After finally leading the way. Fein saw a familiar mansion in his sight. Even after seeing how grand the things in here once. He still couldn't help but be amazed. After becoming a scientist. His friend Brick Norty explained some facts to him about the Vladimir Family. Except for them being a vampire of course.

He knew that things like that are confidential. It's even possible that only members of the Vladimir Clan know about it. Or some powerful and influential people.

After all, things like this would cause a panic. Vampire existing... Though, given how powerful the Vladimir Family is. This thing doesn't pose a problem to them.

He even had a bold guess on how the Vladimir Clan established their connections. Vampires are known to be immortal in the myth. Well not in the sense that they can't be killed. They can still be killed. Their immortality is more on their infinite lifespan. They won't age no matter how many years pass by. They won't die of old age or other biological causes. They would live eternally as long as they aren't killed. What's more ridiculous is. The older they are the stronger they became.

Their strength is determined by how long they live. Well, he wasn't really sure. There might be an upper limit that he doesn't know. Maybe it depends on bloodline purity or what not. Because like demons, vampires are very particular when it comes to Hierarchy.

So what if Vladimir's Family offered those political figures the chance of immortality in exchange for their support? Hehe. Those greedy bastards would surely be tempted of eternal life. People who sat in power tend to be the type of who prioritize their own interests. He couldn't help but praised his wit after coming up with such a theory. He doesn't understand how he can be good with these things yet become stupid when it comes to math at the same time.

He was curious if vampires are afraid of silver and garlic though. Given how he had seen how Sofia didn't react to the sun when they first met. It was most likely that they were not. Or there's also a probability of them using items that can prevent this.


"The Viscount wants to meet you, just go straight in the guest room" Reiner bowed slowly.

He motioned to his guards. Who in response returned to their respective posts.

Reiner smiled and says."Okay, I will leave you here. I still have some things that need to be taken care of... Have a pleasant experience!"

I responded with thank you to him. Looking at his leaving back. I silently made my way to the guest area.

'Voli should be probably enjoying himself with those meals.' Fein thought after the picture of excited Voli eating premium fish came to his mind.

He chuckled at his companion's childish behavior. He doesn't dislike it at all. In fact, with Voli his days became more lively. The monotonous days were gone. It helps him to become more integrated into this world. The feeling of aloofness and incompatibility that he felt in the early phase gradually faded because of his family and friends. That's why anyone who intends to take Voli's innocence away from him would die by his hands. He won't let anyone who was close to him suffer in any danger.


He won't hesitate to deal with people who have bad intentions. Wherever they were. even if it was Hell he would follow them. He will find them, and he will kill them.

Fain believed that anyone he considers friends should be protected. Because he was the type of person who doesn't like to have an attachment. Because he knows that they will only become his weakness and a burden. But if somehow he became attached to someone. He would go his way out to protect and cherish them. Even if it's a life and death situation. He won't have a moment of hesitation. That's his principle, and that's the kind of person he was. He only has a few select friends, but every one of them was his reverse scale. Touch them you'll die.As he was walking, he was thinking about his upcoming adventure in the Secret Realm.

His original purpose was to get as much exp possible so that he can upgrade his talent in everything as fast as possible. If he manage to do that, his swordsmanship that was stuck at level 5 would break through instantly. It would tremendously increase his combat prowess.

At that time, he was confident that in this world. No one would be able to beat him when it comes to sword fight.

The second goal is to gather monster genes. The genes he collected from monsters in the Death Forest such as the three White tigers aren't enough. He needs more of them to use as research samples.

"You seem to be thinking about something important."

Fain raised his head at the source of the voice. Beside the seat was Viscount Lucius Vladimir. Unlike his previous appearance. His eyes had the color of crimson. His hair became white, and his skin was as pale as snow.

Thinking of his recent conjectures. Fein's heart started beating fast.

*Thud* *thud*

He tried to calm down his fast-beating heart by taking a deep breath.

Lucius gaze at Fein with slight suspicion. "What happened? Why are you suddenly nervous?"

" I just remembered something." Fein forced a smile on his face and answered.

Hearing his answer. Lucius just shrugged and smiled. "You might be wondering how I knew that you were nervous..."

Lucius tried to ease the atmosphere thinking that Fein was probably nervous about meeting a high-ranking person like him. Although it was highly unlikely.

After all, during their last meeting. Fein was confident. So why would he become nervous all of a sudden? This fact confused Lucius a bit.

Fein finally manages to calm himself down. As he was also curious, he decided to ask how did Lucius manage to find out that he was nervous. He looked at Lucius intently waiting for an answer.Seeing that he manage to pique the young man's interest. Lucius was happy. A smirk formed on his face and says. "Well, I had a special talent."

Lucius looked at the distance pretending to be mysterious and added. "I can hear sounds in long distances. I can also hear the heartbeats of the people near me."

Fein who heard the answer froze. But after thinking of something. He regained his composure and pretended to be calm.

"Ohh... That's why" His eye widen and slightly opened his mouth.

Seeing this... Lucius's mouth twitched slightly. He who had already lived for centuries knows that the young man in front of him was acting.

'What a strange young man... Well, geniuses had their eccentricities.' Lucius thought inwardly.

He didn't know that Fein in front of him manage to discover his Family's dark secret.

Fein looked at the result of his probe. That was very different from the last time.

,m Name: Lucius Vladimir

Race: Vampire

Age: 1,032 years old

Hierarchy Rank: The Blood Progenitor

Degu Amount: S




Racial Abilities: Blood Manipulation, Inhuman Agility, Advance Hypnosis, Convert, Super Regeneration, Enhanced Hearing, Abnormal Physique, Blood Progenitor Transformation, Animagus Transformation, Super Lifesteal, Blood Magic, Gigantification.

This is by far the first time he saw a person who possesses numerous abilities (12) that surpasses what his realm should have. After all, an S-Ranked degu user should only have 7 or 8 abilities at most.
