Chapter 68 Zongmen Mission

  After returning to his residence, Wang Hong entered the space again.

  He bred 100,000 male spirit bees last time, and after a big battle, there were only about 20,000 left.

  However, 20,000 drones are still a bit too much. Including other types of spirit bees, there are almost 50,000 in total. The spirit flowers in space can barely supply the food for these spirit bees.

   This also led Wang Hong to enter the Qingxu Sect, saw countless spirit flowers, but no spirit bees to collect honey, and shouted in his heart that it was a waste. His first thought was to move some spirit bees out to breed.

  It takes several years to cultivate a new spiritual queen bee, and the time difference in using the space is less than a month.

  It is easier to breed the queen bee this time than last time. You only need to give the queen bee an order to let the bee colony breed a new queen bee.


  The bee colony will choose an egg with better qualifications and feed it with royal jelly every day. When it grows up, it will become a queen bee.

  When the new queen bee is born, she will lead a group of spirit bees to move out of the original hive, find a suitable place to build a new nest, and then develop into another brand new population.

  Wang Hong directly gave the queen bee the instruction to breed a new queen bee, so he didn't worry about the bee colony any more.

   Fly in the air and patrol around in the space.

  Now the space has an area of ​​18 acres, and it will take at least half an hour to read all of them.

  But Wang Hong didn't feel bored at all, on the contrary, he liked it very much. Every time he saw this large piece of vigorously growing spiritual things, he felt sincerely happy.


  Every time he enters the space, he likes to look at this one, touch that one, and compare how much they have grown.

   Carefully observe every vein on their leaves.

   All of this has nothing to do with practice, nothing to do with Lingshi, it is purely a farmer's love for the crops in the field.

  Seeing the growth of the crops I planted, I feel a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

  Wang Hong inspected one place and found two elixir plants that he had obtained from Taoist Poison Wood's storage bag before.

   Confidante and Wushaocao, confidante is highly poisonous, and Wushaocao detoxifies.

  The red face flower absorbs aura, transforms aura into highly poisonous, and becomes a nutrient for its growth. The growth of the black stalk grass needs to absorb the poison, and then convert it into spiritual power.

   At this time, within a ten-foot radius around the two elixir plants, all other elixir plants withered and died. There are many spirit bee corpses on the surrounding ground.

  Wang Hong suddenly thought of a problem, what if the spirit bee survived after collecting poisonous nectar, brought it to the hive to turn it into spirit honey, and then was eaten by himself without knowing it...

  Anyway, he didn't dare to take the spiritual honey during this period of time, but according to the "Controlling the Spirit" records, if the spirit insects grow in poisonous or other special environments for a long time, there is a certain chance of mutating.

   But it’s not enough right now, he only has one poisonous flower, so he can’t let a swarm of spirit bees circle around a flower all day long.

   It is necessary to grow more poisonous flowers when the space expands in the future.

  Secondly, another nest of spirit bees needs to be cultivated to experiment. If he accidentally kills all the spirit bees, he will suffer a big loss.

  Wang Hong recalled that in the Sudu Mu Taoist's storage bag, besides these two elixir plants, there was also a "Wood Poison Classic", which he hadn't studied seriously yet.

  Now I just have time, so I exit the space first, and hang a wooden sign of retreat at the gate of the courtyard, so that no one will disturb you.

  Wang Hong entered the space again, holding a jade slip, and carefully studied it.

   Just like that, after more than a month in the space, Wang Hong felt a sense of hunger coming from his physical body outside, so he stopped enlightening and left the space.

   It had been a day outside, and his body was already so hungry that his chest was stuck to his back. Wang Hong thought, if he put more focus on it, would he accidentally starve himself to death.

  Take out more than a hundred mutated Lingmi that is bigger than a fist, soak them in Lingquan water, put them in the space for a day, and let the Lingmi absorb enough water.

  After a stick of incense, Wang Hong took out the Lingmi from the space, put it in a wooden steamer and steamed it for half an hour. The tempting aroma of rice came out from the wooden steamer, and Wang Hong felt even hungrier.

  Take out a sealed clay pot, open the lid and heat it up, take a sip of the thick soup first, then pick up a grain of rice with chopsticks, and swallow it in two or three bites.

  As for being hot, body-training cultivators are not even afraid of being cut by a knife, let alone being scalded.

   After eating more than ten grains of rice in one go, I was finally full. I sealed the rest and put it away, so I can eat it directly next time.

   After eating and drinking enough, he re-entered the space to comprehend the "Wood Poison Classic".

  It took Wang Hong two years in the space to comprehend the "Wood Poison Classic". As for fully mastering it, he still needs a lot of practice.

  It also introduces the refining of several kinds of poison pills and detoxification panacea. He doesn't have most of the elixir needed, so he has to collect them slowly.

  When Wang Hong left the space and opened the gate of the small courtyard, only half a month had passed outside.

  The Sanyang melon seeds he planted have just germinated, and two young and fat cotyledons protrude from the soil. They are fleshy and very attractive.

  The ground is still a bit wet, obviously it has just been watered, it should be Zhang Chunfeng who came to water it.

Wang Hong transplanted another jujube tree from the space. The tree is more than three feet high, and it is full of jujubes. There are red and green. There are jujube flowers hanging on it.

  Due to the long maturity period of the spiritual fruit, most spiritual fruit trees continue to bloom and bear fruit during the growth and maturity of the spiritual fruit, resulting in the situation that there are both flowers and fruits on the same tree.

   A few days later, a new queen bee was finally born. The new queen brought out 30,000 spirit bees from the original colony, including 10,000 drones.

  Wang Hong took his new bee colony out of the space and placed it on a jujube tree to build a nest.

   Then I saw countless spirit bees coming in and out, looking for nectar. The closest one was of course the jujube flower, and a little further away was the surrounding large spiritual fields, many of which were blooming, so there was no need to worry about the source of nectar.

  After finishing these tasks, Wang Hong remembered that he had been in the sect for almost a month, and he hadn't done any missions for the sect yet.

  The main offices of the Zongmen are located in Tianquan Peak, including the Mission Hall, Law Enforcement Hall, Sovereign Hall, and Sutra Library.

  It takes two or three hours to go to Tianquan Peak. Wang Hong set off on a sailing boat and headed for Tianquan Peak.

  Although Feng Xingzhou is not fast, it can save a lot of detours and save a lot of time.

  He had noticed before that he was not the only one who owned the flying magic weapon among the Qi training cultivators of the Qingxu Sect.

  The mission hall of the Zongmen covers an area of ​​one mu, and there are more than a dozen tables lined up inside, and several people line up in front of each table.

  Wang Hong randomly found a place in the back row, and it was his turn after nearly a stick of incense.

  An old man in the Qi training period behind the table directly handed him a magic weapon in the shape of a book, with a light curtain on the magic weapon.

  It shows the categories of various tasks such as alchemy, refining tools, finding elixir, hunting monsters, killing evil cultivators, etc.

  Wang Hong tried to touch the words on it with his hands, and as soon as his fingers touched the word alchemy, the light curtain changed.

  Refining Bigu Pill, Refining Qi Gathering Pill, Refining Baihua Linglu and other task names appeared on the light curtain.

   Lightly touch the line of Refining Qi Gathering Pill, and the specific task content appears on the light curtain.

The content shows: refining five furnaces of Qi Gathering Pill requires more than 40% of the alchemy, and rewards one contribution point for each elixir, no reward if the success rate is less than 40%, and 20 spirit stones for raw material cost if the rate is less than 20% .

  Wang Hong opened other tasks to watch, and found that the contents of the alchemy tasks were similar.

   Open the category of looking for elixir again, hand in a specified elixir, and then reward contribution points.

  Wang Hong found many elixir needed for tasks, and he had them in his space.

   "Fellow Daoist, can I receive multiple tasks at one time?" Wang Hong thought that if he received several more at a time, he would complete all the tasks for a year, and he would not have to worry about it in the future.

   "Yes, but the task must be completed within three months, otherwise you will be punished."

   Then Wang Hong directly received five tasks for refining Qi Gathering Pills, and received seven tasks for Spirit Grass.

  The old man gave him twenty-five parts of Qi Gathering Pill and registered it for him.

   Coming out of the mission hall, Wang Hong saw that it was still early, so since he came, why not go to the library to have a look.

  One of the purposes of his joining the sect is the inheritance accumulated here for tens of thousands of years, which is not accessible to casual cultivators outside.
