Chapter 357


  Looking up, the word "Shen Fu" is shining brightly in the sunlight.

  Lu Jingzhi hadn't realized it at the time, until she heard Xu Shulou whisper, "This is the place where my aunt grew up when she was a child." She suddenly realized that it was the mansion where her mother lived when she was a child.

  The Shen family is not prosperous, the wealth left by the ancestors is enough, otherwise the scholarly family will be far away from the stink of money, and they would have been living as beggars long ago.

   It was due to the blessing of the small number of people in the family. When the former head of the Shen family, that is, Shen Nanwei's father became an official in the imperial capital, the property here was exhausted.

   It's not a big deal to be busy at both ends. I don't have so much energy to spend here, so I just gritted my teeth and moved my family.


  The imperial capital costs a lot, even if you don't spend extravagance and waste, but only maintain the family's well-regulated ostentation, you still spend money like water.

   Soon it will be time to sell the old house in Jiangnan.

   At this time, Shen Nanwei was favored by the emperor, entered the palace, and won boundless love.

   Needless to say about the Shen family's luck, Shen Nanwei didn't love the emperor, so she had no choice but to enter the palace, as long as she was happy, and she wouldn't blow the pillow to warm the Shen family.

  Her attitude towards them is deserted.

  But the emperor couldn’t stand the love of the house and Wu, and the head of the Shen family was capable. One was willing to climb up the pole and the other was willing to hold it. The Shen family had a smooth journey.


  The emperor liked her to an unbelievable degree.

  It is impossible for the harem to be exposed to both rain and dew. When dealing with affairs, he would look for Shen Nanwei whenever he had time.

   The title "Demon Concubine" was once very famous.

   There are quite a few daughters of courtiers crammed into the harem. At first, everyone took a wait-and-see attitude towards the Shen family—maybe where the favored daughter of the Shen family will go.

  Later, it was discovered that no matter how proud the family was, they would not care about the Shen family's half a copper coin. In this way, the Shen family was squeezed out both openly and secretly.

  However, after a short period of exclusion, Mrs. Bai brought her son and a huge dowry into Shen's residence.

  Since then, Patriarch Shen has become the previous Patriarch Shen, and the current Patriarch Shen is the eldest son of the Shen family and Shen Nanwei's brother.

  Of course, everyone who is familiar with him knows that he is just a name, and Mrs. Bai is the real master of the house.

  No matter how the outside world pointed, the Shen family was even once squeezed out by the nobles of the imperial capital, but inside they didn't say anything to Mrs. Bai—she has always done a good job, respecting the elders, loving younger siblings, and keeping the family in order.

   Even because of her appearance, she helped the Shen family solve the problem of precarious expenses.

   It was also she who kept the Shen family's old house here.

   This is Yuanzhou.

There are many cities in the south of the Yangtze River, most of which are connected by water systems, and they are faintly visible in the waves. Among the many cities, Yuanzhou was originally very prosperous, and there was a royal concubine born in Yuanzhou in the palace. two.

  The angled cornices can't be seen at a glance.

  Under the feet is a solid bluestone slab, with some faint traces of weathering, spreading all the way to the mansion.

   Some parts of the internal buildings have local characteristics.

  There are also a few strings of lanterns hanging in the corner, which look very new. It seems that the steward here hastily sorted them out after getting the news, in order to welcome them.

  The weather today is very good, with a clear blue sky, lush green trees that are about to drip out, and the wind blowing past my ears, bringing with it hot air.

   Ying Que's legs are getting better.

   Walking is no longer staggering.

   Speaking of acclimatization—although no one would think it was acclimatization before, how could someone walk like a piao because of acclimatization?

  (end of this chapter)
