Chapter 2 2. Fierce battle with wolves

  Wild Pueraria generally grows deep into the ground, and some Pueraria can grow more than ten feet long. Generally, the old kudzu root will have many insect eyes, and it is easy to be hollow. It's just that this plant is extremely thick and strong, and there is not a single insect eye.

  In the beginning, it was only the thickness of the wrist, and as you dig down, it gets bigger and bigger. Now it has only been dug down obliquely for more than two feet, and it is about the size of Er Gouzi's leg.

  Wang Hong became more and more excited as he dug more, his face was flushed, sweat was dripping down his chin, and he didn't feel it. It took two hours of digging to reveal the true appearance of this kudzu root. It is about one foot long, and the thickest part is as thick as Wang Hong's waist, and weighs about sixty to seventy catties.

   Carrying this kudzu root back will at least ensure that the two brothers can survive this winter safely without worrying about being starved to death.

  It’s just that Wang Hong threw Gegen aside, and focused his attention on an object in his hand. It was dug out next to Gegen just now, and it was a fist-sized bead.

  I saw that the whole body of this object was as smooth as a mirror, as if it had been carefully polished, crystal clear like emeralds, glowing with emerald green light, and covered with blood-red patterns, which looked dazzling under the sunlight.


   This object is extremely hard. I accidentally dug a **** on it just now, and the **** broke a gap. There is not even a white mark left on this stone. It feels smooth and moist in the hand, and even the tired feeling just now has been relieved a lot.

"This should be a kind of gemstone, and it should be able to sell for a lot of money." Wang Hong muttered. Although he had no experience, he had followed his father to the county town before, and he had seen those rich men from afar. The various gemstones on my body feel inferior to my own.

  Wang Hong was thinking about what to do to sell this gem. First of all, it must be kept secret, not to be publicized, and not to be known to outsiders. It should be known that everyone is not guilty, but pregnant is guilty. Nowadays, the world is not peaceful, and there are often horse bandits and thieves running rampant.

  The year before last, Zhang Tiezhu from Erlihe Village picked a three-leaf Ganoderma lucidum in Cangyun Mountain. The night the news spread, his family was exterminated, and all six members of his family were spared.

  After selling gems, you must buy a few acres of land when you have money. As a farmer, I dream of owning a piece of land of my own. Only with land can I have the capital to survive and the foundation to pass on the family. Perhaps this is also the mind of all farmers.

"If you have land, you can raise a few chickens, and you can eat eggs every now and then. The egg drop porridge last night was really delicious, but if you don't taste it, it will be gone." Wang Hong said fiercely. He swallowed hard.


   "There's also white rice, big white steamed buns, and crispy stewed fat meat." I can't think about it anymore, I want to be drowned by my own saliva any more.

  Wang Hong tidied up the kudzu roots dug up while dreaming about a better life in the future. Suddenly, inexplicably, there was a feeling of trepidation, and he looked around vigilantly.

  At the same time, he picked up the stick he had used to open the way, quickly sharpened the front end of the stick with a hunting knife, and inserted the hunting knife into his waist.

  Holding sticks in both hands, his eyes quickly looked around, and suddenly saw the grass on the right parting rapidly to the two sides. Before he could see clearly, he saw a black shadow rushing towards him quickly.

  Wang Hong quickly turned to the right, aimed at the black shadow with the tip of his stick, and stabbed hard. When he was about to stab, the black shadow was able to dodge a few inches to the right under the rapid impact, and this time he only stabbed the left side of the black shadow.

  At the same time, it was accompanied by a huge impact, which made him retreat several steps and almost sat on the ground.

   At this time, I had time to carefully look at the thing in front of me. It turned out to be a wolf, with gray and white fur. It should be an old wolf. It was stabbed in its left leg just now, and it was bleeding out.

  At this time, his teeth are bared, a trace of saliva still hangs from the corner of his mouth, his back hair is standing up one by one, his back is slightly arched, and he is preparing for the next round of attack.

  Wang Hong felt his heart beating wildly like a drum, and his hands and feet were trembling uncontrollably. Tighten the wooden stick in your hand.

  Wang Hong was terrified. Such a big wolf was no smaller than him. He sighed secretly in his heart: "I'm afraid it will be hard to escape today."

   "I, Wang Hong, am I going to die here? I'm only twelve years old. What will I do if I die? I still have to buy fields and land. The good times haven't started yet. I don't want to die!"

The strong desire to survive made him calm down, and carefully weighed the pros and cons of both sides. He was not as strong as him in strength, and he was far inferior in speed. In terms of fighting skills, these beasts were the survival of the fittest after countless fights. Even horses can't catch up.

  My advantage is that I have knives and long sticks. The only things a wolf can hurt me are claws and teeth, the most important thing is teeth.

  Wang Hong quickly made a plan, and then he should fight with him with a long stick first, and try to avoid standing close to him, so that he has a distance advantage.

  Once he is close to the main body to guard the vitals, and the speed is not as good, he simply trades the injury for the injury with a knife, and it depends on who can't resist and die first.

  When a person is facing a crisis of life and death, his thinking will become extremely active, and it only takes a moment to figure it out.

   "Beast, today it depends on whether you ate grandpa or grandpa ate you, come on!" After Wang Hong figured it out, he felt ruthless. Yelled at the wolf.


   "Come and bite me!"

First he shot a feint at the wild wolf, and the wolf rushed forward when he saw the momentum. Wang Hong still stabbed straight in the chest, but unfortunately the wooden stick was too blunt, so it only pierced some of the skin and slipped by. He jumped up and took a small bite on the leg, but also added a **** **** on the wolf's chest and abdomen, which aroused its ferocity even more. Wang Hong quickly took two steps back.

  The wild wolf rushed forward again from the side and bit his leg. While Wang Hong retreated, he raised his stick and slashed down diagonally. A stick hit the wolf's back, and with a "pop", the stick broke in two.

  The wild wolf has bared its teeth and bit its belly again. If it bites, it won't open its belly. Wang Hong backed away, holding the remaining half of the stick to protect his abdomen with his left hand, and drew the knife with his right hand.

  Wild Wolf bit his left arm, and Wang Hong didn't care about the pain on his left arm. He raised the knife and slashed down, hitting the wolf's neck near the ear, and blood shot out. I've heard old hunters say that this position can kill both humans and beasts with one blow, and it's true.

   At this time, the wild wolf was lying on the ground, whimpering unwillingly. Wang Hong sat down on the ground, gasping for breath. After the fierce battle, his whole body collapsed, and he couldn't lift a bit of strength.

  There was severe pain in the left arm, and there were burning pains in several places. It should have been scratched by wolf claws.

   "It's dangerous! I almost died, but fortunately, a piece of meat was bitten off my left arm."

   "It's really a blessing and a blessing. I just got a baby, and I almost died,"

   Surviving a near death, the first thing I think of is gems, I am really a money fan. He hurriedly took the gemstone out of his pocket and looked at it before he felt relieved.

  Looking at the gemstone in his hand, Wang found a very strange thing, the blood from the wound was absorbed as soon as it touched the gemstone.

  Looking closer, I found that all the blood flowed into the red pattern on it automatically. I changed the place and absorbed the outflowing blood again. I felt that the brilliance on the gem was brighter than before, and there was still a little heat.

  Wang Hong was amazed by this scene. He had never heard of any gems that could **** blood. After hesitating for a moment, he pressed the gem directly onto the wound on his left arm. I saw the blood from the wound rushing towards the gem, faster and faster, and the gem became hot.

  Just when I was about to take it away from the wound, I saw a flash of colorful light, which went into the wound and disappeared. Then I felt a heat flow up the arm, through the shoulder, neck, and rushing straight to the head. The speed is too fast.

  Wang Honggan was in a hurry, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Then the heat rushed into the brain, and there was a "boom" in the head, and the whole consciousness was plunged into darkness.
