Chapter 397 Ma Zhe, God forever

   It is also useful to talk about Ma Zhe with this era.

   "Have you seen the emperor?" Lu Jingzhi asked.

   "I haven't seen it, and it's not bad to hear the rumors." Jiang Tanyue didn't want to see any emperor, she thought very simply, "I have never kneeled before going to my father's grave."

  Jiang Wunian: "..."

   It's outrageous but it's so good to poke her heart!

  Lu Jingzhi pondered, "I heard you talk about the chaotic relationship in your family last time—is your father alive?"


   "He's not dead. I haven't been to my father's grave at all, so I haven't kneeled down. Is there a problem?" Jiang Tanyue raised her eyebrows, watching her sister lean back and forth with a smile, and a smile flashed across her eyes.

Jiang Tanyue said, "Although I want to expand quickly and have some involvement with the officials, I don't want to have anything to do with the emperor. When I saw the imperial decree, I worried for a long time, but my mother didn't care at all. She even laughed at Yan Yan and said that our family will soon make a lot of money. sent."

   Worry about people.

   "Sister, you care so much about your mother. Did she laugh at you?"

  Jiang Tanyue: "...I didn't tell her."



   Today's Tsundere Sister.

  In any case, since we have "cooperated" with the emperor, we must do our best in every aspect.

  The library in Luanyang City was just a tool she used to make money at the beginning, and various marketing operations took off. Taking it as an example, she also brought out an apprentice Xin Ziyi.

  The library here in Yuanzhou is a "pilot of public welfare facilities". The emperor wants to allocate funds directly, which is counted as "free".

   Copy the model of the Luanyang City Library, but cancel the "paid" items.

Under Jiang Tanyue's clear refutation, the emperor withdrew his "free" thoughts, and Jiang Tanyue secretly complained to his sisters, "I don't know about other decisions. The emperor must not have discussed this decision with his courtiers, and it is outrageous." It’s time to remove the shell of my library on the outside, and revise it all for me inside—it’s really discarding the essence and picking the dross!”

  Lu Jingzhi was a little confused, Jiang Tanyue hated what she said that his sister couldn't understand, so she explained it in her own language.

  Jiang Wu read that 211 university was not in vain, she understood.

  Lu Jingzhi was still a little dazed, but she firmly understood a truth—my sister was right.

  Jiang Tanyue: "..."

   In the final analysis, it is still the limit of psychology.

She said earnestly, "Sister, there should be books in your space, right? I'll go back and make a list for you. Next time you can get things, you must take out the books I mentioned—similar related ones are fine, and I will prepare a system for you. Go to class."

  Lu Jingzhi nodded, "...Sister is going to make up for me after the second year of high school?"

   "Look at the time." Jiang Tanyue said, "I try to set aside one day a week."

  Jiang Wunian's scalp was numb, for fear that he would be named by Mr. Jiang.

  Mr. Jiang touched her head amiably.

   It seems that she is not going to count her in the remedial lesson plan.

  After the age of sixteen, Lu Jingzhi has been struggling in the doomsday. She learns things very quickly, but she has not learned them systematically.

  Fortunately, sixteen years of good life shaped her world view and values, creating a tough, brave and shining soul.

  Jiang Tanyue thought about it, "One more thing, sister, do you have seeds? Seeds that have been improved by modern technology do not have many types, and mainly need crops."

   Isn't it a coincidence.

  Lu Jingzhi slapped his thigh, showing excitement, "Yes! Wheat, corn, rice... pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese are all post-apocalyptic improved versions, I have everything you want!"

  (end of this chapter)
