Chapter 75 Identifying the Suspect

   "The urge to kill that can't be quit?"

   Flynn understood why the murderer continued to kill.

  It must be because the side effect of the cursed thing—the urge to kill, is like a drug addiction. Once you stop killing, you will feel uncomfortable, so you will keep killing.

   "Although it won't kill people, the severity and side effects that can kill are not much different."

   Fehling's face was solemn, such side effects were really terrible.

   At this moment, Ivy said.


   "I know who the murderer is."

   "Who is the murderer?"

   Fehling asked quickly.

   "The side effect of that cursed thing is likely to be the urge to kill. Therefore, the murderer's successive killings are driven by the urge to kill, and there is no rule to follow."

   "However, when the murderer kills for the first time, he must not have been infected with the side effects of the murderous impulse. That is to say, the first person to be killed must be the one who has hatred with the murderer, or is hated by the murderer."

  Ivy expressed her speculation.


   "That is to say, the murderer was one of the three who competed with the deceased for the position of director, and he was unable to compete to win the deceased, so he held a grudge and murdered with the cursed thing."

   Fei Lin suddenly felt a sense of clearing the clouds. As Ivy said, the three who competed with the deceased for the position of director were extremely suspicious.

   "Since the suspect has been identified, shall we go now?"

"it is good."

  Ivy nodded, then looked at Jumana.

   "Minister Jumana, please lend us a few people."

   More than half an hour later, a carriage came to a trading company called "Deville" in the southern district of Constantine, which was the first company the deceased worked for.

   From the carriage, five people got off. In addition to Fei Lin and Ivy, there were also three police officers in police uniforms.

  Although Fei Lin and Ivy both have police IDs, it is better to bring three police officers in police uniforms to prove their identities and let the company cooperate.

   "Five police officers, what else needs to be done?"

   Seeing the arrival of the five of them, a chubby man received the five and asked with a smile on his face.

  His name is Bob Godfrey, the general manager of this company. The company was dead, and the police came to the door every three days, which really annoyed him.

   But he can’t show it yet, let alone not cooperate. After all, if he doesn’t cooperate, he will be detained for “obstructing law enforcement”.

   Except for the privileged nobles or the wealthy businessmen with extremely deep backgrounds, no one dared to openly confront the Ministry of Guards.

   "We are here today to inquire about the three people who competed for the post with the deceased, arrange an office for us, and we want to inquire about these three people."

   Flynn said.

  Although Fei Lin and Ivy did not wear police uniforms, Bob knew from the respectful attitude of the three police officers towards Fei Lin and Ivy that Fei Lin and Ivy must have unusual identities in the security department.

   Hearing that Fei Lin was going to question the three, he immediately said.

   "No problem, I'll arrange an office for you immediately, just..."

   "Just what?"

   Ivy asked.

   "Only one of the three asked for leave and is not currently in the company."

   Bob replied.

   "Aren't you at the company when you asked for leave?"

   Fei Lin keenly felt that the person who was not in the company had a major suspicion, and he was the most suspicious of the three.

   The people who were killed were scattered all over the city. Although the cursed object held by the murderer might have the extraordinary ability to kill people at a distance, he must have seen the dead and had a definite target of killing.

   A person who is on leave and is not at the company will have plenty of time to find a murder target in the city.

   "Call the other two to the office first, and tell us the address of the person who is not at the company."

   "Okay, okay..."

   Bob responded quickly.

   After a while, in an office, Fehling and Ivy met two of them who might have hated the deceased.

   One of them is a man of medium build, Sven, wearing glasses.

  The other person is a man with a high hairline and can see a bare forehead.

   "There is no prompt on the panel, which means that there is no curse on the two of them."

   "Although there is a possibility that the cursed object is not on the body, it is more likely that the two of them do not have the cursed object, and the suspicion of this person who is not in the company is even greater!"

   Fei Lin glanced at the two of them and thought to himself.


  Ivy snapped her fingers, and the two men suddenly looked sluggish and fell into hypnosis.

   she asked.

   "Did you kill Penz Frye?"

  Panzi Fry was the name of the first person to be killed.


"I do not have."

  The two men who were in a hypnotic state denied one after another.

   "Since these two are not murderers, it is basically certain that this person who is not in the company is a murderer. We rush to this person's residence now?"

   Fehling asked.

"it is good."

  Ivy nodded.

   Let the three police officers return to the security department. Flynn and Ivy took a carriage and found the residence of the person who was not in the company according to the address given by Panz, the general manager of Deville Trading Company.

   This is a two-story rental apartment. The person who is not in the company is named Hamady Bula, so he rented a suite in this rental apartment.

  According to the general manager Bob, although Ahmadi is not young, he has not married and has been living alone.

   "It's actually a rental apartment. I remember that the second deceased was an old woman who collected rent. Is that rental apartment the one in front of you?"

  Felin looked at the rental apartment in front of him and asked in surprise.

   "The apartment name is different, it's not this rental apartment."

  Ivy shook her head and said.

   "After the murderer used the cursed object to kill, he has been infected with the urge to kill, and the subsequent killings have no rules to follow, and have become random killings."

   The two came to the door of the suite that Hammadi rented and found that the door was locked, which meant that Hammadi was not currently in the suite.

   "The man is not at home, shall we wait for him to return?"

  Felin looked at Ivy and asked.

   "No, Hammadi is probably already looking for a new target to kill. There will be new victims soon. We must capture him before he kills again."

  Ivy looked at the door.

   "It's better to break in now, get something that smells of Hammadi, and find him with your cursed thing."

   "Then do that."

  Felin nodded, grabbed the door lock and yanked it suddenly, a powerful force burst out, and immediately ripped off the buckle nailed to the door.

   opened the door and walked in, the room was very dirty.

  Clothes were thrown all over the place, all kinds of things were swayed, and the blankets used to cover the bedroom were not flattened, but were thrown on the bed at will.

   found an unwashed piece of clothing, and Fei Lin and Ivy left the room.

   The two walked out of the rental apartment and returned to the carriage.

   "Fans of Madness!"

   Using the maddening teeth, Fei Lin grew black hair, his body became stronger, his hands and feet grew sharp claws, and he turned into a werewolf.

   In the form of a werewolf, his sense of smell was suddenly greatly enhanced.

   Ivy, who was sitting beside him, didn't know if it was the scent of perfume or deodorant, which clearly entered his nose.

  He picked up Hammadi's clothes, sniffed, and immediately smelled sour and a person's smell on the clothes.

   The smell of this person must be the smell of Hammadi.

   He dropped his clothes, opened the car window slightly, smelled the outside smell, and said to the driver.

   "After the U-turn, follow this street."


   The coachman answered, jumped out of the carriage, and pulled the reins to make the horse turn around.

   (end of this chapter)
