Chapter 383 Please watch the beautiful sister dance

   Yan Qingzhui was not angry about the meeting to go to the casino.

Facing Lu Jingzhi's question, he said, "When did you guess it? Actually, I thought you two would be attracted before you went out. There is a lot of gambling in Jiangnan, and the pleasures of the imperial capital are more hidden behind the surface. Down here, it is more or less passable on the surface, but here it is full of music and music, and has even become a sign to attract businessmen and poets."

  Four characters came to Lu Jingzhi's mind.

   Phishing Enforcement.

   No way!

  She didn't believe that Yan Qingzhui would do such a thing!


  The filter made her wait quietly for the next words.

"I didn't stop you, because you are by Ji Ji's side. I think you have at least the ability to protect yourself. No matter what happens, you can get out of your body. That's enough." Yan Qingzhui changed the subject and asked with a smile, "Hoe Did Ji say behind his back that I was too strict with him?"

   "That's not true." Lu Jingzhi said honestly, "He's just crying that he will lose his freedom to spend money for a long time in the future."

"It seems that I have left a lot of psychological shadows on him." Yan Qingzhui shook his head, "I don't forbid him to play, he is still young, people at this age should have such a heart, and Fufeng needs to learn from him. "

  Lu Jingzhi couldn't help being curious, "What about you, I heard from Jiji that you are only a few months older than him, and you are also a teenager, so you should like to have fun."

"Well, I like it too." Yan Qingzhui was thoughtful, a wisp of dull hair on the top of his head that couldn't be suppressed no matter how hard Fufeng tried, echoing Lu Jingzhi's fried hair, his voice was as gentle as a breeze, " So can you invite me next time?"


  Lu Jingzhi blinked and blinked, "Go to the casino? Oh my god! If you act like this, you will suspect that I have secretly replaced you!"

However, she looked forward to it greatly, and nodded without hesitation, "Of course, after you rest, I will invite you to play, take you to the waves and fly you, let alone the gambling house, go to the brothel to watch the beautiful sister dance It will be all right!"

  Yan Qingzhui Xuxu clenched his fist and coughed softly on his lips, "Is something inappropriate?"

  Lu Jingzhi: "Just watch the dancing, there's nothing wrong with it—right?"

   She was a hindrance.

  After returning home, if Mother hears about this, will she spank her ass?

probably not.

  She is an extremely boring woman who even listens to her son's gossip with relish.

   "Listen to you." Yan Qingzui said, "I believe in you."

  Lu Jingzhi smiled. After getting along for a long time, friends will understand each other. She unlocked a little interest of the beauty.

  In addition to staying at home, he is also interested in gambling houses.

As if aware of the words in her eyes, Yan Qing chased and explained, "It is forbidden to go to the gambling house because he does not have the corresponding luck and strength. Even if I let Fufeng follow him, Fufeng can't control him. I It’s even more useless to go, so I’ll just let go of his thoughts, and if I don’t have any worries, I can do whatever he likes.”

   "It's just—Xiaolu, if you can let him know Xiaogaiyi's feelings, it would be great."

  Lu Jingzhi would never refuse a beauty's request for help, and immediately slapped his chest loudly, "Put it on me, I'm sure I can do it!"

  When she was full of confidence, there was a sun reflected in the pool water in her eyes, which was radiant, but it would not burn people.

  Yan Qing chased after kindness, "I leave it to you."

  Lu Jingzhi made a table in his mind that day, listing the methods in detail, but with the name, the column of the method is either impractical or outrageous.

  In the end, Lu Jingzhi still decided to follow the wisdom of the predecessors—let him play, and he won’t like to play until he vomits.

  (end of this chapter)
