lucy.


「Do you know how long it’ll take to reach the capital on foot……?」

Celia seems concerned, but is there anything to worry about?

I hurried here to see Lucy as soon as possible, but now we’ll be together forever.

I don’t mind if it takes several weeks.

I give Lucy a soft kiss on the lips.

She smiles and returns a kiss on the tip of my nose, then grabs me by the arm and collar.


「I repeated myself three times. You’re a bit too obstinate.」

My body instantly flips 180 degrees and falls on the ground.

It’s a mystery how she managed to throw me while I was carrying her.

「It’s been so long since I took a leisurely walk outside of the forest. And with another person at that.」

Lucy spreads her arms and does a little spin, then pulls Brynhildr down from my back.

「Wah, stop! I don’t want you to……argh, let go!!」

Brynhildr yells, but doesn’t seem to have any intention of fighting again and allows herself to be dragged.

It’s regrettable that the warmth disappeared from my arms.

「Um, um.」

Celia aims for the time Lucy is separated from me and dismounts from her horse.

「About that lady Lucy, I don’t know anything except her name.」

Well, that’s because I didn’t tell anybody about her.

In fact, how does she know her name?

「You said it in your sleep――more importantly, that person is frankly not human, right?」

「Yeah, she’s a vampire.」

It’s nothing that needs to be hidden.

「W-without hesitation……I mean, the reason she gets along well with Aegir-sama means you are also……of course, I’m okay with it and if it’s an important secret, I’m prepared to protect it!」

I tilt my head, unsure of what she means, but I soon figure out the source of her worry, and I rub her head to reassure her.

「Worried that I’m also a vampire? Hahaha, I’m a human no matter how you look at it.」

「No, there were quite a few suspicious points so I asked. Fugyu.」

When I pinch Celia’s nose and shake lightly, she sneezes adorably to the side and then approaches me again.

「She seems like a parental figure and precious……and it appears like Aegir-sama is the one in the lower position. She isn’t a past lover, is she?」

Well spotted.

I did misunderstand and sobbed at the grave, so I can’t say anything at this point.

「Yeah, she’s a very precious person. As for position……I’ve never thought about it, although Lucy is someone I can’t defy.」

Celia leans forward.

「Lucy is the person who raised me. I became who I am today because of her……she’s family, a sister……perhaps I should say a mother.」


It’s embarrassing when said out loud.

「Fufu, mother you say? Yet all we do day after day is have sex.」

Lucy pops up next to us.

「Mother play!!」

The perverted elf Felteris gets excited at that part.

「Then the person who took Aegir-sama’s virginity was-!」

「It was me of course~ I remember his pathetic scream and his furrowed brow as he desperately swung his hips to ejaculate.」

「Don’t remind me……」

I’ll look uncool in front of Celia.

Lucy lines up beside me and walks like she’s dancing.

「Who would have thought that boy would become so muscular――I mean, a king.」

I flex my muscles as she strokes my chest.

She simply pokes my side, as if telling me not to bulk up, deflating my attempt to appeal to her.

My abs can stop a sword, but Lucy’s finger can bypass all the way to my insides like it’s nothing.

Lucy smiles at my writhing and then asks me with an innocent expression.

「Now as promised, I am to be whatever Aegir wants……so what shall I be?」

The light of the full moon illuminates Lucy’s pure white skin.

「Your sister? Or maybe your mother? Or maybe your wife~? Will you make me your mistress or your sex slave?」

「Don’t be ridiculous, I won’t make you a sex slave. You’re the most beloved woman so I’ll make you my wife……ahem.」「Aegir-sama, Aegir-sama, then Nonna-san will be second――」

I pat Celia’s head and try to pass her comments as insignificant.

Lucy smiled mischievously.

「You already have a girl that you’re in a relationship with? Are you trying to two-time in secret? Or are you going to say something cruel like, “she’s my woman”?」

「It’s not just one, and they’re not just going out with each other, muuf-」

I knead Celia’s cheeks and put her back on the horse.

「We can save the details for later. Why don’t we just enjoy our reunion for now?」

We arrived at the capital one week later.

There were a few funny stories shared on the way, but none worth recalling.

「I was wondering what you were doing, chasing after women again? ――Please consider your position and the situation a little!」

Adolph complains in a near-yelling tone.

「I hate work too. Since you destroyed it, at least take responsibility. If this place falls, it won’t just be Goldonia, the entire Central Plains will be wrapped in chaos for who knows how many years to come.」

Even Tristan, who normally slacks off, sounds serious.


Leopolt doesn’t say anything, but his gaze is the sharpest.

His eyes darted back and forth from me to Lucy, applying a pressure that is to say he’s had enough of my fooling around.

Usually, I would try to dodge the issue or fight back.

「Mm, tell me what happened while I was gone. If you have any countermeasures, bring them to me.」

I throw off my travel clothes, wrap a red cloak around my body and head toward the throne.

「You three talk and start from the most urgent matters first. I’ll meet with anyone if an audience is required.」

The three of them stand blankly, no it’s four of them including Celia.

「Hurry it up. Or is continuing to lecture me a priority?」

The three men immediately move into action.

Their subordinates soon follow suit.

「Celia, guide Lucy to a room. I’ll come when it’s nighttime.」

Either way, it’s midday now and Lucy probably doesn’t want to move.

I can also introduce her to my family at night.

Adolph brought three bureaucrats first.

All of them bowed as a formality, but their discontented faces could not be hidden.

「I have decided to leave the governance structure of Goldonia in tact. This is because large-scale reconstruction should not be done during times of turmoil. Thus……those who were not completely cooperative were also kept in their positions.」

「I see.」

It’s fine to entrust Adolph with this area.

Domestic affairs officials and bureaucrats are humans too.

If the head is suddenly changed in a reckless way, there is sure to be unhappiness.

That is inevitable.

I urge the three bureaucrats to state their complaints freely.


One of them, as a bureaucrat responsible for human affairs, opposes the special position given to Adolph.

He believed it wasn’t right for a domestic affairs official of a mere feudal lord to be supervising the affairs of the kingdom.

And that the person should be chosen from the kingdom’s top bureaucrats.

The second one, as a bureaucrat responsible for domestic affairs, after cursing me considerably for wrecking the bridges connecting the roads from Rafen to the roads from the capital, told me that rebuilding those bridges was the top priority, and that repairing the capital’s defenses can wait.

He said that it would be fine if there was another political uprising and I fell, but if I didn’t fix the streets before that, it would be a disaster for decades.

The last one, as a bureaucrat responsible for legal affairs, told me that my ascension to the throne was against the law and morals, and declared that he could not follow me as a servant of the law.

All of them behaved boldly in my presence, knowing I’m an usurper.

It’s not like they don’t feel fear, I guess they have a bit of backbone.

「Guys with impressive spirits.」

I smile as I stand on the throne.

「I know how capable you all are with the speech each of you gave. The more incompetent individuals are, the more they wag their tails unconditionally. You guys have the brains and the guts. You are valuable assets.」

Their faces relax slightly.

「Your wills are passable. But actions have consequences.」

I draw my Dual Crater and slash the legal bureaucrat diagonally from the shoulder.

Nobody screamed.

It was an instant death, and the other two were left speechless.

「I thought I declared that anybody who doesn’t comply will be killed. You are free to express your opinions and I don’t mind criticisms toward me. But if you disobey orders, no matter if you’re talented or brave, I have no need for you.」

This guy was the only one who said he wouldn’t follow.

The other two just offered a different opinion, criticism, and an alternate suggestion.

「I’ll reconsider the issue while taking into account your ideas. My order is absolute though. Otherwise……」

I pass the bloody blade to Celia and return to the throne.

Scared stiff, the two bureaucrats exit the room.

「Come again if you have further complaints.」

My voice causes them to flinch.

I would recognize the size of their balls if they smiled back, but maybe that’s too much to expect from bureaucrats.「……rule by fear yet not silencing them……」

Next, Leopolt brings in four, no five messengers of feudal lords……there are a lot of them.

「Each of them are lords of small domains who didn’t yield to the threats. We can subjugate them, but they are far from the capital and from Rafen, and it’s a bad move to go on a military expedition when the foundation of the government is uncertain. It would be best if we can settle the matter amicably.」

Leopolt whispers in my ear.

He spoke very fast, I’m surprised he didn’t stutter.


The messengers laid out various lines of logic.

I listen and nod, waiting to answer at the end.

「So, which is it? Do you want to be exempted from the tax because you’re short of money due to the civil war I started or do you not want to pay the same amount as before because you don’t like the way I became king?」

The messengers look at each other and then try to gauge the reactions of me and Leopolt.

Naturally, neither of us show anything.

Celia is the one who is the least composed, though she is just an attendant and isn’t entertained by them.

「I speak on behalf of my lord……my father! It would be a mistake to judge me as a minor lord! Even in turbulent times, injustice is a vice! Because I do not want to see the dismantling of Goldonia, I will not rebel against King Hardlett! If you desire the loyalty given to a rightful king, appropriate――」

I slam a fist on the throne and stand.

「That’s the spirit!!」

I walk slowly toward the messenger.

「The courage to stand against any opponent without withdrawing a single step is the kind of courage I expect of a feudal lord. Wonderful. I commend your lord.」

The head of the feudal lord’s son goes flying as I finish my sentence.

「Leopolt, send soldiers out immediately to crush this guy’s house.」

Leopolt doesn’t say anything and bows in response.

That face tells me he’s definitely going to say something after.

「Sorry for the delay. What did you guys think about the first question?」

The rest of the messengers bowed their heads to plead for a tax exemption.

「There is no military power to spare.」

Leopolt says.

「I know. That house can ready about 200 men, right?」

「They have a branch family in the vicinity. A full mobilization will amount to 500 men.」

It’s practically the same thing.

「Then gather 100 men. I will crush the house myself.」

Leopolt twists his neck slightly.

「In that case, 50 men will do. The branch family will not act if His Majesty is personally heading out. You can let them live in the capital on the condition that his eldest son and wife are taken as hostages……」

「I don’t need his son. I’ll take his wife and daughter for a year in the capital.」

「And you’ll return them with a bigger belly? I understand.」

Recently, Celia has been coming up with harsher retorts.

Above all, Leopolt’s somewhat happy stone-faced expression grosses me out.

It was right when I walked into the corridor, thinking I was finished.

「Tyrant, prepare yourself――!!」

A maid who was cleaning pulled out a hidden blade from the handle of a broom.

At the same time, a servant gardener whipped out a crossbow and took aim.



Celia pounces on the maid while Leopolt silently steps in the line of fire of the crossbow.

「No need.」

I push Leopolt aside and throw my Dual Crater, which deflects the bolt and flies straight into the gardener’s chest.

The maid slips past Celia, but I bend the blade with my hand and lift her up by the neck.


I put just enough pressure on the carotid artery for her to fall unconscious and set her down on the spot.

「I will accompany you in the interrogation process. No torture.」

Man, there’s not much time until night, and it’s still so busy.

「Aah, if I may add one more thing, the king of Aless has sent a letter saying he wants to meet with you.」

Tristan has brought up another troublesome matter.

「To begin with, aren’t meetings something that are requested? Why has it been decided to be held already?」

And also, don’t read the contents of a letter sent from king to king.

「I didn’t. When the letter was given, the contents were yelled so loudly that the entire palace could hear it.」

That is something the idiots of Aless would do.

Unfortunately, the letter seems like the real deal.

「Okay, postponed. We’ll postpone that.」

I have to introduce Lucy to my family later today.

I don’t know what will happen the next day.

「The thing is, King Gildress himself delivered the letter……he said he’d go drinking today and come tomorrow.」

「He came himself? ……there’s no point in requesting the meeting then.」

I was planning to do my own thing for a bit, but I can’t win against someone who’s born with a wild personality.

He’ll come regardless of whether I postpone the meeting or not.

Things are already a mess and if I refuse, it will become messier.

「Also, three shabby-looking feudal lords requested a meeting.」

「Oh, who cares anymore.」
