Chapter 547: Road to Kingdom ④ Last Party —Preview

Translator: Nat

Morning――with that said, the sun has already risen and it’s closer to noon.

Goldonia’s capital is finally in our sights.

「They are more prepared than we thought.」

The main road leading to the south gate of Goldonia has been dug up, and the dug up earth is then mixed with rubble and piled up in various places.

「It’s because they know our main force is cavalry. Although simple, their defense is quite irritating. In particular, the mobility of our wagons and chariots are considerably limited.」


And stationed in front of the gate are tens of thousands……if what Rebecca wrote in her letter is true, then two army corps totaling 30 000 are waiting in a rectangular formation that will not allow us to break through.

「Soldiers are deployed on top of the city walls too. They must be the capital defense force of 15 000. They have very few cavalry and spearmen and instead have a high ratio of archers and crossbowmen. It’s not likely for them to step outside.」

To prioritize speed, we didn’t bring large cannons capable of destroying walls.

Thus the only way to enter the capital is through the gate, which is tightly guarded by the enemy’s 30 000 men.

With the garrison lined up on the walls, digging holes and using ropes or ladders won’t work either.

We don’t have time for an outlandish scheme like travelling underground.


「Our saving grace is that Goldonia isn’t much of a citadel.」

「The walls are first-class, but there are no forts or defensive structures; they are simply a scaled-up version of a city’s bulwark.」

In other words, we can do something if we can hold onto the gate.

I know how the gate closes and the mechanism behind it too.

A while back, I got drunk and shut the gate accidentally.

At that time, I thought Erich was going to kill me.

「Aegir-sama, It’s Dorothea-san.」

I entrust Leopolt with the battle preparations and dismount from my horse.

「Oh, you did well to get away. I’m sorry for the sudden notice.」

I embrace Dorothea, who is holding a young child by the hand and carrying an even younger child on her back.

I’m glad she made it out safely despite the late timing of the message.

Dorothea’s face softens when she sees me, but tenses up when she sees the army.

「……are you going to war again? In the capital?」


There was a small village nearby, right?

I’ll have them evacuate until things settle down.

「I brought the children in the mansion with me. But there are surely orphans in Goldonia that I can’t reach. And if war is happening, others will definitely be torn from their current happy families……that won’t dissuade you?」

Dorothea rejects me when I try to squeeze her boobs and clings to my arm with both hands.

「I’ll try my best to avoid that.」

This isn’t me glossing over the issue or trying to please her.

I’ll make an effort so citizens don’t die unnecessarily.

However if needed or if casualties are inevitable, that can’t be helped. My words were said with that meaning.

I gently brush Dorothea’s hands away, briefly fondle her breasts and head to the village.

「”I will try my best”, said Hardlett……」

When I turn my head in the direction of the voice, I see Head-helmina writing something as she watches our exchange.

Oh, so she followed us.

「I am keeping a record of this battle. Whatever the outcome, this is undoubtedly a major turning point. If I write in an impartial manner, this might become an important historical document a hundred years from now.」

「Tristan said the same thing. And wasn’t the baby lizard also writing down something?」

Now that I’m looking closer, Head-helmina is writing characters by moving her hair.

The ink she’s using is strangely purple, what kind of dye is it?

「Wonderful. The more perspectives, the better. Though I am merely a head now, the Wilhelmina in my memories is someone who challenged to rule the Central Plains. It should be acceptable for me to act as the record keeper.」

While you’re at it, make it so that I’m the most handsome man and my sweat smells like roses.

「Lies cannot be written into history.」

I was ruthlessly cut down. That’s not a good omen.

「You’ll be in trouble if I lose, you know.」

「If you lose, I’ll find a swamp to sink into and crawl out decades later. You may think it’s filthy to live after rotting away, but I have yet to find the meaning of life. I do not want to die.」

With that said, Head-helmina stops her brush……or rather hair, and looks up at me.

「……knowing you’re an insect on top of being a head, it’s unbelievable how beautiful you are.」

Her beauty isn’t the cute or lovely kind, it’s the pure kind of beautiful.

「Umu, I think I’m beautiful. Not to mention I don’t seem to age, so this face will stay young after many years.」

「Now if only you weren’t just a head, I’d pull you in bed with me.」

I lift up Head-helmina with both hands.

「That won’t be a problem if I fuse.」

「Shall we combine?」

Tikuku trudges over to us.

No, seeing a peerless beauty’s face on the childish body of Tikuku will be so jarring that my confusion precedes my sexual desire.

「There isn’t much I can do as just a head, but if you survive the war, I’ll figure something out.」

「I guess I’ll look forward to it.」

I place a finger on Head-helmina’s lips jokingly.

When she eventually envelops my finger with a sigh, multiple tongues in her mouth……

「Sorry. I forgot to wash my hands when I went to the toilet.」

I was bitten.

She then furiously rinses her mouth, I must say it’s quite skillful as just a head.

「Now then……」

Leopolt looks at me and waits for a signal.

It was at this time that I thought of commencing the war.

「Four horses are approaching from the capital, they appear to be messengers.」

「No need to listen. Shoot them.」

I grab Leopolt’s raised hand from swinging down.


Four――and the one in the center is surprisingly Erich.

Next to him are Agor, a nostalgic face in Bruno beside him, and lastly Cedric who has a bandage wrapped around his head.

It’s surprising enough to show on my face.

Who would have thought Erich to come in person from the front.

「We should do whatever we can to kill him. If the supreme commander dies, the enemy will be in complete disarray.」

Leopolt presses.

I understand his thought process. Our chances of winning are the highest if we kill Erich and charge directly afterward.

For some reason, even Myla is going “Kyahaha, die?”. I’ll pretend I didn’t see anything.

「No, we can’t.」

I won’t allow it even if I understand the theory. That would be too uncool.

Erich fearlessly stands before us and shouts.

「Is Hardlett there!!?」

「I’m here.」

When I step forward, Erich’s face simultaneously reflects relief from not being immediately showered by arrows and sadness.

「I was hoping you were tricked or imprisoned somewhere.」

「It’s a shame.」

We stare at each other for a while.

Erich’s eyes contain a mix of anger, sadness, and turmoil, and I can’t distinguish which emotion he is feeling.

「Why……can you be so calm?」

Actually, I’m also conflicted and I’m aware of it.

I have already decided to go through with this path, but I don’t want to do things I don’t want to do.

I am not that much of an animal that I can easily kill a person who I’ve drank with and gone to brothels with for so long.

「Hardlett, come. We have to talk.」

Erich points to a tent in between both armies.

「Is there a need to talk at this point?」

I deliberately hesitate.

It’s not because I don’t want to talk. It’s just that the resolve I spent so long to harden will be shaken.

「You don’t have to be concerned with the time. I won’t move reinforcements during our conversation.」

Those are baseless words.

I can’t say anything except they came from Erich’s mouth.


I proceed on Schwartz.

「This is my decision. You will have to reassess and think of the optimal plan.」

I declare definitively before Leopolt can say anything.

I enter the tent and gaze at the four people in front of me to avoid the painful silence.


Erich Radhalde points to the spot opposite him.

He is the person at the top of Goldonia’s military, my superior since the Wings of Dawn days…… and someone I am obligated to, more so than the king.

I also did a lot of stupid things, and each time Erich got angry for me.


Staying quiet because he is wary of me is Bruno Renster, who sits down next to Erich.

He is the man I first met during the time we were both vagabonds, and can be considered the trigger that led to me meeting Nonna.

If I recall, he recently got promoted to viscount, and that crest on his shoulder……so he became corps commander.


The one who has a more troubled face than Erich is Agor.

I have known him for a long time too. Since meeting him in the Federation, I travelled with him and Christoph to the Central Plains.

Unlike the incompetent Christoph, Agor had talent as commander and was able to rise up steadily within the royal army. The rank on his shoulder is……assistant commander, huh?

On the other hand, he has not forgotten the debt of gratitude he owed me when I was taking care of him, and every time I came to the capital, we would drink together and go out to play in the brothel behind the backs of our wives and lovers.

He is a good friend who helped explore the labyrinth with me even during the war with South Yuguria.

Then there’s Cedric. He isn’t hiding his intention of intimidating me, and the sword which is removed from his hip is placed close enough that he can retrieve it in one breath. At the same time, he is probably the one who fears me the most. Judging by the bandage around his head, did he injure himself?

I observe the various reactions of the three subordinates as I plop myself in front of Erich and rest my Dual Crater beside me.

「Have a drink first.」

Erich picks up the bottle left next to him and pours out a glass for me.


I accept the glass he hands me and notice everyone’s curious gazes when I finish drinking the liquid.

What’s so surprising about drinking what was offered to me?

「……you didn’t consider the possibility of it being poisoned?」

I stand up at the sudden realization and clutch my chest in agony.

「Nggh, it hurts! You laid a trap!?」

「No I didn’t. Sit down, you idiot.」

Erich pours a glass for himself and his subordinates, and they also down the drinks.

Then the discussion begins.

「Do you see the army in front of you? You were probably aiming for a quick strike before we could get ready, but that plan failed……disarm yourself and run away. I won’t save you, but nobody can stop you if you run. I will also attack Rafen after giving enough time for the women to run.」

Cedric appears to have something to say, but keeps quiet when he notices Erich doesn’t look at him.

「You can also discard your soldiers and commanders. You will not be governing over territory anymore after all.」

I calmly return the glass and reply.

「No thanks. I still have a chance to win.」

Don’t make such a pained face, Agor.

Just when I thought Erich would yell angrily, he does the opposite and continues in a composed tone.

「Why, Aegir? We’ve come so far together, from being nobodies to being number two and three in the country that controls the Central Plains, why are you rebelling here?」

It’s tough to deal with these kinds of speeches.

I would have preferred if he swung an axe to try and kill me.

「This might sound like a snide remark. But I was willing to be defeated by Kenneth in order to save you. I lost skilled subordinates who I had personal connections with in Mozadier and Salaedo. Even so, I didn’t want you to die!! Those seven years you spent with me……were they nothing more than a way of killing time for you?」

I uncomfortably rip out a strand of hair and then blow it away before responding.

「I――want to become king.」

I can tell everyone’s spines straightened.

「……are you saying you hold a grudge against His Majesty?」

I shake my head.

「It’s not like that. I simply want to be king. To do that, I can’t stop at being the ultimate retainer or the best vassal.」

「Is that what he told you? I mean the man named Leopolt.」

Erich asks in an angry yet somehow imploring tone.

「There are many details. Honestly, I didn’t know about the two incidents……it was all done by Leopolt.」

Still, I’m the one who made the final decision to rebel. It wasn’t Leopolt.

「I was the one who chose to become king. Nobody deceived me or enticed me, it is my own will.」

「Is this more important than your time with Goldonia――than your time spent with us and our friendship?」

My answer came out with surprisingly little confusion.


It was a truly clear and concise answer.

「I haven’t forgotten what you did for me. I even consider what we have friendship.」

I turn to Agor next.

「You’ve taken care of me and I’ve taken care of you. One point has to be deducted for bringing along Christoph though……」

A small chuckle escapes my lips.

I look at Bruno next.

「You and I go way back. I don’t know what would happen to Nonna if I hadn’t met you.」

The bloodthirsty eyes that narrowed somewhat relaxed.

And lastly, I look at Cedric.

「That wound, which attack did you suffer it? I’m sorry about that. Also Martory is doing well……however I advise you to refrain from openly lusting for your sister. Your intentions are obvious even if you make it look like familial intimacy.」


Cedric becomes flustered as all eyes concentrate on him.

「And His Majesty. I honestly am not the type to preach about loyalty, but I am grateful for him and I really have nothing to complain about.」

I’ve been going on for a while now.

I better get to the main point.

「Obligation, friendship, peace, stability……I’m willing to throw it all into the fire to become king. This is a path I’ve staked my life on.」

「Look at the situation in front of you. The defense has four times the forces as the offensive side, and as someone who knows you, I’m not being careless and I’m not an incompetent person. You have no chance at winning this fight!」

I nod.

An unwavering smile forms on my face.

「I am well aware of how formidable my enemy is. Even so, I must do this or there is no point to living.」

If I do it and fail, that’s that.

I can only lament my lack of ability and bad luck.

But I have to do it. If I give up when the possibility exists…

That is like breaking my end of the promise with Lucy.

That is synonymous with denying my entire life.

「I’m not stopping. I’m going for the throne as a heinous rebel.」

I take a breath.

There is no need to use respectful language anymore.

「Let me return the question. Why don’t you surrender, then everything will be settled without an issue.」

No matter how Erich tries to suppress this uprising, he will lose to Kenneth and become number three.

If he sides with me and we usurp the kingdom, he’ll return to being number two.

Agor and Bruno will also be promoted to marquess.

Cedric can observe the intense sexual activity between me and his sister up close.

No one laughed at the obviously crazy suggestion.

「I can’t. I swore loyalty to His Majesty. Plots and schemes are fine, but I can’t break the oath I pledged.」

「I am the same. Although in my case, my loyalty is with Lord Radhalde more so than His Majesty.」

「Naturally, I obey the military commissioner. My only regret is……my sister……」

Cedric stares bitterly at me.

Don’t worry, I won’t let her get hurt.

Agor is the last one who still seems hesitant.

「To be frank, I am more indebted to Lord Hardlett than His Majesty.」

That is not particularly surprising. He is that kind of guy.

Even though he was stabbed in the side with a kitchen knife for two-timing, he has a strong sense of duty.

「Moreover――nay. The life of a Goldonian soldier that you opened up for me, I will display it to the fullest.」

「No good? I’ll throw in the limited offer of having Christoph as a subordinate.」

「My indecision has disappeared. I completely reject!!」

A weak smile is shared among us at the end.

We raise our glasses and toast.

「Now I know why your eyes are so calm.」

Erich says without facing me.

「You have long since decided. I thought this would be my last chance to convince you……but it became a farewell party.」

「In that case, I would have liked if you arranged for some women.」

He smacks my head for being a cheeky rebel.

「Let’s go.」


Erich and I stand up, followed by the others.

I hop back on Schwartz once I exit the tent, and return to Leopolt who seems to be sulking despite his distant and expressionless face and Celia who is crawling along bit by bit in my direction out of concern for my safety.

If I had the power, I would rewind time by a month and have fun with Erich in the brothels.


Leopolt (supreme commander), Tristan (chief staff officer), Myla (chariot commander), Luna (bow cavalry commander), Yakov (infantry commander)

Sekrit (wagon infantry commander), Celia (adjutant), Irijina (cavalry commander)

Enemy Army

Erich (supreme commander of the defense forces and the army corps), Bruno (corps commander), Agor (assistant commander), Cedric (staff officer)

Military Strength Comparison

Hardlett Rebel Army


Human Troops

Cavalry: 1000, Bow Cavalry: 6000, Wagon Infantry: 800, Infantry (105th corps main force): approx. 4000

Chariots: 40, Field Artillery: 15

Night Battle Unit

Vampire Raid Unit: 100

Aerial Reconnaissance and Bombing Unit

Pochi: 1

Harpies: 50


Mountain Nation: Approx. 4000


Goldonian Army

Ready to Fight: 45 500

Army Corps: 30 000

Capital Defense: 15 000

Kingdom Knights Survivors: 500

In Preparation: 60 000

Army Corps: 30 000 (one day until arrival)

Provisional Army: 30 000 (five days remaining)

Other Feudal Lords’ Armies: Unknown

Regional Troops: Immobilized
