Chapter 96  

After two years passed, everyone started talking about the possibility of Ancia being dead.

The moment she went inside the door of darkness, she might’ve already been eaten by the Macul. There was also a rumour about how Ancia was offered in exchange for lifting the goddess’ curse. Everyone made their own speculations.

Ancia was gradually forgotten from everyone’s memory, but even after all this time, the Crown Prince still remembered her.

He didn’t want to marry anyone other than Ancia.

Blake's world only had Ancia in it. His heart was so full of Ancia that it didn’t have any space for anyone else to wedge themself in.

Diana laughed at his words. It was the first smile Blake had seen from her after Ancia went missing.


Diana eventually returned to the academy and Blake kept searching for Ancia as he promised.

Even if Blake didn’t make a promise to Diana, he wouldn’t stop searching for Ancia.

Tenstheon was against Blake going to the valley of chaos. He felt really guilty about failing to protect Ancia, but he couldn’t lose his son too. However, in the end, Tenstheon gave in to Blake’s stubbornness.

When Blake first went into the valley of chaos, Tenstheon also went together with him. Tenstheon was afraid of the monsters attacking Blake. Just as how he lost Ancia. But the monsters were only a groundless rumour.

The monsters didn’t attack Blake. Rather, they avoided him. It was because he had the power of the goddess.

The onlookers were amazed by the Crown Prince's ability. Rumors of his ability quickly spread, further increasing the number of people worshipping Blake.


People gradually forgot that he had once been cursed and ugly. Now, they only knew of Blake’s beautiful appearance and fascinating powers.Countless women wanted him as their husband. Many women tried to seduce him, including foreign princesses, and beautiful nobles with amazing backgrounds, but Blake turned a blind eye to all of them.

It had already been a long time since the curse had been lifted, but he had only become more unhappy in that time.

His life had plunged into darkness yet again. He stopped being around people and spent his days in the valley of chaos to find Ancia. He also occasionally visited the capital to search for traces of Ancia.

One day, Diana visited Blake.

It was the first time he met Diana after she returned from the academy. Diana had turned 18 and become a full-fledged capable knight.

It was all the goddess’ fault that Ancia went missing. Seven years later too, Blake’s thoughts remained unchanged.

Diana stared at Blake while still feeling guilty.

In the past, Blake often smiled. He was cursed but his smile was enough to brighten one’s mood.

But now, it was different. His curse was lifted but his eyes didn’t hold the same innocence and happiness as years ago. It was as if he intentionally blocked people from entering his heart.

Diana looked at Blake, who was so different from how he was in their childhood.

said Diana calmly.

Now she was strong enough to talk about Ancia without crying. Many years had passed after all.

Diana smiled and looked at Blake.

Blake’s heart sank.

Everyone thought Ancia was dead. Tenstheon was also almost sure of that. The servants who were with her at Amoria Palace also slowly accepted her death.

Now it was only him and Diana who believed that Ancia was alive. But Diana was also trying to move on.

Ancia had to be alive. She had promised him they would go to the festival together.

Diana tried to take Ancia’s things, but Blake refused. He did not give up.

However, the world didn’t give him any hope either. The door of darkness completely collapsed.

Yet the people of the country rejoiced.

“The door of darkness has disappeared after the 1000th year of the Empire,” they said.

“This signifies the blessing of the goddess and the prosperity of the Asteric Empire.”

But Blake was in despair. Compared to the prosperity of the empire, Ancia was more precious to him.

‘The door of darkness has completely closed and the possibility of her being alive has gone as well.’

That’s what everyone else thought.

Blake ignored what they said and headed straight to the valley of chaos. The door of darkness had already collapsed.

Even when his last hope was gone, Blake still couldn't give up.

He dreamed of her every night. In his dream, he could meet Ancia. She took away Blake's nightmares, and left only herself in his dreams instead.

In his dreams, Ancia was always smiling broadly. She never blamed him for everything that happened and only smiled at him the whole time.

But she wasn't staying there either. Even in his dreams, she shook off Blake’s hand and left.

Blake grew up. The curse was lifted and he grew up to be a decent young man. He was no longer weak, but he still hadn’t found Ancia.

As Blake reached for Ancia’s hand desperately, he caught it. He opened his eyes in astonishment.

He hugged the woman in front of him before he realized it was not a dream.

“Ancia! Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time. I've missed you so much…”

He had finally found Ancia. For the first time in seven years. But she had a white hair, and it wasn't Ancia.

After coming to his senses, he looked at the woman in front of him again. It was Rose.

“Who are you?”

Blake mistook Rose for Ancia. No matter what, he had never mistaken another woman for Ancia.

Blake looked at Rose.

Whenever Blake begged her not to leave, Ancia would always have that look on her face.

“You’re really not Ancia?”

He looked at her again hopefully, but she shook her head.

‘No, I'm sorry.'

If Rose was really Ancia, there would be no reason to deny it like this.

Isn’t she Ancia? He slowly loosen his hold on her hand.

‘I’m sorry.’

She apologized again, but even that expression made her look more like Ancia.

Blake grabbed her hand again. The hand was marred by a burn scar and it was so thin he felt it would break if he exerted just a bit more strength.

How did she get hurt like this? How did she get so skinny?

“It's okay. Don't be sorry.”

Blake comforted her. He didn’t know who Rose was, but he couldn't just trust her and give up like this.

He will never let Ancia go this time.
