Chapter 8 8. Selection of exercises

  Cangshu Pavilion is located in the center of the college. There are five floors in total. All books on the first to third floors are open to students for free. On the fourth and fifth floors, you need to pay a certain fee to borrow them out.

  Wang Hong walked around on the first floor and almost lost his way among the rows of bookshelves.

  What you can see are Confucian classics, legalist rule of the world, Mohist institutions, military strategy, various schools of thought, poetry, songs and other books.

  I didn’t see a single book on martial arts. Thinking that this floor should be full of literature books, Wang Hong followed the stairs to the second floor.

Sure enough, the second floor is full of martial arts books, and all you can see are "Iron Sand Palm", "Thirteen Swords of Death", "Three Tips for Lightness Kung Fu Practice", "I and the Great Sword Song San Have to... Telling Stories", "Youlong Baguazhang"...

  Wang Hong was dazzled by the vast sea of ​​martial arts cheats in front of him, so he took a rough turn around the entire second floor to get a general idea.


  Then, find out some exercises that are needed at this stage, read and compare them one by one.

  "Yunyan Sword Art" The sword's power is elusive, unpredictable and unpredictable. There are a total of 120 strokes, including 9,600 variations.

  "Dragon Statue Fist" The boxing method is powerful and heavy, and the boxing method can have the power of a dragon and an image.

   "Water Cutting Knife Method" Cut off the water with a knife, only quick ears! A quick knife training method.

   "Thunder Gun" marksmanship is as fast as thunder, as fast as a dragon, which makes people hard to guard against.



  However, Wang Hong searched all over the second floor, but he couldn't find a book on inner strength training. I guess I'll have to look upstairs again.

  Climb to the third floor, and there are all books from the Academy of Arts again. Going up to the fourth floor, it turns out that the books on the fourth floor are all about inner strength training.

  On the fourth floor, there are only a few sparse bookshelves, with a few books sparsely placed, and the total number should be more than a hundred.

  "Mingzhao Jing", "Zixia Gong", "Yin Yang Ziwu Gong", "Six Extremes Gong", "Fa Yan Heart Sutra", "Yin Muscle Washing Marrow Gong"...

  Wang Hong picked up a book casually, and the red characters on the page first caught his eyes, "Foreign borrowing requires eight taels of silver"!

   "Why don't you go **** it? The bandits who cut the trail are not so ruthless."

   Looking through other books, I found that all the required silver ranged from one tael to ten taels. Zhang Tiemao spent three taels of silver on learning inner strength, which should be the cheapest inner strength method.

   "It doesn't matter, let's take a look first, anyway, it's free to watch here."

  Wang Hong carefully looked through the books again, and finally chose "Yi Jin Xie marrow exercise", feeling that this exercise is in line with the previous practice of "Basic Eight Forms of Exercise".

  However, the loan of "Yi Jin Xie Sui Gong" costs nine taels of silver, and Wang Hong's money has been spent in the past six months.

   "Practicing martial arts is really expensive. Now it costs three taels of silver every month, and it will cost more in the future. I have to take time to go to Qingyang City."

  Wang Hong only borrowed "Thunder Gun" and "Basic Marksmanship" when he came out of Zangshu Pavilion.

  Qingyangcheng, a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy, with an ordinary face, was dressed in a green dress, with the words "Qingyang College" embroidered with gold thread on the left chest, attracting envious eyes from the side of the road. It's just that the big sack on his shoulders caused the teenager to lose a lot of points.

  Wang Hong walked into a pharmacy called "Jishitang" with a big bag on his shoulders. Wang Hong visited this pharmacy half a year ago, and the price was quite reasonable.

   "Shopkeeper, do you accept medicinal materials?"

"Accept! Of course, please sit down for a while, brother." The shopkeeper is a very kind old man. He ordered someone to serve tea for Wang Hong, and asked two young men to find a roll of bamboo mat and spread it on the ground. The contents of the sack were poured onto the bamboo mat.

I saw two small wooden boxes rolled out of a large pile of miscellaneous herbs. The boy opened the two wooden boxes, and saw that one wooden box was full of ginseng, and the other wooden box was full of ginseng. It is a half box of Zizhi.

   "This... so many?" The two boys were so surprised that they could stuff an egg into their mouths. It was the first time for Zizhi to sell so many ginseng at one time.

  This kind of precious medicinal material can usually be picked up by a herb picker within ten days and a half a month. It is estimated that there are more than one hundred plants of these ginseng, and there are forty or fifty plants of Zizhi.

  The old shopkeeper also squatted down at this time, carefully inspecting each plant. It took more than half an hour to clean up these medicinal materials.

   "This little brother, there are a total of 137 ginseng plants, two of which are twelve years old, and the rest are three to six years old."

   "Fifty-three strains of Zizhi, including three strains that are ten years old, five strains that are nine years old, and ten strains that are eight years old..."

   "Forty-two plants of Polygonatum, three plants in ten years, nine years..."

   "A total of one hundred and eighty taels of silver, what do you think?"

  Wang Hong waved his little hand and nodded in agreement, but he was extremely excited inside. Wang Hong had never seen so much money before.

   What's more, these medicinal materials were collected only after cleaning up the space half a year ago, and now there are a large piece of ginseng and purple lucidum that are more than 20 years old in the space.

   "It seems that we have to pull out all the worthless medicinal materials when we go back. Such a large bag is only sold for a tael of silver, so it's better to pull out the roots of ginseng." Wang Hong was thinking in his heart.

   "Brother, thank you for your care of the shop. I will give this bottle of white jade powder to my brother. I hope that I can sell it to the shop after I have something to harvest." The old shopkeeper handed a small porcelain bottle to Wang Hong.

  Wang Hong quickly took it, this white jade powder can regenerate muscles and bones, it is a must-have medicine for warriors.

   "Thank you, old shopkeeper, these medicinal materials are also obtained by me and a few friends, who have gone to the mountains many times and saved them for a long time. Of course, the medicinal materials collected will be sent to you in the future."

  Wang Hong walked out of the gate of Jishitang, with more than one hundred taels of silver in his arms heavy, he found a place where no one was around, and threw the one hundred taels into the space.

  In Zhang’s blacksmith shop in the west of the city, a middle-aged man with a shirtless waist was sweating profusely, beating on a piece of iron.

   "Master! I want to build a weapon, can I order it here?"

  The middle-aged man threw the hammer and the iron block into the stove and said, "Follow me!" He turned around and walked towards the backyard.

  Walking to the backyard, I saw that the entire backyard was full of weapon racks in rows, with eighteen kinds of weapons. Wang Hong saw more than a dozen styles of spears alone.

   "Look at it first, what style you like, and then tailor it for you."

  Wang Hong tried every kind of gun in the past. The big iron gun weighed more than 100 catties. Wang Hong could only handle it with his strength now, and the white wooden gun felt too light.

In the end, I chose an iron gun. The barrel of the gun is thinner, and the moiré pattern on it is beautiful and prevents slipping. The head of the gun is in the shape of a willow leaf and is eight inches long. about a catty.

   Seeing that Wang Hong had been selected, Blacksmith Zhang came over to help Wang Hong measure his height, arm length and other data.

Then Wang Hong chose a Bailian steel knife from the weapon rack, and spent twenty-five taels of silver. Since the gun would take two months to build, he also bought the gun just now for practice. Forty taels of silver. Another deposit of ten taels of silver was paid. The money I just got has been spent for less than half before it is warmed up.

  Back to the academy and immediately borrowed "Yi Jin Xie Marrow Kung Fu".

  Going back to his hut, he got into the space with a few cheat books. Seeing all kinds of medicinal herbs that were full of vitality in the space, Wang Hongyi pulled them out cruelly.

   Only ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, sealwort and five Polygonum multiflorum were left. According to folklore, the Polygonum multiflorum, which has a human form for thousands of years, can become a fairy after eating.

   There are still a few very common antidotes and healing medicines left. I haven't found a better one so far. Let's keep a few for emergencies.

   There is also the raspberry plant, Wang Hong is not willing to pull it out. He and his younger brother usually have the habit of eating small snacks, so let’s keep it as a snack.

  The rice and wheat in the space are growing abnormally now. At first, they ripen every five days, but now they take eight days to mature, and the grains can be as thick as a finger.

   A total of hundreds of catties were harvested, all of which were in the space, and I didn't dare to sell them. The difference from ordinary rice and wheat was too great.

  In the dormitory of the college, it is not convenient to take it out and cook it. I don’t know how it tastes when cooked.

  Anyway, the appearance is excellent, a finger-sized grain, golden in color. It is heavy in the hand.

   Peel off the shell, the rice grains inside are crystal clear and white, exuding a faint rice fragrance. Throw a grain of uncooked rice into your mouth, chew slowly, and your mouth will be full of fragrance.

  Wang Hong wished he could find a place to cook some secretly.
