Chapter 369 Sister Marries Me

  In the last year before the doomsday, Lu Jingzhi was still able to hold his mobile phone and say "Sister marry me", "Hunjun experience card" and all kinds of rainbow farts to young girls performing talents from all over the world.

  Now, it doesn't conform to the social trend at a glance.

   sin sin.

  She wanted to see it.


   Not only to watch, but also to say, "I have entered the casino, what else can I not watch."


  Qing Wuya straightforwardly pointed to the dimly lit boat next door, "That's what you can't see."

  Lu Jingzhi shrugged, "Okay, I'll take a peek when I'm free."

  Qing Wuya had a headache.

   Does she not know where that is?


  Although this little girl has a playful heart and is so easy to do things that people always ignore her age, but considering her age, she should not be very old.


"How old are you?"


   "Then you grow very fast. I have seen very few twelve-year-olds grow so tall." Qing Wuya laughed, "If you grow a little longer, there will be a crowd when you go out!"

  Lu Jingzhi looked at him unabashedly, and gestured with his hand, "I will be miserable if I grow up to your height. My requirements are not high, 1.7 meters is enough."

  Lu Jingzhi calculated the size in his mind.


  Five feet.

   Hiss... It doesn't sound as good as 1.7 meters.

  She has never doubted that she will not grow that tall, nutrition can keep up, and exercise will not fall behind. It is only a matter of time before she grows taller.

   There is a large platform in the center of the third floor, and there is a semi-open small room at a distance around it.

  It is said that it is a room, but in fact it is symbolically separated by a hollow carved screen.

   Rather than blocking the line of sight, the greater role is to regulate the layout of the space.

   While they were chatting, the maid was waiting in front of them.

   Finally, to the place.

   "This is another place where size comparison rules are used?" Lu Jingzhi habitually rolled up his cuffs again, "Beautiful sister, playing games here, who do I want to compare with?"

  The maid pursed her lips and smiled, leading her over.

   Talented and romantic.

  It can be reflected in the academy.

  It can also be reflected in the casino.

   Or you can change a word.


  Lu Jingzhi approached unabashedly, watching the current battle situation.

  Rolling the dice and wearing such a coquettish bag, the flowing long sleeves rippled into a cascading peony flower with the shaking movements.

  Lu Jingzhi thought, it is a good way to cheat.

  However, her eyeballs moved up, down, left, right, and right with the young man's dice cup, and she didn't find any sign that she was going to cheat.

  Lu Jingzhi: It was the darkness on the second floor downstairs that swallowed my goodness.

  As soon as you see this situation, you feel that people want to cheat.

  The eyes are quite subtle.

   In the ear are the hearty laughter of the young man and the person opposite.

   It doesn't look like they knew each other, but even the losers didn't fall out.

  Is the desire to win the third floor so light?

  Her appearance has long been seen clearly by people with nothing to do.

   When the maid ushered him over, the young man who had just lost was sitting directly across from him.

   It seems that the rule is not that the losers leave, and the winners stay.

   Yes, people are willing to lose, and the gambling house is happy to see this situation.

  A trace of surprise flashed in the young man's eyes. He looks ordinary, and this face belongs to the look of forgetting once seen.

  Lu Jingzhi sideways for the first two seconds, tested his acceptance of this face—not a beauty or ugliness test, but a kind of human face, which is forgotten after seeing it.

  No reason, no reason, just forget.

  Lu Jingzhi has such a good memory, but he doesn't have the ability to remember 100% for this kind of person with a blur filter.

  (end of this chapter)
