The sky was filled with darkness, as the clouds became less visible.

A fast shadow was flying under the sky. It was Sofia and Aoi. They are now returning to tell Fein about the result of their observation. Sofia's forehead is frowning, her eyes were a little blurry because she was in her own world. She looked shaken at her feet were shaking.

She has seen too much. The desert was too dangerous. She even almost died in the last area, if not for her instinct blaring at the lurking threat.

Sofia can't forget that scene on her mind. As she recalls it in her mind.

There was a red line that divided the middle area and the last area. And a white smoke covered the whole vicinity preventing the outsiders to peek at what was inside it. But even then, the darn gloomy feeling can't hide the creepy vibe the mood there exudes.

That was the time that Sofia hesitated. But her decision turned out to be right, as she ordered Aoi to turn around at her maximum flight speed.

Sofia took a deep breath as she felt a chill crawling from her skin after she remembered the abominable appearance of that creature.


Bloodshot eyes with protruding purple veins glared at her back as Aoi leave at that place at a very fast speed. The creature has spikes on its body, and four curved horns on its head. A dark red tail that was filled with eyeballs. It has hideous wings made of bones. Sofia heard the sound of souls screaming and crying with deep hatred. It looked like an evil god waiting for someone to come into its territory.

She took a deep breath, her scalp couldn't help but tingle at the terrifying scene she have just witnessed.

'I need to tell it to him.


Fein's POV

I plan to go to the Desert to grind some exps and level up my Abyssal Blade.Now I have confidence after learning my newly improved sword art.


I felt happy and full of energy as I was anticipating the upcoming battle.

I like the feeling of adrenaline rushing to me, the thrill of the action, I didn't know how but it just gave me a feeling of being alive.

"Voli!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Voli was below the mountain, I don't know what he was doing but he was probably lying down as usual.

I walked toward the cliff and see what he was on about. And as I guess, he was asleep. I can even see Voli's chest heaved upward and downward, with his saliva flowing in his mouth. I have noticed that since we came here, Voli became even lazier in a way that he was sleeping more often than before. And he eats more than usual. I know that it was just his personality, but something seems to be wrong. Because I noticed with my powerful perception that he just fcking grew 2 inches yesterday. I ignored it at first because I knew it was normal for a juvenile monster like him to grow. But it should not be as fast as that right??

I suspect that the reason for the growth of monsters here was also affecting Voli. Although, I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. Imagine Voli's body becoming as huge as a mountain. I can already feel the incoming headache that it would bring. Well, his strength would surely increase with the increase of his body size and it might even increase his degu and become an S-Rank.

Seeing that Voli didn't respond to my call, I jumped down on top of the mountain. Imagine a person sky diving at this height, normal people would certainly become meat sauce. But for me, at most, it would ache for a little while with my current physique. As my body descends at a faster pace, the feeling of air brushing on my face was relaxing, as I felt my body enter an adrenaline rush. A smile grew on my face enjoying while enjoying this current moment.

'Now I know why some people love sky-diving'


With my fall, my feet collided with the ground causing it to crack rapidly, and a deep hole with a human shape was created. I hopped up as I landed on the ground, and stabilize my balance. I patted the dust on my shirt and looked at Voli who suddenly woke up, he looked stunned while staring at me in a daze.

"It's time to wake up buddy, you're always sleeping, you would become a fat pig at this rate if it continues" I complained at him.

I knew that Voli is different than other beasts. As a Legendary Beast, his Intellect is even more advanced even at the same level. Heck, he can even plan and deceive others like last time when he was fighting the eagle. If he grows up, coupled with my teachings. I'm sure that he will become even more disciplined.Voli didn't react to my complaint as if he was already used to it. He was still in a daze lost in his world because he was just woken up. I knew because I'm the same. Every time I woke up, I would have the same look because my brain can't process anything and it was on its refresh mode.

Suddenly I remembered something, I used my probe on Voli to make sure that the environment here didn't have any other effects on him except for the height increase.


Name: Voli

Race: Thunderstorm Bear

Type: Mutated Legendary Beast

Degu Amount: A




Abilities: Wind Suction, Wind Redirection, Thunder Storm Domain, Wind Paw, Enhanced Physique, Size Manipulation.

Damn! His strength improve to the limit, not only that even his endurance became the peak of A rank. Although the agility didn't I guess that it would be only a matter of time now.

My speculation that the environment here is extremely good for the beast is correct! Specifically, those rainbow lights, the meat of the beast we ate during the past few days, and the herbs with strange effects benefit the monsters and beasts living here. If that's the case then, wouldn't Voli reach S-rank quickly?

I felt happy at the possibility. If Voli became S-rank my combat capability would become stronger. Because Voli getting stronger is only beneficial to me. I went to Voli at patted his head.

"Don't listen to me, just eat and sleep as much as you can!" I said with a grin on my face.

Voli who heard me look at me with astonishment, as If wondering why my attitude turned 180 suddenly.

'I' m such a supportive master'
