Fein looked at the Ice wall that was gradually being destroyed. He turned his head at Sofia.

"You said earlier that you can still produce one last destruction weapon right?"

"Yes, do you want me to use it? I'm really not sure if my Aiki could disintegrate that as a whole" Sofia began to combine her blood energy and dark energy.

Fein shook his head, "No, I only need you to make a destruction sword for me."

"No that would be dangerous! I feel that my energy doesn't affect me because I'm the user. It was too risky as it will not recognize you!"

I know, but do you think I have a choice?Fein thought in his head as he smiled with helplessness. "It's do or die Sofia, do you think I still have the chance? we would die anyways as the Ice wall wouldn't last any longer."

As if agreeing with him, the Ice wall started to crack rapidly.


"Okay," Sofia finally agreed as she knew they don't really have a choice.

The combination of blood energy and dark energy in her hands began to be completed instantly, Sofia started to shape it into a sword while she was imagining Fein's Abyssal Blade.

In a minute, a purple sword appeared, its appearance similar to Fein's previous Abyssal Death Blade. Sofia gave it to Fein immediately. "Be careful, you have to do it fast before you're whole body gets disintegrated to nothingness.

Sofia said with a warning tone, as the wielder of Aiki, she knew how terrible this energy was...Boom!

The Ice wall was finally breached after the fierce continuous barrage of punch it have received from the platinum statue.

Damn! this bastard can't wait to torture us! Fein's face changed at this moment, he hurriedly took the sword from Sofia's.


When his hand touched the purple hilt, his hand started to dissolve at a speed visible to the naked eye. Fortunately, he didn't feel pain at all as the energy was literally destroying him at a subatomic level.

Just like that, Fein completed a continuous smooth motion of sheathing and unsheathing the blade, the scabbard got disintegrated though after a short time.

Sofia only saw Fein's entire arm slowly disappear while purple light appeared one after another, everything that made contact with the purple light got decomposed even the space isn't an exception, wear and tear appear like a broken glasses as the space cracked.

The smiling statue was just about to condense a dark beam in its mouth as it finally decided to end the game. But purple lights that were radiating an aura of destruction greeted him. Its undying body gave it the confidence to face all the dangers, it was the basis of its playful attitude. But in the face of this purple light, everything seems to have the same end. The thought of retreating appeared, but it was obviously too late, before it could even turn around, the purple lights had already hit him, and there was not even a form of resistance. every contact with purple lights, it would only delete every part of its body. It didn't take any longer before the Platinum Statue cease to exist.

it was a total abolishment, abrogation, and annihilation!

After the statue disappeared, the gravitational pull's effect on the area faded.

It only takes one variable to turn the tables, the hunter turns into prey. Fein sighed after he saw the outcome. But it's not without a price, his entire right hand disappeared. If he didn't act fast enough, he was sure that his entire body would get decompose. this time they have only resolved the obstacle after a bold sacrifice.

Well, I can still recover my right hand from a healer, right? But with this, we won't be able to go to the middle realm. How unfortunate... After all, I'm not asking for a death wish. I felt I can only exert 70% of my combat prowess without my right hand."Fein!" Sofia hurriedly came to his side.

Sofia examined Fein's body up and down. First, she saw that he was missing his entire right hand, and this pained her heart, she felt suffocated to see him get hurt like that. Second, he also has some dark bruises on his body, and lastly, his face was fatigued indicating the sign of degu poisoning after overusing his degu energy.

"Have you seen enough?" Fein chuckled.

Sofia's cheeks reddened after realizing what she was doing. "You still have time to joke!?"

"Hehe... It's good to be alive, we just escaped a near-death situation aren't we? we are entitled to this at the very least" Fein smiled at her.

"Y-yeah" Sofia sighed, "You're right, but you are the one who really needs that right now. If not for you we are really dead this time."

Aoi and Voli just listened to their master's conversation, the two of them were happy after surviving such a catastrophe. Voli went beside Fein and rub his head at him gently.

Fein smiled at this as he respond by patting Voli's head and praised. "You're such a brave guy buddy. I'm proud of you."

Voli's ears kept wiggling after hearing his master's affirmation.

After seeing his companion, his tense muscles began to loosen, and his mind and spirit instantly relaxed. Fein only felt sleepy as his vision got gradually engulfed by darkness.

Sofia saw this as she quickly reacted and gently brought Fein who passed out to the ground. she knew that it was normal to experience this after experiencing a tense situation. she lay beside him and looked at Fein's face with emotion. she believed that you can only see a person's true nature in the face of a life and death situation, the performance of Fein has made her see that he wasn't the type of person that would abandon his friends as he willingly took the blow by himself to save her from the blow of statue that was enough to kill her and even sacrificed his arm to save them.

A man like this is rare, I would go stronger and not let you down a second time! An extremely determined expression appeared on her face as she clenched her fist.

I don't want to ever feel the experience of despair and helplessness anymore! I want to be able to protect my friends!

This experience let Sofia know her weaknesses and the importance of strength. Slowly but surely, the naive girl began to grow, her mentality became more mature and sophisticated than before. If Fain knew this, he would surely be gratified.

Sofia was unaware of the subtle changes in herself. Her temperament became more refined, and the previous air of innocence gradually lessened.
