In the endless sand, four shadows were trudging. Their relaxed and ruddy complexion gave the scene a feeling of contradiction, as the hot temperature in the desert doesn't seem to faze them. Two beasts, one was an Icy Blue Eagle, while the other is a white bear with its eyes close while walking.

Beside them were our main characters, Fein and Sofia. They are truly exhausted this time. After Fein resolved the Sand Storm they proceeded with their exploration. But on the way, they encountered several natural disasters, but with Fein's quick thinking all of them were resolved but not as smoothly as the first one. They are tired due to constant actions and their spirit is tense because they need to be alert to any disaster that would come.

Fortunately, after the last mudslide which has the 5 times occurred. The natural disasters finally stopped. The four of them were astounded by the cruelty of the desert's environment. Because of the constant sand storms, mudslides, and avalanches. Even if you don't encounter monsters here just by this anyone would have to suffer.

That's why Voli who was lazy in nature was closing its eye. The constant use of the Thunderstorm domain has hollowed him. If not for his drastically increase strength day by day, Voli would have passed out by now. Fein resolved two Sand Storms by targetting the eye. But even with that, he needed to use his strongest sword slash.

The good thing is that Sofia's will finally improve, she also manages to few sand storms with her Aiki.

What really save them most of the time was Aoi. Disasters that can be avoided by flying were avoided with ease. Her ice and snow capabilities were also demonstrated after solving a medium-scale sandstorm on her own by using Snow Age. A domain ability where 35 kilometers area became covered by ice and snow. Another dual elemental type domain... Fein now has to wonder if elemental Domain was really rare. But he knew that this was only because they were in a Monster World. What's rare in the human world might not be the case here.

The four of them decided to rest first to replenish their degu energies and stamina. Fein took out his cooking utensils and the high-quality monster meats that accumulated in his storage space.This time, Voli opened his eyes as he sniff the smell of raw meat. He knew that his master was about to cook.


Fein and Sofia looked amused at this and laughed with each other. Fein felt happy at this moment. Although, the environment is dangerous, having a joyful time, creating memories and fighting in life and death situations has made the relationship between the four of them closer.

"What would you gonna cook this time?" Sofia asked as she silently gulped.

Fein smiled at this and said. "I would cook adobo and sisig this time. These two dish was popular in my hometown."

He felt nostalgic after saying this. Adobo dish wasn't particularly complicated to make. You just need soy sauce, herbs, and chicken meat. While in the sisig dish, he just have grind the pork into small pieces, then mixed soy sauce with calamansi and small chili pepper for dipping.

Fein has entered the world of cooking again where the ingredients and he are the only ones that exist. He was immersed that he quickly forgot that he was in the desert. His talent gives him the talent to concentrate every time he does something, that's why he can excel at things that require concentration.

As time passed, the sound of sizzling meat became louder and louder. Seeing that the perfect time has come, Fein quickly poured golden granules on top of pieces of pork that melted quickly and fused on the inside. Fein discovered these golden granules at the side of the mountain. It was hidden by the leaves of orca plants if his senses weren't acute enough he wouldn't notice them. After that, he tried to add it to his recipes and found out that it can eliminate the impurities of ingredients and make them three times tastier. These golden granules are simply a divine spice for him!


After adding some finishing touches, he brought the Adobo and Sisig on top of the green banana leaves. He didn't store a white plate so this will do for now.After that, he retrieved cooked rice and red carpet from his storage space.

Seeing this, Sofia's tummy began to protest as it would make a growling sound. She was embarrassed and helpless at it. Now, she just wants to find a hole and bury herself. But she endured this for the food.

On the other hand, Fein's cooking is excellent and all the food he prepares is delicious.

She saw Fein retrieve something in the space. Her eyes lip up as an opportunity was presented for herself to cover his embarrassment.

"Why do you still carry white rice in your storage space?" Sofia looked at him with her eyebrows raised. She looks particularly curious.

But she isn't, why the heck would she care about some white rice? She is just changing the topic!

Fein didn't realize this and answered... "Because in our Culture. A meal isn't complete without white rice."

As a Filipino in his past life. Fein was reluctant to forget the traditions of his country and he lived like that for years, how can he get used to it easily? As one of the countries known for producing rice on large scale. Rice has become a part of Filipino daily meals.

Sophia who wasn't really interested nodded.

'I successfully change the topic!' Sofia thought with glee.

Under the intensive stares of Voli, Sofia, and Aoi. Fein organized the food on the red carpet on the ground. The three of them gulped after the aroma wafter in the air. Although, they don't know what kind of food was this. Any food made by Fein is heavenly for the three of them. Sofia even doubt if he was once a professional chef. Because how the heck did he have the time to study cooking while training daily?

Sofia knew how hard it was to be an excellent cook. Chefs working on their mansion who had honed their craft for their whole life and made countless trials and errors. But their craft didn't even reach 50% of Fein's dish. Or he is just really talented that he can be good at anything he does? Sofia shook her head... How is that even possible? Sofia knew that even if Fein is talented, it shouldn't be as exaggerated as that right?
