* This is a rustic school parody.

* This is a completely different world line that has nothing to do with the main story. Some settings, such as the age of the character, have changed from the main story.

There were many eccentric people at the Royal Academy where Rishe has moved.

For example, the economics teacher who drinks at the academy.

The head of the public relations committee, who was sickly and overly serious, but sweet-talked the female students with a straight face. The science teacher who was a genius but out of the ordinary, and always has a fluffy smile on his face.

There was a Student Council made up of students with bad behavior, and a Student Council President who boldly claimed that he ran the school for his brother. There were many faces that came to mind, though Rishe was only acquainted with them.

Among all, the most mysterious for Rishe was the presence of a male student in the senior year.




During a break between classes, a voice called out from the classroom door, startling Rishe to her feet.

In this traditional school, even the doors of the classrooms were massive. The carvings on the doors were said to have some cultural value.

However, the beauty of the boy standing there made even the fine carvings seem hazy.

Arnold’s appearance stirred up the students in the classroom.


“Oh my God, why is Arnold-senpai calling Rishe-san?!”

“Ah, that transfer student? Wasn’t she called out by President Theodore before too? And Teacher Tully and Teacher Michel…”

“What exactly is going on, even Arnold-sama? I heard that Senpai doesn’t spend much time with the students in his grade, not just underclassmen…”

Amidst the chatter of her classmates, Rishe hurried to the hallway.At this traditional school, the majority of the students came from high class families. With the exception of a few delinquents, most of the students were well-behaved, and all were neatly dressed in their school uniforms.

However, Arnold here was wearing his uniform in a laid-back manner.

His black blazer jacket was unbuttoned at the top.

Even the top three buttons of his shirt underneath were unbuttoned, thus exposing his shapely collarbones. He was wearing a tie today, but it was loosened as a matter of course.

Despite this, Arnold’s figure exuded a sense of elegance.

In addition to his beautiful face, he seemed to attract the attention of not only the entire classroom, but even the students in the hallway.

What is it with all this flamboyance and charisma when he’s just standing there?

Rishe pondered before reaching Arnold.

“Senpai, why are you in my classroom? …That book!!”

Rishe’s eyes sparkled at the several books that Arnold was carrying.

“Did you really find it !? From the library?”

“It’s not much trouble. If you’re going to read through them, start at the top and work your way down.”

Arnold held the book together with one hand, even though they must weigh quite heavily. When Rishe received them and hugged them, she sniffed the scent of the books in the library.

“Thank you! I’ll read them when I get back to the dormitory today!”


“By the way, I’ve never seen you in the school building at this hour before. Are you going to take your classes seriously today?”“No. I’m going to sleep.”

“Oh, you’re playing truant unreservedly…”

She didn’t know why he was attending the academy, since he was the top student in all subjects. Arnold himself probably only enrolled in the school because he was the son of the director.

When this subject came to discussion, Arnold suddenly gave an annoyed look.


It was no wonder. After all, the students around them were all talking about him.

Yearning eyes, envious gazes, pining looks. Some people looked scared, while some students glued their eyes at the god-like being.

“I never thought I’d find a student who could talk to Arnold-san normally.”

“Did he take the trouble to deliver those books for her? How the hell did this new student get along with the director’s son?”


At that moment, Arnold softly clicked his tongue.

That was all it took to make everyone’s shoulders jump with fright.

As the surroundings quieted down, then Arnold took Rishe by the waist and pulled her close to him.


“――Come back to the usual place after school.”

He whispered in her ear, but the students nearby must have heard him.

Arnold purposely spoke to her in that manner, but Rishe’s cheeks burned.

“Um, but, I’m on cleaning duty today.”

“I’ll be waiting…I’ll look for the other books while I’m at it.”

