Chapter 906 Time turbulence

  Two Mahayana stage powerhouses arouse all their remaining power, and their self-destruct power is enough to destroy the world.

  Wang Hong hid in the space, and the ray of consciousness left outside was instantly shaken away, and even the space trembled slightly.

  After hiding in the space for several days, he tried to slowly poke a ray of consciousness out of the space, wanting to observe the situation outside.

  As soon as his spiritual consciousness protruded a little, he sensed countless chaotic and twisted forces, which instantly tore his ray of spiritual consciousness to pieces.

  The huge power generated by the self-violence of the strong in the Mahayana period tore apart the space, causing this area to distort time and space, and space cracks are everywhere.

  Wang Hong hid in the space for another year. At this time, he probed out a ray of spiritual consciousness. This ray of spiritual consciousness persisted outside for a longer time before being shredded by a crack in space again.


  Through this ray of consciousness, he roughly understood the scene outside. Although the outside is still in a state of space-time disorder, it is much better than before. With his current cultivation base, he should be able to resist it.

  Thinking of this, with a thought, he has already appeared in the outside world. The flat ground he stood on before entering the space has turned into a huge pit.

  Wang Hong just came out of the space, his foothold was not stable, a violent torrent of spiritual power had already rushed behind him, and he quickly sacrificed a defensive shield to wrap himself in it.

   This violent spiritual power hit the defensive shield, but it didn't cause him much trouble.

  But he had just blocked this torrent of spiritual power, and he found that things seemed not that simple. The space around him was distorted, and several space cracks were cut on his defensive shield.

   Fortunately, his current defense ability has been greatly increased, and it is also a problem to prevent these space cracks, but before he can breathe a sigh of relief, the scene around him has changed.


   In front of him is no longer the desolate scene after Mahayana's self-destruction, but a monster monk and a Zerg, fighting inseparably.

  Before he took a closer look, there was a flower in front of him, and the battle scene had disappeared. In front of him was a grassland, an unknown wild flower was spreading its petals, and a butterfly was flying among them.

  Next, dozens of different scenes appeared in front of his eyes like a flying horse, and they were not related to each other, and there was no chronological order.

   Right at this moment, he actually saw himself in the picture in front of him, with a look of panic on his face at this moment, and then he dodged, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

   Wang Hong naturally still remembered the scene in front of him. It was the scene where the Mahayana powerhouse fled into the space before he committed suicide.

  The picture in front of me quickly disappeared, and immediately changed into another scene.

  Wang Hong was confused by the ever-changing scenes in his eyes. What was in front of him was definitely not an illusion like a magic array, but a real existence, especially the scene at the moment when he entered the space was so real.

   "Are these fragments of various time periods the result of time being distorted?"

  Wang Hong murmured in his heart that the law of time is known as one of the most difficult laws in the world to comprehend. Unexpectedly, the two Mahayanas violently made the law of time appear.

  Since there is such an opportunity to observe and comprehend the law of time at close range, it is natural not to miss the opportunity.

  Anyway, he is now impacted by this turbulent flow of time and space, and trapped in this turbulent flow. He still doesn't know which time period he is in now, and he will not be able to get out of the trap in a short time.

   Immediately, he just sat down and meditated.

   I don't know how long it took, the scene in front of him changed more and more slowly, and finally the energy of this space-time turbulence was exhausted, the scene in front of Wang Hong gradually coincided with reality, and he returned to the present state.

  Fortunately, this space-time turbulence is only formed by Mahayana self-violence, and its power is weak. After a period of time, it will gradually decay until it disappears, otherwise it is possible to be trapped and die in it.

  Wang Hong stood up from where he was, and was in the turbulent flow of time and space. He couldn't sense the change of time, and he didn't know how long the time had passed.

  Anyway, the ruins of the battlefield are very lively at the moment.

  A little farther away, many people are searching, picking up some things from the ruins from time to time and putting them into storage treasures.

  There has been a great war here, and there are still a lot of spoils left before. Wang Hong was also very jealous at that time.

  Although everything here was destroyed because of Mahayana self-inflicted violence, all the treasures on the battlefield will not disappear.

  A small part of the spiritual objects, after being washed by the violent spiritual power, their quality has been sublimated instead.

  Now these monks are happily hunting for treasure, and suddenly they see a person appearing out of thin air nearby.

   Take a closer look, hey! It was the person they had worked so hard to find before!

   "Wang Hong!"

   "It's the old man. I don't want to commit more crimes today, so get out of here, everyone who is sensible!"

   After Wang Hong yelled loudly, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay. Is it necessary to be so arrogant? Although they no longer have Mahayana stage powerhouses, with such a large number, they are not something that Wang Hong alone can provoke.

   "Hahaha! It's really hard to find nowhere to go, and it doesn't take much effort to get it. Since you have delivered it to your door yourself, I will not be polite, old devil!"

  This fusion stage demon didn't pay attention to Wang Hong. With a wave of his hand, hundreds of monks followed him, and they were already pressing towards Wang Hong.

   Seeing someone taking the lead, the others were naturally not far behind, and all approached Wang Hong.

  The total number of monks of all ethnic groups who hunted for treasure on the spot was at least ten thousand, among which there were twenty or thirty people who had reached the state of fusion, and hundreds of people who had reached the state of refining emptiness.

  In fact, the previous battle between the major forces and the golden holy beast has caused both sides to suffer losses. The people on the scene have almost concentrated all the elite forces of various races.

   Seeing more than ten thousand people coming towards him, Wang Hong didn't have the slightest awareness of being surrounded by people. His demeanor seemed to be that he surrounded tens of thousands of people in front of him with his own strength.

   Just as the crowd was about to approach, a large number of poisonous bees flew out of Wang Hong's body.

  These poisonous bees looked ferocious and ferocious one by one, waving their fangs and swooping towards everyone.

  Wang Hong's poisonous bees have been cultivated for so many years, and the number has long been not a small number. Once they were released, they were already overwhelming, forming a swarm of insects.

  At first, there were a few people who wanted to resist, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the huge number of poisonous bees.

  Wang Hong had been chased and killed by these people before, but this time he finally changed to chase and kill them by himself, and finally let out a breath of anger.

  After dispelling the monks here, Wang Hong began to search carefully in this area. What he hopes most now is to find a few space-time turbulences like before.

  Hard work paid off, and he found another turbulent flow of time and space, but this turbulence was already in a state of exhaustion, and Wang Hongcai realized it in a short time before it disappeared.
