Name: Sofia Vladimir

Race: Vampire

Age: 115 years old

Hierarchy Rank: Tier 1 Pure Blood (Awakened)

Degu Amount: B





Racial Abilities: Pseudo Blood Manipulation, Inhuman Agility, Advance Hypnosis, Super Regeneration, Enhanced Hearing, Bat Transformation, Blood Magic.

Degu Abilities: Healing, Dark Domain.

Fein looked at the age of Sofia.

'What!? She was older than me?'

No, it was said that 200 years old in the Vampire World is still considered young. He couldn't help but feel a strange relief.


He scanned at Sofia's ability which was slightly similar to her father. Just like that Blood Manipulation. The only difference is that it has pseudo added to it. He guessed that it's probably a downgrade version of it. He couldn't help but recall the Anime he had watched in his past life where the MC had a perverted ability to manipulate blood. Particularly in the anime called Noblesse. They can change the shape of their blood at will. Some use it to make different kinds of weapons that could reap lives easily.

'It seems that there was really a Hierarchy he notice that the guards in the mansion didn't have class Hierarchy Rank on them when he used his probe. Contrary to them. Which Lucius and Sofia have. He was reminded of the rankings of vampires in the movie he watch in his life and notice a similarity. Half Vampire, Vampire, Noble-Blood, Pure-Blood, Progenitor. These are the rankings that he guessed that was similar in this world. Progenitor is the highest while the Half vampire is the lowest.

It's reasonable that Sofia is a pureblood. After all, his father is the one and only Blood Progenitor. In short the King of Vampires.

Fein didn't need to fight them to guess what their abilities are... After all, it was obvious from their name. And it is also the usual ability of the Vampires.

Inhuman Agility. Vampires were always known for their fast speed. Lime how in the Twilight movie where they could be seen running with a speed comparable to a sports car.Advance Hypnosis. If you look at Vampires they would be able to command. Though he thinks that they can only control people who have a weak will or are weaker than them.

Super Regeneration. It's the signature ability of Vampires. When he was young, Fein once dreamed to have this. He was envious of how vampires would quickly heal from wounds and injuries inflicted on them.

Enhanced Hearing. Well not just hearing, he knew that all of their senses are enhanced. They can even hear someone talking behind a thick wall.

Bat Transformation. Well, this one belongs to the old vampire movies like Dracula. Only those who possess high bloodline purity could transform into bats.

Blood magic. Fein had no fucking idea about it. But he speculates that it could perform some mysterious attack using blood.

What really caught his attention though is the separate Degu Abilities. Doesn't that mean you can have Racial and Degu abilities at the same time? Isn't that cheating!? Fein silently complained in his heart.

He thought that he was already with his cheat. But he didn't expect there also be someone who would be equally as cheating as him.

The quote there's always someone higher and bigger came into his mind.

He glances at the two abilities at the bottom. Healing, as the name itself, the effect is obvious.

What really piqued my interest is the Dark Domain.

Thinking of Voli's Thunderstorm Domain, this ability should be the same. Except that instead of thunder and storm. It contains a dark element in it.

I'm curious about what its effect. Should I spar with Sofia? Hmm... Well, that's decided then. It's also good to know her abilities so we can have better teamwork later when fighting in the Secret Realm.

"Yo! Long time no see Sofia" Fein smiled while making his way close to her.

Sofia didn't' expect that Fein would suddenly walk at such a close distance to her.

She greeted her back shyly. "Umm long time no see, did father tell you some weird stuff?"

Fein glanced at the small bird that landed on Sofia's shoulder. He pointed at it and says. "You had a nice bird there, and no your father didn't say some weird stuff. Except that you will be joining me in my upcoming adventure"

He said with a teasing tone.Hearing this, Sofia became paler and responded hurriedly. "Y-yes, Father proposed that I should join you. After all, it would be a good experience and learn some stuff from you."

Fein squinted his eyes with doubt. "Really?"

"Really." Sofia blushed while nodding vigorously.

"So, I've been waiting to ask. I couldn't help but notice that your eyes have a different color on them" Fein asked casually.

He was curious if Sofia would tell him the truth. He didn't ask Lucius because that old bastard is hard to deal with.

He stared at her intently waiting for an answer.

Seeing him ask her about something she was trying to conceal. She turned her head to not meet his gaze. After hesitating for a while. She boldly stared at him

"I'm a vampire"

Fein blurted in surprise. "So it's a contact lens ha..."


Fein's eyes widened in surprise. He is not shocked about Sofia being a vampire. Because he already knew it. What he didn't was for her to tell him the truth. After all, he was just testing the water.

Isn't it suppose to be a big secret?

"I really am" Sofia looked at Fein nervously waiting for his reaction. She touched her chest, she felt her breathing slow down due to the nervousness.

'Would he avoid me now? This thought passed in her mind.

"Is that so? Err, okay..." Fein scratched his head because he doesn't know to respond.

He was caught off guard. He can't help but curse his mouth in his head.

"That's it?? Aren't you scared?" Sofia asked with astonishment.

Fein looked at Sofia speechlessly. He can't fathom what's going on in this girl's head.

"Aren't you just a vampire? I have even killed werewolves before. I even fought with a high-ranking demon once. Lastly, I have a pet who can put a hole in a mountain casually."

Although to her he was bragging, Sofia was still happy. He thought that would reject her. But now a lot of weird thoughts were constantly invading her brain.

A red shade appeared on her pale face.
