Chapter 17 Tiger Citadel

Wang Hong and the others were sent to the city wall on the first day they arrived, and they have now been formally incorporated into the Huwei Army. Qingyang College's reinforcements set up a separate battalion called Qingyang Camp, which is still under the supervision of Feng Li, but Feng Li is now Also a captain.

  Wang Hong's team is the sixth team of Qingyang Camp. Their sixth team, a hundred people, was responsible for defending a small section of the city wall. Because the Qin army not only attacked the city during the day, but also sent people to harass it at night, making the defenders uneasy, so the defenders also took turns defending the city in batches, and each batch only needed to defend the city for four hours.

Wang Hong stood on the city wall, and this city of tigers really lived up to its name. The city of tigers and dragons were surrounded by steep mountains on both sides, and the mountains stretched for more than two hundred miles. It occupied the only passage within more than two hundred miles.

  Since there are steep mountains on both sides, the defense of Huju City only needs to hold the front in one direction.

   Therefore, the Qin army was still unable to attack for a long time when it had the upper hand.

  The city is condescending, and below the city wall is a **** more than one mile long. If the Qin army wants to attack the city wall, they must first climb this slope.


  The Chu army arranged a large number of traps on this slope, and a large number of rolling wood and stones were arranged under the city wall at the top of the slope.

  Especially the rolling log was covered with iron nails, Wang Hong felt chills when he saw it.

  Qin Jun had to pay a heavy price just to climb this slope. Therefore, the number of times that the Qin army could actually attack the city wall after attacking for more than a month was very small.

  Since he climbed the city wall, Wang Hong has seen that the Qin army has been sending small groups of troops to carry out harassing attacks.

   Whenever the rolling stones are released, they run. There were also those who couldn't run and were crushed to death, and those who didn't die returned to destroy the rolling stone and cut off the rope on it.

  The rolling stones here are all tied with ropes, and after they are released, they can be pulled back with a potter's wheel and reused. Otherwise, throwing it like this every day would not be enough to demolish all the houses in the city.


  The Qin army's harassing war mainly wanted to consume the defenders' rolling wood and rocks, and explore the traps by the way.

  Until the evening, teams of civilians carried meals to various positions and distributed food to the soldiers.

  Wang Hong received a bowl of meat porridge and two big meat buns.

   Just took a bite. I heard a burst of horns coming from the Qin army's position on the hillside, and then heard a burst of drums. The Qin army came to Huju City in order following the sound of the drums.

The Qin army has strict military discipline, and its appearance is clean. Its movement is not fast, and it will stop every ten steps to organize its formation. ", the sound was like thunder, shaking people's ears.

  Many recruits who participated in the battle for the first time today were overwhelmed by its momentum, their faces turned pale, and their hands and feet trembled. The high-spirited spirit before joining the war has long since been lost.

  When Wang Hong saw this situation, he stuffed the buns into his mouth in two or three mouthfuls, and clenched the spear in his hand tightly. His knuckles turned white due to excessive force.

  At this time, at the position of rolling wood and beating stones under the city wall, the soldiers said "Let go" and waved the small flag in their hands downward. Countless rolling wood and rocks roared and rushed down.

  At this time, I saw the front row of the Qin army carrying out things that looked like Jumas, but they were much thicker than Jumas.

   This is the first time Qin Jun has used this thing, and it should be newly made. It is composed of three large wooden stakes joined together at one end to form a simple cone shape. The three wooden stakes at the bottom are like three legs, forming a stable triangular fulcrum.

  They put this thing in front of the formation, and the menacing rolling log could not move forward half a step when it hit the wooden stake, all of them were blocked by it, and only a few rocks rushed through the gap and rushed into the formation. But the casualties caused were limited. A few more rounds of rolling wood and stones were played, but there were not many results.

   At this time, the messenger sent a general order, asking them to go out of the city to fight. Over the years, Wang Hong has learned a lot about the art of war and tactics. Naturally, I also understand that the so-called defense of the city does not mean that we can only stick to the city wall and defend passively. You must also have the ability to go out of the city to fight, otherwise you will lose if you defend for a long time.

  Wang Hong and the others quickly rushed to the outside of the city to form an array. Wang Hong saw that the part of the soldiers who had already been rested had also gathered outside the city.

   Each of them formed a small square of one hundred people, led by a centurion. The outer row consists of sword and shield soldiers, the second, third, and fourth rows are pike soldiers, and Wang Hong is in the second row.

  Dozens of such small arrays form a large square array. There is a one-foot-wide passage between every two small formations, which is convenient for dispatching troops.

  If the enemy dares to enter the passage, they will be attacked by the phalanx on both sides, making the opponent unable to return.

   There are also several teams of cavalry located behind the formation, and the main general is in the center of the formation with a high platform for observation and command.

  While Wang Hong and the others lined up, several teams of archers had already rushed in front of them, and when the Qin army entered their range, they launched rounds of salvos.

  The Chu army is condescending and has an advantage in shooting bows and arrows. The Chu army's arrow rain fell into the Qin army's formation. Although the Qin army set up the shield in time, the shield could not protect everyone, and countless people were still hit by arrows.

  The Qin army's archers shot back but couldn't even reach the Chu army's toes, which caused the Chu army to burst into laughter.

  The Qin army organized the army without wasting arrows, and continued to advance against the Chu army's arrows. There were some casualties during the march, but they did not change their determination to advance, and they still shouted loudly.

   It's just that the deterrent to the Chu army is not as good as before. The Qin army advanced, while the Chu army's archers were shooting arrows while retreating alternately, always outside the range of the Qin army's range.

   In this way, the two sides have not yet fought, and the Qin army has suffered hundreds of casualties. Although it is not too much for a team of more than 10,000 people, it is not a small blow to its morale.

   On the side of the Chu army, except for an archer who sprained his foot when retreating, there were zero casualties.

  The archers of the Chu army retreated into the formation and continued to shoot at an elevation angle. At this time, the Qin army's arrow rain finally fell towards the Chu army's formation.

At this time, Wang Hong heard the "boom" "boom" and "boom" of his own war drum, which made everyone's blood boil, forgetting fear and death, following the rhythm of the war drum, facing the rain of arrows, and stepping forward go ahead.

  Some people from both camps fell down from time to time, but it did not affect the progress of both sides in the slightest. There was also an arrow that fell on Wang Hong's body. With Wang Hong's cultivation of the seventh level of "Horizontal Liuhe Kung Fu", there was nothing left to tickle him.

  The two torrents, one green and one black, finally collided together, splashing blood in patches. The sound of gold and iron intersecting, the sound of knives and guns piercing flesh, and the screams were all drowned out by the sound of killing and the sound of big drums.

  Under the influence of this kind of aura, everyone was red-eyed and excited, and only wanted to kill the enemy on the opposite side, without caring about their own lives.

Wang Hong pierced the heart of a pike soldier on the opposite side with a spear, and the spear brought out a cloud of blood. The pike soldier didn't realize it, and continued to stab Wang Hong with his spear. Unfortunately, the long spear only pierced halfway, and then hung down powerlessly. . Can only be unwilling to slowly fall down.

  The soldier fell, and a soldier quickly took his place from behind. He was shot through again and died unexpectedly.

  When the fifth person was added, this person saw that the first four were killed with only one move, so he dodged and did not dare to go forward to die.

  Wang Hong didn't care about him, and took the opportunity to shoot several nearby Qin soldiers down. In front of a congenital master like Wang Hong, these little soldiers have no enemies at all, and Wang Hong has a feeling of bullying children.

  But Wang Hong will not be merciful. If he kills one more, the pressure on his comrades will be reduced and the survival rate will be higher.

  The opponent's phalanx quickly added a few soldiers in front of Wang Hong, who were quickly stabbed to death by Wang Hong.

  When the soldiers who made up for the fourth time were stabbed to death by Wang Hong, the centurion Fang found an opportunity to take advantage of it and ordered the formation to be changed from a square formation to a cone formation.

  Wang Hong acted as the striker, with the centurion as the flank, and the overall formation was in an inverted "V" shape. Wang Hong raised his spear and charged towards the opponent's formation, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, no one can stop him.

  Others guard the wings and cut into the butter like a hot knife.

   Kill to the opponent's formation, when it is about to kill it. I saw a burly man standing in front of him, holding a mountain axe, wearing a half body armor, and a breast shield on his chest.

   Seeing Wang Hong coming to kill him, without further ado, he slashed at Huashan Mountain with all his strength. Wang Hong raised his gun to block it, and his palms were slightly numb from the shock. Wang Hong secretly sighed, "What strength!"

  Generally acquired warriors have six to nine hundred catties of strength, and innate warriors can break through one thousand catties of strength. But there are also some people who are born with supernatural power or practice special skills, and they can break through the power of a thousand catties in the acquired stage.

  The "Horizontal Liuhe Kungfu" practiced by Wang Hong is only strong in defense, not strength. So far, his strength is only a little over a thousand catties.
