Chapter 14 14. Bai Yuzhi

  In the lush forest of Qingyun Mountains, five people, four men and one woman, were walking slowly. The strong young man who opened the way ahead stopped, turned around and asked, "There are fierce beasts coming and going, should we go on?"

   Fierce beasts are not comparable to ordinary beasts. The weakest beasts have the strength of entry-level warriors, and some powerful beasts can even reach the strength of innate warriors.

  After some discussion, the five of them decided to move on. Among the five, Wang Hong has reached the acquired state, Hua Wenjue has reached entry level for many years, and the other three have also reached entry-level warriors. When encountering one or two fierce beasts, five people are confident that they can solve it easily.

   Besides, one of the purposes of the five people coming out this time is to hone their combat skills and increase their combat experience. The second is to hunt fierce beasts, pick some rare medicinal materials, and exchange some money.

  Among the five, only Hua Wenjue's family is rich and not short of money, Wang Hong has some money but dare not reveal it, and the other three usually have to find ways to earn some money by themselves to maintain their training needs. A place where there are fierce beasts also means that there are few people and there will be better harvests.

  The five people went forward again, and the harvest gradually increased. The medicinal materials harvested were temporarily kept by Li Xiaoya, and they were distributed according to everyone's contribution in the end. Wang Hong and Hua Wenjue, who are stronger, are mainly responsible for vigilance, while the other three are mainly responsible for collection.


  Suddenly, Li Xiaoya pointed to the opposite cliff, and said pleasantly: "Look! There is a white clump over there that seems to be Bai Yuzhi."

   Everyone looked in the direction she pointed, and sure enough, there was a white clump looming under the vines on the opposite cliff. Wang Hong has a lot of research on medicine, so he recognized it at a glance. The white clump is Bai Yuzhi.

  Bai Yuzhi is known as the holy medicine for healing, and Bai Yu San uses Bai Yuzhi that is five to ten years old as the main medicine. It is said that the hundred-year-old Bai Yuzhi, even if she is seriously injured and dying, can recover as long as she has one breath. Owning a high-year Bai Yuzhi is equal to an extra life.

It’s just that Bai Yuzhi has extremely high requirements on the growth environment, and you can often see it within ten years, but most of Bai Yuzhi can only grow to ten years before withering and dying. Only a very few Bai Yuzhi can live to fifty years under special circumstances. above. It is even more difficult to grow to a hundred years old.

  Ten years ago, an 80-year-old Bai Yuzhi plant appeared.

   Several people approached the cliff and looked up for a while. Lu Jingou was about to climb up the vines, but was grabbed by Wang Hong. Wang Hong picked up a few stones and threw them at the vines around Bai Yuzhi.


   "Bang bang bang!" There was a burst of rocks, and the vines and leaves flew.

  Suddenly the vines shook violently and rolled over. Then a huge snake head protruded from it, swallowing snake letters, staring at the few people with cold eyes.

  The few people looked nervous, and they backed away gently, and they didn't stop until they were more than ten feet away from the cliff. Lu Jingou was even more terrified at this time. If he had rushed up without any precautions just now, he would have been buried in the belly of a snake.

  The boa constrictor stared at it for a few breaths. Seeing that everyone backed away without any further movement, the snake head slowly retracted again.

   Several people discussed briefly for a while, and then made a coping strategy. Several people first found a pile of stones, and then threw stones to the cliff together.

After throwing a few stones, the snake's head stretched out again, and everyone then waved stones at the snake's head to greet them. Li Xiaoya also threw a small flying knife and hit the snake's neck. Unfortunately, the flying knife was too weak to enter. More than half an inch of meat. Although these few blows did not cause much damage, they were enough to enrage the boa constrictor.

  The boa constrictor twisted its thick waist like a bucket, and rushed towards them like a gust of wind, and felt a gust of wind blowing towards them before they got close. Seeing the boa constrictor chasing after him, Lu Jingou quickly bypassed it and slipped towards the cliff.

  The remaining four people divided into two groups and retreated alternately, leading the snake to an open field. Of the four, one or two of them restrained their attack, while the rest attacked from the side.

The snake head shot a stream of venom at Hua Wenjue, Hua Wenjue quickly jumped back, Wang Hong seized the opportunity to use the "Thunder Gun" three-fold wave from the side to seven inches, and the three-fold wave hit a point Simultaneously, three shots were fired to superimpose the power, specially dealing with some defensive opponents.

  The spear pierced half a foot deep, and the snake bit Wang Hong after suffering the pain. At the same time, Li Xiaoya also stabbed the snake's abdomen with a sword, opening a hole in its abdomen.

At the same time, the boa constrictor drew its tail towards her. Seeing this, Zhang Tiemao at the side quickly raised the thick-backed sword in his hand, and slashed at its drawn tail, cutting a **** a few inches deep on the boa constrictor's tail. .

  But the force of the huge snake tail's twitch was so powerful, even though Zhang Tiemao's knife slowed it down, it still pulled the two of them to the ground.

   At this time, the Lukin dog who had slipped away before was standing under the cliff and watching. He threw a few more stones onto the cliff, but there was no response. Then he grabbed the vine and climbed up flexibly like an ape.

  The boa constrictor pulled the two of them down, raised its tail high again, and threw it at them. The two of them fell to the ground. If it happened again, several bones would probably be broken.

  At this moment, a figure pulled the two of them a few feet away, and the tail of the boa constrictor slammed on the ground from beside them, sending earth and rocks flying.

   It turned out that it was Lu Jingou who went to steal medicinal materials and had already returned. At the critical moment, he gave them a hand in time.

   It was originally planned that the four of them would entangle the snake, and Lu Jingou would sneak over to collect the medicine. After collecting the medicine, if the giant snake can be killed, the five of them will work together to kill it, and if they lose, they will run away together. Now it seems that there should be no problem in killing him with the strength of five people.

  Seeing that Li Xiaoya and Zhang Tiemao were fine, Lu Jingou quickly joined the battle with a single sword, and his tactics were relatively flexible. Cut a knife from the abdomen, then quickly jumped away, when the snake's tail pulled out, he had already jumped to the side.

  Hua Wenjue saw the snake head attacking Wang Hong, so he also quickly killed him back. The five of them took turns to cooperate and attack in this way, and the coordination became more and more proficient. In less than a quarter of an hour, the giant python was already beaten with scars, lying on the ground waiting to die. The five Wang Hong only suffered some minor injuries.

  The five of them gained a lot this time, and Zhang Tiemao couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear for this giant snake alone. Fierce beasts are good things. The meat of ferocious beasts contains a lot of blood essence, which is a great tonic for warriors. Vicious hides are also good materials for making armor. It's just that although fierce beasts are expensive, they are not easy to kill. Snakes in particular have extremely strong vitality. If the five of them hadn't cooperated with each other tacitly, killing this boa constrictor would have cost a lot.

  In the clump of Bai Yuzhi that Lu Jingou picked back, there was actually a plant that was more than ten years old and nearly twenty years old, and several others were three to five years old, seven or eight years old.

  Hua Wenjue bought the more than ten-year-old Bai Yuzhi plant for fifty taels of silver, and gave each person ten taels of silver. Wang Hong got a Baiyu Zhi, a large piece of snake meat, and several other herbs.

   Several people returned to the academy with a lot of rewards, gathered together and ate a whole snake feast before leaving.

  Wang Hong returned to the small courtyard, and first entered the space to plant the newly obtained medicinal plants. A few days ago, the wine made from raspberries was ready. Wang Hong found gauze and filtered it again, and got two jars of purple-red fruit wine. Wang Hong tasted a small cup, and the taste was sweet and mellow. Seal the wine jar and continue aging, the wine will naturally become more fragrant as it ages.

   Wang Hong also tasted some of the ginseng wine and Ganoderma lucidum wine that he brewed earlier. It may be because of the divergent nature of the wine, the medicinal wine quickly spread out and traveled all over the body. If it is used for training, the medicinal power will dissipate too quickly, obviously it is not as effective as medicinal diet. But this kind of medicinal wine is used to eliminate physical fatigue and restore physical strength and internal strength.

  After these two battles, Wang Hong's marksmanship has improved. In addition, he also wants to practice another kind of foreign martial arts. To put it bluntly, foreign martial arts is the skill of being beaten, which can strengthen his defense.
